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Subject: Riding Waves

Shalah (28th December, 2007 chosen by Janel
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Date Posted: 20:00:45 12/29/07 Sat

Riding Waves

Riding waves, (they come, you know)
the high swells break to lowest lows.
Thrill seekers look for waves like these.
I much prefer a gentle breeze.
But waves of life sweep over me
and I will ride them carefully
Because we often fail to see
the shoreline coming steadily.
But land I will on solid ground
and then when I am heaven bound
I'll look for you the very first.
You who quenched a soul deep thirst.
You whose light was my north star,
Who watched me walk this path thus far.
You who will forever be
the voice that speaks inside of me
Urging me on to my best self.
You have brought lifes greatest wealth.
And so these waves, (they come... they do!)
Will one day bring me home... to you.


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