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Subject: Tabby Ticklewhiskers and Mow Mow Marmalade | |
Author: Stormheart (25th January, 2008 chosen by Sasha) |
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Date Posted: 18:06:33 01/26/08 Sat Tabby Ticklewhiskers and Mow Mow Marmalade Tabby Ticklewhiskers was a very dainty cat. Fleet of foot, soft of fur, her tail curled when she sat. Her coat was grey and silver swirls, her eyes were leafy green. She had the loooongest whiskers any cat had ever seen. Mow Mow Marmalade, now, was a ginger colored cat. A rough and tumble tom who made his home where he was at. His eyes were gold. His tail was bent-not too much, just a little. His ears were scarred from fighting. He was lean around the middle. Ticklewhiskers lived a life of luxury, I'm told, while Marmalade roamed streets where very few felines grow old. But fate stepped in, as 'oft she will, and played a cruel trick. Kitties get forgotten when family members get too sick. It wasnt' long 'til Tabby found herself hungry and cold. She didn't know the sign out front declared the house was sold. Day by day, more pitiful, she sat outside the door, until she finally realized 'They're gone forever more.' She licked her paws, washed her face and smoothed her soft fur down. Surely she must look her best, not drab and beaten down. Whiskers straight, her purr in place, she sauntered down the street. She looked around, gave not a thought to where she placed her feet. The day grew hot and Tabby sought some refuge from the sun. It wasnt' long before she found a street-a shady one. Ticklewhiskers, so naive, had stumbled on an alley, and waiting in the shadows was a tomcat named O'Malley. O'Malley was a nasty piece of business, to be sure. Tabby did not see him as she paused amidst the litter. She did not see his evil eyes begin to glow and glitter. Imagine her surprise when from the shadows on her right leaped the wretched tomcat. Gave poor Tabby quite a fright! But before O'Malley reached her, leapt a savior to the fray. Yes, 'twas Mow Mow Marmalade, there to save the day. Such caterwauling then ensued that Tabby hid in fright. The scuffle and the scurry lasted well into the night. The moon rose bright and shone upon ol' Marmalade, the winner. He found the frightened Tabby; said, 'Come on, lets grab some dinner.' Tabby watched with interest as Mow Mow Marmalade caught mice. 'Follow me,' he said to her. 'We'll eat them somewhere nice.' Off they darted through the night, Mow Mow led the way, and soon they found themselves beneath the boardwalk by the bay. Tabby did not know just how to thank the ginger cat. She'd never eaten mouse. Nor, for that matter, rat. He saw her hesitation. With a wink, he started munching. Hunger overcame her fear, and soon she, too, was crunching. Still unsure of what to say, Tabby started purring, and when Mow Mow purred along, her vision started blurring. Kitty tears soon filled her eyes. Mow Mow wiped them dry. "I thought I'd be alone, " she said, "until the day I die." 'Never fear, Ticklewhiskers, Tabby sweet. My love. You have been to me a very godsend from above. I was getting weary of my rough and tumble life. Ticklewhiskers, would you, dear, consent to be my wife?' Eyes aglow like emerald jewels, Tabby purred her yes. The moon shone down her magic glow, both kitties which to bless. Now Mow Mow Marmalade is not so battered, I am told, for Tabby Ticklewhiskers keeps him warm when nights grow cold. Shannon Mahalko (c) 3/6/2007 [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
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