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Subject: The rage of forgiveness

Ash (31st January, 2008 chosen by Janel)
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Date Posted: 13:38:29 02/03/08 Sun

The rage of forgiveness

I saw what you did to her
I was there as you watched,
Through your vodka misted eyes,
As she writhed in pain and
Her life began to leave her.

I remained the thorn
in your side and bore
the brunt of your hidden rage
I wore it with pride
someone had to do it.

For so long I have buried
Those dark feelings at the back
Of my heart, there in the shadows
Where I cannot see your name,
Under lock and key.

Today, just the sound,
Just the thought, of you,
Sends my stomach into
A nauseous knot of twisting
And churning and a stinging
Of burning tears to my

A place reserved for drops
Of emotion I decide to release,
How dare you bring them out.
How dare you beckon to them.
How dare you.

I will never know why.
I will never know how.
You could watch my mentor
My teacher, my friend
mother in my heart
Fade away and not care
Until someone came along
To watch your false pity
Curl the sly corners of your lips

Breath return to my chest
Tears don`t be wasted.
Bring calm to my racing heart
And show me the way to


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