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Subject: Re: Locating person who served in B.Co 704TH MAINT BN. SERVICE AND EVAC SECTION Vietnam 1968-1970

gary king (happy)
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Date Posted: 21:11:13 05/09/09 Sat
In reply to: Steven F Constine 's message, "Locating person who served in B.Co 704TH MAINT BN. SERVICE AND EVAC SECTION Vietnam 1968-1970" on 19:03:43 03/16/01 Fri

>hi steve.you sre a voice from the past.don't know if you remeber me or not.i worked in the motor pool.with sgt.daffney.i was there from may 1969.we moved oin to basecamp then to an khe.thats where i came home from.it would be nice to know just how many of us are still around.i am 58yrs old now.i am a truck driver.and belive it or not.i have a 5 yr.old son.tell me what a PTSD claim is.i would be more than happy to help in any way i can.i have a lot of pics. i should put on the net.one is at an khe.we got hitt one night and my hooch was blowed up.anywaylook forward to hearing from you.its realy good to hear voices from the past.it made my day.SEE YA and stay well. gary t.king Looking for anyone from B.Co.704th at LZ Mary Lou
>1968, LZ Oasis( the O)1969-1970 , Camp Enari 1970 and
>An Kne 1970. I am trying to prove a PTSD claim with
>the VA have all the medical support I need, but they
>want more prove that we where actaly involed in
>combat, such as the attack in May Mothers day,1969
>which Gus Reynolds wrote of in War Stories, at
>Gus is helping me but any other support I could get
>would be a great Help. I've frought this problem for
>over 30 years and I can'nt do it alone anymore I need
>help. Have been days that I've thought of just
>checking out, but I want to live.
>Thanks for any help I can get.
>If you where with B with me drop a line just to say
>hi,love to hear from you.
>Steven Constine

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