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Subject: Southerly Wind

Paul (22nd January, 2008 chosen by Janel)
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Date Posted: 13:23:31 01/23/08 Wed

Southerly Wind

The wind is blowing from the south,
Not unusual for the time of year,
It whistles through the cracks and gaps,
Letting me know it’s intent,
I sit alone, feeling every cutting breath,
Longing for some warm body to come,
Comfort me in snuggled chat perhaps,
Or make love in front of roaring flames,
To see the glow of love in their eyes,
The glow of wine in their cheeks,
To feel wanted and secure with life,
Yet I am only reaching into the dark,
The fire burns, yet not with lust,
Merely embers dulled by the hour,
As that chill wind creeps along the hall,
Calling to me, to taunt and chide,
“You are alone, you are alone”
I climb the stairs to my bedroom,
Slip beneath the cool cotton sheets,
With thoughts of what I want from life,
Of exotic birds in endless flight,
That speak of love with smouldering eyes,
Yet I am still alone,
Save the salted tears that meander my cheeks,
Pooling in the creases of my pillow,
Like large lakes of sorrow,
I listen to my heart, it is still beating,
Yet how I long to hear my lovers heart,
As we beat in time, breathless and ragged,
I will let sleep take me,
In dreams I can be free of this chill southerly,
Yet I still hear it’s muted cries,
“You are alone, You are alone”.

© Paul Osborne 2007.


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