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Subject: Re: Truth About Yolanda

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Date Posted: 07:29:22 01/20/08 Sun
In reply to: Please go away...no one cares nor does anyone believe this 's message, "Re: Truth About Yolanda" on 10:06:34 01/17/08 Thu

This board is based upon FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Posts were left up defending Yolanda, I can see quite a few of them. The posts were all made by you, many times trying to mask your true IP address. But we do have it on file now and you were more than once bashing Teandra. Certain posts are not let online because they were revealing information about the schools and current locations of Ms Makle's children. Someone also posted the divorce petition and that was not proper to do, so I did not let it be posted. Also, someone posted Teandra's divorce decree along with other information that was only told to one person and should not have been made public.
And as for your last part of the post:

>Why do you pick and chose? Because you are Teandrea
>Watson and that's why the negativity that is posted
>here posted for 15 mintues for the sake of her saying
>it was there and then it is deleted.

You and your saviour Ms Makle have again and again accused Teandra of being the mod of this board. You are so wrong it is pathetic, but get this, you do know who I am and I do know who you are. Why? Because this is how. Teandra told Yolanda about the Washington DC Verizon IP address and how on one of the posts I looked at on this board was signed "MD Petite Director & Now Friend". I told Teandra this and she went to Yolanda like "I know it's Peta!". And guess what Yolanda responded with "It's not Peta. It's Lakeisha Campbell" So the person you are trying to protect, let it be known who you are. And you can tell your friend that she is not and never will be privy to anything that is posted on here and it is my choice to send it to whomever I wish to send it to and she is not one that I will be sending it to.

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