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Subject: Sing me a lullaby

Janel (10th December, 2007 - chosen by Andy)
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Date Posted: 15:07:26 12/11/07 Tue

Sing me a lullaby

Sing me a lullaby,
a sweet melody,
silence my nerves and purify;
lull me into tranquility.

Trill me a tune,
a peaceful symphony,
appease my broken heart of ruin
with the serene harmony.

Play me a song,
a sentimental piece,
mellow the pain, help me feel strong;
gentle music, please don’t cease.

Hum me a chime,
a soothing attunement,
mollify the hurt, take away the grime
with a symphonic arrangement.

Strum me a ballad,
a tender expression,
pacify my cries, let me clear my head;
just sing, without explanation.

Sing me a lullaby,
a soft melody,
lull me to sleep; do hushaby
with peaceful music, sweet serenity.

© jah 2001


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