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Subject: 223 brass, 223 bullets 55grn,hpbt,w/c

louis Paccapaniccia ((The proof is in the Sauce))
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Date Posted: 09:54:23 01/14/09 Wed

Thank you Top Brass, I purchased your 223 brass, and your 223 bullets and reloaded them with winchester 248 powder in my dillon. this made for a very nice load out of the newly purchased AR-15. I Went to the range and shot a five shot group at 50yards to sight in the red dot. Put all five just under bull at 6 O'clock. Perfect. Went to the 200 yard range and unloaded about 15 shots and hit the steel plate everytime. It's so enjoyable to squeeze the trigger, and hear the ping of the steel plate. Hey sports fans it you haven't tried a red dot yet I recomend getting one. Very easy target aquisition, I set my ar-15 up for 250 yard shots. Just place the dot on your target and say, "tango down,". next purchase when the money rolls in will be your already primed brass, thank you topp brass, your brass gave me less time on the reloading bench and more time on target. from the Zesty Italian.

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