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Subject: Lillian

Francis Duggan (22nd December, 2007 chosen by Janel)
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Date Posted: 14:55:01 12/23/07 Sun


I know a woman and her name is Lillian
A dear kind soul she has a 'heart of gold'
She has three children one had schizophrenia
And he died young just twenty five years old.

For years and years her son was so unhappy
He heard strange and weird voices in his head
For years he felt downhearted and suicidal
And he seemed to lose the will to live she said.

If her son had lived next year he would be forty
And 'twas not of natural causes that he died
For years he battled against mental illness
Which finally led him to commit suicide.

He rang his mother Lillian from Adelaide
He rang me she said just to say goodbye
His death to say the least not unexpected
For many years he had this wish to die.

She said his death was by choice his decision
From his affliction he found a release
His hell was life and living caused him torture
And in his death my son found his own peace

I know a woman and her name is Lillian
And her story a story to inspire
And she feels happy despite all she has been through
And she is one i can't help but admire.


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