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Subject: "Eve"

Jessica (November 20th, 2007)
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Date Posted: 17:01:35 12/02/07 Sun


The moon is something he gives me,
And I fetch water, pick the apples,
The moon he presents periodically
One by one, pearls slipped onto my strand
As though they were never mine
And I am shamed into wearing them,
One pearl, one moon, each month
Somehow a mark of his ownership
A blood bondswoman
Paid in trinkets, empty vessel
Picking apples, singing to myself.

When the apple trees bloom
Flush and pink,
Fragile and fragrant,
He plants his seedlings.

Across the orchard, I watch.
He pounds the earth
Rageful, forceful.
Exerting, sweating, burnt.
Drops his seedlings in the wounds of the earth.
Moves on.

The flowers fall off the trees
In showers as he passes.
Snows. Curtains.
I stand beneath them.
Note each white petal drop
And drift in his wake.

He planted the seedlings.
I tend them, and the others,
Singing to myself.

He watches now. His orchard.
I move beneath the green skies,
My songs tuneless.
As they grow round,
So too, do I.
As they grow red, I ripen.

He watches now. His orchard.
His seedlings.
And when we bear,
He will call the fruit his own.


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