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Subject: Excellent Customer Service

Larry Bommarito (Happy)
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Date Posted: 11:06:53 11/01/10 Mon

Dear Nicole,
My order of 500 pcs. .44 Russian brass arrived yesterday in fine condition, taking only two days to make the trip since being shipped, and only five days since submitting the order. I'd like to offer both my thanks and my congratulations for such a nearly-unheard-of level of efficient service. I've been a handloader and cartridge collector for just shy of fifty (count 'em, 50) years, so I've handled and inspected a lot of cartridge cases, and yours appear to be the full equal of any Winchester, Remington or Federal I've ever used. Can't wait to get some of them dirty in my Italian Smith & Wesson repro.
You have my permission to use my name and this letter if you wish.

Larry Bommarito

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