Nakedness in Norwegian Schools - Historic Account and Current Practice
By Knut Holt
In Norwegian schools, in the 1900es there were many daily weekly, monthly or yearly occations where children from 6-15 had to be naked, but there seemed to be differnces from town to town, between towns and rural areas and from school to schools. Here is an account of the practice of having children naked in certain primary chools in Oslo, the capital of Norway, in the 1960es and 1970es.
Each class had a gym lesson at least every second day. Before the lesson all children had to strip naked and put on the gym clothes. After the lesson, the pupils once more stripped naked, took a shower, dryed themselves and then took on their street clothes. All this happeend in a common area where everybody could see each other, and under the supervision of the teacher.
Each saturday each class had a wash hour. They had to strip naked in a clothing room and then go into the washroom. They then had to stand in a tub and wash every part of the body systematically. A lady employed at the school superviced the washing procedure and also teached the pupils about proper washing.
All children were offered swimming lessons in the age of 11. Those did not occur in the school, but at several swim baths in the town. At a couple of these, the children had to be nude during the lessons.
Each year every child had a general physical exam totaly nude in the office of the school nurse. 3 students were called down and had to take off all clothes under the supervision of an authority person employed at the school. Then the authority person followed each students into the adjacent exam room one by one while the other two sat waiting. Then all parts of the body were looked over and examined. Most years the nurse alone performed the exam, but at 7 and 14 a doctor performed the exam.
When the nurse performed this exam, she only looked at the genitals and had the children bent forewrd during the scoliosis test in such a manner that she could also see the rectal opening. The doctor palpated the testicles at 7 and made a hernia test at 14. The doctor also spread the genital lips of the girls to look at the uretral and vaginal opening.
At some localities in Norway all children had at least one extensive pelvic exam, both boys and girls in the age level 5-7 and 11-14, organized through the school system.
These examinations conformed to a protocol and practice taking place at selected localities also in USA and other countries allied to USA, and the examination seemed to be a part of an international surveillance program of children that at least partly was held secret for the common public.
The exam at the early age typically took place at a local hospital or health center. At the preteen age it typically happened at a special area in the school consisting of a room for preparation and recovery and an exam room. The child was called in by a letter from the school nurse. A parent took himher up to the preparation room. Here all clothes were taken off. The child had to pee and then lay on an examination table. Here the child got som medicine to fall in sleep and hinder much of the memory about the exam. Once in sleep the bowel of the child was flushed clean.
The child was then brought to the adjacent examination room. What happened here, was inspection of the urethra and bladder with a cystosocpe, internal inspection of the vagina of girls and inspection of the lower digestive tract with a sigmoidoscope. This is perhaps the occation where the nakedness was at the extreme, because the student had to lay with hisher legs spread in stirrups.
The child was then brought back to the first room to wake up and recover. The exam took quite a long time, fully 4 hours, and it seems that thay did two children each week. The exam was performed with a nurse and coctor coming from a health center and with the same authority person employed at the school to help.
The child was not told beforhand what was to happen. This exam began much like an ordinary school physical, and all children were used to be naked during these physicals, so the children did nor suspect much. The anesthesia which was adimistered by a shot took gradually effect and the more intimate parts of the exam took place when the anesthesia was in full effect. Also it seems that one used ample doses of numbing medicines in the body openings during the prepartions and that everything was done extremely cautiously so that the child should not feel any pain or symptoms afterwards.
Still children often could remember glimpses from the procedures. What most often was remembered were intsruments being inserted and that they lay totally naked with their legs widely spread. The medication that the children got, was however of a sort that made them mostly uninterested in the ordeals taking place, and uninterested in thinking and talking about things they remembered afterwards.
Those of the children that remembered something seemed to have the attitude that this was something necessary for all children to go through and not anything to question further about.
Nowadays the exam program is less standardized and each child is treated more individually. There are still exams in the school health service at specific age levels, but what is done at these exams vary much according to the need one thinks that the child has.
Parents and the children themselves get a lot of information material about these exams and when they will occur, but the material tells very little about the types of exams that might be done, it is like the school health service have a policy of secrecy.
Often teachers send children to the school health service for a special assessment if there is something of concern, and Norwegian teachers are very eager to look for deviations that give reason for some special concern.
Also the parents or the child himself can ask for an exam. After such an initial exam, the child is most often refered further to a hospital and health center for a more thorrough assessment. The assesments that seem to be most frequent are:
- Pelvic assesment, often under general anesthesia or deep sedation, with endoscopic inspection through the urethra, vagina and anus. Usually all these inspections are done, but not necessarily at the same session. The inspection through the anus will often be a full colonoscopy.
- Assessment of eyes, ears, vision and hearing.
- Orthopedic assessment.
- Psychological assessment.
- Neurological assessment.
Few Norwegian children go through their schooltime without being refered to at least one of these assessment types. If a child goes through a psychological, orthopedic and neurological assessment, heshe is likely to go through the endosopic pelvic procedures as the next step.
One of the most frequent concern schools, parents and child protective agencies have regarding children, is that the child is subjected for sexual abuse, being subjected to vieolence or to negelct. The Norwegion society alo defines these things very videly.
The Norwegian society has established a system of instiitutions that children are refered to if one suspects even vagely that some kind of abuse has taken place. What happens in these institutions is as followe:
- A general exam of the whoole body
- A pelvic exam including genitals and anus, with specimen taking from the intimate openings.
- Psychological assessment
- Interrogation of the child by policed agencies
- Research
Thee establishemnts have an examination room equipped much like a gynecological office.
By the examinations, pictures are taken of the body and pelvic area of the child and the authorities will keep these pictures for various use, including research.
It has been difficult for me to find out if anesthesia is ever used during these exams or inspection with endosopes are used in the urinary system or anus, but vaginal exam with speculum and other instruments occur.
I think, however, that more occurs than that decribed in open sources.
This link shows a picture of such an examination room:
By Knut Holt
For more interesting information about health, fitness and sexuality, please go to this page:
By the way, did doctors/nurses ever put you to sleep in a hospital, health center or even at school, and were not told what they did with you under the anesthesia, or you suspect more happened than the things that were told, pleace take this poll.
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Get rid of bed breath.(gdes-311) -- Shahrukh, 11:46:42 09/11/09 Fri [1]
Bad breath (halitosis) is a common problem which often comes from the activity of bacteria in the mouth. Although there is no way of knowing for sure, most adults probably suffer from bad breath occasionally, with perhaps a quarter suffering on a regular basis. Bad breath is a sure-fire way to send potential suitors scrambling for the exits. Chances are, that yummy chicken you enjoyed at lunch is still hanging around in your mouth, which can cause less-than-pleasant-smelling bacteria to form, especially on your tongue. Our bad-breath weapon of choice is a tongue scraper, which some say resembles a medieval torture implement but is actually a disposable U-shaped plastic tool with tiny ridges on one side. It's very easy to use, and it will help clear away any leftover food and odor-causing bacteria that have settled on your tongue. Starting at the back of your mouth, gently drag the scraper along your tongue two or three times, rinsing it in between each pass. visit:
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Different languages(gdes-311) -- Shahrukh, 22:53:11 09/08/09 Tue [1]
Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies.At the municipal level, the availability of services in both official languages varies greatly. visit:
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Different Languages.(gdeh459) -- Haider, 14:05:36 09/03/09 Thu [1]
Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies.At the municipal level, the availability of services in both official languages varies greatly. visit:
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Get rid of bed breath.(gdes-474) -- mohammad shakil, 20:19:59 08/29/09 Sat [1]
Bad breath (halitosis) is a common problem which often comes from the activity of bacteria in the mouth. Although there is no way of knowing for sure, most adults probably suffer from bad breath occasionally, with perhaps a quarter suffering on a regular basis. Bad breath is a sure-fire way to send potential suitors scrambling for the exits. Chances are, that yummy chicken you enjoyed at lunch is still hanging around in your mouth, which can cause less-than-pleasant-smelling bacteria to form, especially on your tongue. Our bad-breath weapon of choice is a tongue scraper, which some say resembles a medieval torture implement but is actually a disposable U-shaped plastic tool with tiny ridges on one side. It's very easy to use, and it will help clear away any leftover food and odor-causing bacteria that have settled on your tongue. Starting at the back of your mouth, gently drag the scraper along your tongue two or three times, rinsing it in between each pass. visit:
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Different languages(Gdes479) -- Shabbir, 14:56:09 08/27/09 Thu [1]
Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies.At the municipal level, the availability of services in both official languages varies greatly. visit:
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Be a Search Engine Marketers.(gdeh459) -- haider, 02:19:09 08/27/09 Thu [1]
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Get rid of bed breath.(Gdes479) -- Shabbir, 10:48:08 08/26/09 Wed [1]
Bad breath (halitosis) is a common problem which often comes from the activity of bacteria in the mouth. Although there is no way of knowing for sure, most adults probably suffer from bad breath occasionally, with perhaps a quarter suffering on a regular basis. Bad breath is a sure-fire way to send potential suitors scrambling for the exits. Chances are, that yummy chicken you enjoyed at lunch is still hanging around in your mouth, which can cause less-than-pleasant-smelling bacteria to form, especially on your tongue. Our bad-breath weapon of choice is a tongue scraper, which some say resembles a medieval torture implement but is actually a disposable U-shaped plastic tool with tiny ridges on one side. It's very easy to use, and it will help clear away any leftover food and odor-causing bacteria that have settled on your tongue. Starting at the back of your mouth, gently drag the scraper along your tongue two or three times, rinsing it in between each pass. visit:
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Different languages(GDES-473) -- SEEMA, 00:49:46 08/16/09 Sun [1]
Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies.At the municipal level, the availability of services in both official languages varies greatly. visit:
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Get rid of bed breath.(gdem277) -- Mansoor Ahmed, 21:00:38 08/13/09 Thu [1]
Bad breath (halitosis) is a common problem which often comes from the activity of bacteria in the mouth. Although there is no way of knowing for sure, most adults probably suffer from bad breath occasionally, with perhaps a quarter suffering on a regular basis. Bad breath is a sure-fire way to send potential suitors scrambling for the exits. Chances are, that yummy chicken you enjoyed at lunch is still hanging around in your mouth, which can cause less-than-pleasant-smelling bacteria to form, especially on your tongue. Our bad-breath weapon of choice is a tongue scraper, which some say resembles a medieval torture implement but is actually a disposable U-shaped plastic tool with tiny ridges on one side. It's very easy to use, and it will help clear away any leftover food and odor-causing bacteria that have settled on your tongue. Starting at the back of your mouth, gently drag the scraper along your tongue two or three times, rinsing it in between each pass. visit:
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Get rid of bed breath.(GDES-473) -- seema, 10:20:25 08/13/09 Thu [1]
Bad breath (halitosis) is a common problem which often comes from the activity of bacteria in the mouth. Although there is no way of knowing for sure, most adults probably suffer from bad breath occasionally, with perhaps a quarter suffering on a regular basis. Bad breath is a sure-fire way to send potential suitors scrambling for the exits. Chances are, that yummy chicken you enjoyed at lunch is still hanging around in your mouth, which can cause less-than-pleasant-smelling bacteria to form, especially on your tongue. Our bad-breath weapon of choice is a tongue scraper, which some say resembles a medieval torture implement but is actually a disposable U-shaped plastic tool with tiny ridges on one side. It's very easy to use, and it will help clear away any leftover food and odor-causing bacteria that have settled on your tongue. Starting at the back of your mouth, gently drag the scraper along your tongue two or three times, rinsing it in between each pass. visit:
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada.(gder421) -- Muhammad Raza, 08:55:30 08/01/09 Sat [1]
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit:
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Different languages(gdea407) -- Atif Hussain, 02:56:57 07/23/09 Thu [1]
Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies.At the municipal level, the availability of services in both official languages varies greatly. visit:
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Be a Search Engine Marketers.(285) -- sadia, 14:03:29 07/06/09 Mon [1]
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .
Addmission is very limited .
Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .
For ore details:
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Different languages(XXX) -- Anum Khan, 22:27:54 07/03/09 Fri [1]
Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies.At the municipal level, the availability of services in both official languages varies greatly. visit:
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Different languages(OEMarchLa-5985243-9) -- Shabahat, 07:08:21 05/09/09 Sat [1]
Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies.At the municipal level, the availability of services in both official languages varies greatly. visit:
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General information of Canada (KDEM-1111) -- Muhammad Saqib Hanif Mughal, 01:45:03 04/10/09 Fri [1]
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit:
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada.(odjan2222) -- m.rameez, 00:08:14 03/24/09 Tue [1]
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit:
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General information of Canada(ods2180) -- Adeel, 08:34:46 03/18/09 Wed [1]
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit:
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General information of Canada. (KDEM-1110) -- M Naeem Sabir, 19:24:06 03/17/09 Tue [1]
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit:
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Different languages(XXX) -- waheed, 16:52:33 03/17/09 Tue [1]
Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies.At the municipal level, the availability of services in both official languages varies greatly. visit:
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General information of Canada -- asifzahid, 06:44:33 03/17/09 Tue [1]
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit:
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General information of Canada -- zahid, 01:57:21 03/04/09 Wed [1]
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit:
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General information of Canada.(KDEM-1110) -- zafar iqbal, 03:30:27 02/23/09 Mon [1]
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit:
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada.(KDEM-1110) -- Zafar Iqbal, 20:21:02 02/19/09 Thu [1]
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit:
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada. (KDEN-1119) -- nahid, 17:04:10 02/19/09 Thu [1]
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit:
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada. (ods1908 ) -- sohail ahmed, 13:25:33 02/19/09 Thu [1]
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit:
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada.(KWSR-390) -- Ronald Gill, 10:11:04 02/19/09 Thu [1]
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit:
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Track For You (ODF2256) -- TAUSIF BAIG, 08:33:50 02/19/09 Thu [1]
Reward yourself regularly, (don't use food as a reward) buy a new outfit, get a new hair style, even if it's just a grin of approval in the mirror. Don't weigh yourself every day. Instead, get on the weight scales once a week to avoid discouragement.
Instead of obsessing over your weight, keep track of your waist measurement, body fat percentage or clothing size. Have 2 pieces of clothing to help you track your progress. ! that's way too tight and one that fits perfectly at the start of your diet. Try them on every 4 weeks. Create a small graph like the one below with one line that shows your weekly target progress and the other that shows your actual progress. Make your target progress very realistic, say 1lb a week so that you can easily exceed it and keep highly motivated.. visit:
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Track For You (ODF2256) -- mirza tausif baig, 10:15:48 02/14/09 Sat [1]
Reward yourself regularly, (don't use food as a reward) buy a new outfit, get a new hair style, even if it's just a grin of approval in the mirror. Don't weigh yourself every day. Instead, get on the weight scales once a week to avoid discouragement.
Instead of obsessing over your weight, keep track of your waist measurement, body fat percentage or clothing size. Have 2 pieces of clothing to help you track your progress. ! that's way too tight and one that fits perfectly at the start of your diet. Try them on every 4 weeks. Create a small graph like the one below with one line that shows your weekly target progress and the other that shows your actual progress. Make your target progress very realistic, say 1lb a week so that you can easily exceed it and keep highly motivated.. visit:
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada.(KWSR-390) -- Ronald Gill, 04:52:37 02/13/09 Fri [1]
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit:
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Why stop on craving food (ODF2256) -- mirza tausif baig, 06:34:56 02/10/09 Tue [1]
Craving chocolate? Eat a banana. It sometimes satisfies the yearning for chocolate and is much less fattening. Chew sugarless gum. It speeds up the digestive system, burning more calories, and sometimes kills a craving. Exercise! Your appetite will temporarily subside and you'll feel better about taking such a proactive approach. Still craving chocolate? Try a magnesium supplement. Many women are deficient in this mineral, which is found in chocolate. Craving fatty foods? Eat fish, or take a fish oil or flaxseed oil supplement. You may be low in essential fatty acids. Grab something to drink. Sometimes, cravings for food are really thirst in disguise. Sweet tooth? Protein, fat and fiber keep blood sugar levels more even and help keep such cravings under control. Watch your caffeine intake. Caffeine seems to make sugar cravings worse. If your will power weakens at night, try leaving the lights on until the minute you go to bed. Dimmed lights tend to lower inhibitions. Turn off the lights in your kitchen and avoid hanging out there. visit:
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada.(ODD2226) -- Zeshan Habib, 05:56:59 02/04/09 Wed [1]
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit:
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada.(KWSR-390) -- Ronald Gill, 10:05:09 02/03/09 Tue [1]
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit:
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada.(XXX) -- Asif Ali, 13:45:24 01/31/09 Sat [1]
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit:
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Employment in regulated professions and trades in Canada.(ODA2170) -- Karim Khiyani, 07:06:42 01/30/09 Fri [1]
In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province. for more information visit:
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Hands beauty care your nails. NSJAN1234 -- Owais, 08:55:37 01/28/09 Wed [1]
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit:
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Be a Search Engine Marketers.(KWSR-436) -- Raheed, 05:46:19 01/28/09 Wed [1]
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .
Addmission is very limited .
Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .
For ore details:
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Be a Search Engine Marketers.(KDEF-398) -- Fahad, 05:18:45 01/28/09 Wed [1]
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .
Addmission is very limited .
Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .
For ore details:
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Be a Search Engine Marketers.(KDEA-486) -- Atif Ghaffar, 04:39:35 01/28/09 Wed [1]
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .
Addmission is very limited .
Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .
For ore details:
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Be a Search Engine Marketers.(kwsr-390) -- ronald gill, 03:16:35 01/28/09 Wed [1]
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .
Addmission is very limited .
Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .
For ore details:
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Hands beauty care your nails. (ODD2225) -- anwar ahmed khan, 02:37:53 01/28/09 Wed [1]
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit:
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Hands beauty care your nails. (ODJ2246) -- Malik Mohammad Zahid, 01:13:53 01/28/09 Wed [1]
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit:
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Hands beauty care your nails. (ODD2226) -- Zeshan Habib, 22:51:02 01/27/09 Tue [1]
Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit:
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General information of Canada(KDEF-398) -- Fahad, 13:47:27 01/23/09 Fri [1]
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit:
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General information of Canada(kwsr-390) -- ronald gill, 13:26:57 01/23/09 Fri [1]
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit:
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General information of Canada(OEJAN2226) -- M. Uzair, 04:56:40 01/16/09 Fri [1]
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit:
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General information of Canada(KWSI-339) -- irum, 17:00:12 01/15/09 Thu [1]
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit:
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General information of Canada(KDEF-398) -- Fahad, 13:03:54 01/15/09 Thu [1]
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit:
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General information of Canada (ODD2225) -- ANWAR AHMED KHAN, 11:10:14 01/15/09 Thu [1]
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit:
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General information of Canada(KDEM-434) -- sajid, 08:38:23 01/15/09 Thu [1]
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit:
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How to speed up metabolism ODD2225 -- Anwar Ahmed Khan, 15:23:00 01/13/09 Tue [1]
Don't skip breakfast. You will lose weight more quickly if you have a bite to eat in the morning. Drink hot water with lemon Eat hot meals rather than cold. Your metabolism speeds up very slightly when you eat and again if the food is hot. Do at least thirty minutes of cardiovascular exercise, five days a week. This will condition you to burn fat more efficiently. Don't deprive your body of carbohydrates, no matter what they say.
You need carbs for energy and will feel terrible without them. Wear a pedometer and see that you take 1,000 steps every day. If you have a sit-down job, get up every hour and walk around for five minutes or so. Dedicate two hours a week to weight training, concentrating on the larger muscles. Every other day is optimal. visit:
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How to speed up metabolism (KWSI-339) -- irum, 12:56:25 01/13/09 Tue [1]
Don't skip breakfast. You will lose weight more quickly if you have a bite to eat in the morning. Drink hot water with lemon Eat hot meals rather than cold. Your metabolism speeds up very slightly when you eat and again if the food is hot. Do at least thirty minutes of cardiovascular exercise, five days a week. This will condition you to burn fat more efficiently. Don't deprive your body of carbohydrates, no matter what they say.
You need carbs for energy and will feel terrible without them. Wear a pedometer and see that you take 1,000 steps every day. If you have a sit-down job, get up every hour and walk around for five minutes or so. Dedicate two hours a week to weight training, concentrating on the larger muscles. Every other day is optimal. visit:
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How to speed up metabolism (OEJ2225) -- Asad, 11:01:43 01/13/09 Tue [1]
Don't skip breakfast. You will lose weight more quickly if you have a bite to eat in the morning. Drink hot water with lemon Eat hot meals rather than cold. Your metabolism speeds up very slightly when you eat and again if the food is hot. Do at least thirty minutes of cardiovascular exercise, five days a week. This will condition you to burn fat more efficiently. Don't deprive your body of carbohydrates, no matter what they say.
You need carbs for energy and will feel terrible without them. Wear a pedometer and see that you take 1,000 steps every day. If you have a sit-down job, get up every hour and walk around for five minutes or so. Dedicate two hours a week to weight training, concentrating on the larger muscles. Every other day is optimal. visit:
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How to speed up metabolism (KDEM-434) -- Sajid, 06:21:06 01/13/09 Tue [1]
Don't skip breakfast. You will lose weight more quickly if you have a bite to eat in the morning. Drink hot water with lemon Eat hot meals rather than cold. Your metabolism speeds up very slightly when you eat and again if the food is hot. Do at least thirty minutes of cardiovascular exercise, five days a week. This will condition you to burn fat more efficiently. Don't deprive your body of carbohydrates, no matter what they say.
You need carbs for energy and will feel terrible without them. Wear a pedometer and see that you take 1,000 steps every day. If you have a sit-down job, get up every hour and walk around for five minutes or so. Dedicate two hours a week to weight training, concentrating on the larger muscles. Every other day is optimal. visit:
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How to speed up metabolism (OEJAN2226) -- M. Uzair, 02:34:49 01/13/09 Tue [1]
Don't skip breakfast. You will lose weight more quickly if you have a bite to eat in the morning. Drink hot water with lemon Eat hot meals rather than cold. Your metabolism speeds up very slightly when you eat and again if the food is hot. Do at least thirty minutes of cardiovascular exercise, five days a week. This will condition you to burn fat more efficiently. Don't deprive your body of carbohydrates, no matter what they say.
You need carbs for energy and will feel terrible without them. Wear a pedometer and see that you take 1,000 steps every day. If you have a sit-down job, get up every hour and walk around for five minutes or so. Dedicate two hours a week to weight training, concentrating on the larger muscles. Every other day is optimal. visit:
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How to speed up metabolism (ODD2226) -- Zeshan Habib, 02:16:17 01/13/09 Tue [1]
Don't skip breakfast. You will lose weight more quickly if you have a bite to eat in the morning. Drink hot water with lemon Eat hot meals rather than cold. Your metabolism speeds up very slightly when you eat and again if the food is hot. Do at least thirty minutes of cardiovascular exercise, five days a week. This will condition you to burn fat more efficiently. Don't deprive your body of carbohydrates, no matter what they say.
You need carbs for energy and will feel terrible without them. Wear a pedometer and see that you take 1,000 steps every day. If you have a sit-down job, get up every hour and walk around for five minutes or so. Dedicate two hours a week to weight training, concentrating on the larger muscles. Every other day is optimal. visit:
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General information of Canada(ODD2226) -- Zeshan Habib, 06:01:50 01/03/09 Sat [1]
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit:
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General information of Canada(KDEF-398) -- Fahad, 14:36:07 12/29/08 Mon [1]
Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit:
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What is slimmer face(ODO2210) -- mehmood, 06:20:20 11/18/08 Tue [1]
Make-up timeline : To ensure your eyes stay healthy and free of infection when using make-up, heed the following due-date rules. Throw out your mascara after three months, powder eye shadows every nine to 18 months, and cream eye shadows every six to 12 months. Sharpen your eyeliners often to keep them clean.
Mascara mistakes: To avoid mascara flake-off or smudging on your face, apply a thin cost of mascara to top lashes only. Then run an eyelash brush through lashes to prevent clumpy mascara build-up. Get a rosy glow: Want your face to radiate a healthy glow? Try using a gel blush or cream (instead of powder) in a rosy shade of pink to create a more natural look. Gels or creams are more transparent and blend smoothly rub it on the apples of your cheek and blend up towards the eye for a glowing complexion. Minute manicure: Need a fast fix for unpolished nails? File nails into a square shape, buff them to create a bit of shine and apply a clear coat of polish. Next rub in cuticle oil around the edges of the nail and moisturize your whole hand. It takes less than 15 minutes and will give your appearance a polished look. Brow etiquette: The trend in eyebrows for this season is natural looking, not sparse and skinny. Use a tinted brow definer or eyeshadow to fill in scanty brows. Fix tired feet: Pamper your tired feet with a luxurious footbath. Fill a basin with warm water and add a few drops of essential oils. Next place marbles or small stones (found at your local garden centre) into the basin. Run your toes and soles of your feet over the marbles, and relax for 15 minutes. visit:
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What is slimmer face. (KDEH-328) -- Hassan, 15:50:43 11/17/08 Mon [1]
Make-up timeline : To ensure your eyes stay healthy and free of infection when using make-up, heed the following due-date rules. Throw out your mascara after three months, powder eye shadows every nine to 18 months, and cream eye shadows every six to 12 months. Sharpen your eyeliners often to keep them clean.
Mascara mistakes: To avoid mascara flake-off or smudging on your face, apply a thin cost of mascara to top lashes only. Then run an eyelash brush through lashes to prevent clumpy mascara build-up. Get a rosy glow: Want your face to radiate a healthy glow? Try using a gel blush or cream (instead of powder) in a rosy shade of pink to create a more natural look. Gels or creams are more transparent and blend smoothly rub it on the apples of your cheek and blend up towards the eye for a glowing complexion. Minute manicure: Need a fast fix for unpolished nails? File nails into a square shape, buff them to create a bit of shine and apply a clear coat of polish. Next rub in cuticle oil around the edges of the nail and moisturize your whole hand. It takes less than 15 minutes and will give your appearance a polished look. Brow etiquette: The trend in eyebrows for this season is natural looking, not sparse and skinny. Use a tinted brow definer or eyeshadow to fill in scanty brows. Fix tired feet: Pamper your tired feet with a luxurious footbath. Fill a basin with warm water and add a few drops of essential oils. Next place marbles or small stones (found at your local garden centre) into the basin. Run your toes and soles of your feet over the marbles, and relax for 15 minutes. visit:
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What is slimmer face (ODO2208) -- nasir, 07:41:12 11/17/08 Mon [1]
Make-up timeline: To ensure your eyes stay healthy and free of infection when using make-up, heed the following due-date rules. Throw out your mascara after three months, powder eye shadows every nine to 18 months, and cream eye shadows every six to 12 months. Sharpen your eyeliners often to keep them clean.
Mascara mistakes: To avoid mascara flake-off or smudging on your face, apply a thin cost of mascara to top lashes only. Then run an eyelash brush through lashes to prevent clumpy mascara build-up. Get a rosy glow: Want your face to radiate a healthy glow? Try using a gel blush or cream (instead of powder) in a rosy shade of pink to create a more natural look. Gels or creams are more transparent and blend smoothly rub it on the apples of your cheek and blend up towards the eye for a glowing complexion. Minute manicure: Need a fast fix for unpolished nails? File nails into a square shape, buff them to create a bit of shine and apply a clear coat of polish. Next rub in cuticle oil around the edges of the nail and moisturize your whole hand. It takes less than 15 minutes and will give your appearance a polished look. Brow etiquette: The trend in eyebrows for this season is natural looking, not sparse and skinny. Use a tinted brow definer or eye shadow to fill in scanty brows. Fix tired feet: Pamper your tired feet with a luxurious footbath. Fill a basin with warm water and add a few drops of essential oils. Next place marbles or small stones (found at your local garden centre) into the basin. Run your toes and soles of your feet over the marbles, and relax for 15 minutes. visit:
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Different languages(ODO22005h) -- Shakir ali, 20:50:21 11/07/08 Fri [1]
Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies.At the municipal level, the availability of services in both official languages varies greatly. visit:
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Be a Search Engine Marketers.(ODO22005H) -- Shakir ali, 08:13:50 11/06/08 Thu [1]
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .
Addmission is very limited .
Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .
For ore details:
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Be a Search Engine Marketers.(ODA22808) -- shah, 04:47:25 11/06/08 Thu [1]
The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .
and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .
Addmission is very limited .
Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .
For ore details:
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Need Web Solution. (ODO22005H) -- Shakir ali, 08:20:20 11/03/08 Mon [1]
MSK Enterprises is a multiple service providing Company especially for the people of Pakistan . From Web Designing to Consulting in Immigration or Computer Engineering Courses to Home Based Job, every aspects of Daily life to Business needs you can find in MSK Enterprises. Home Based Job was introduced in Karachi firstly by MSK Enterprises. From Last 10 years, MSK Enterprises provide Home Jobs specially designed for the Karachi 's most honorable House Makers and Students MSK Enterprises also give awareness of GOOGLE ADSENCE in Karachi . His slogan is DON'T DUMP YOUR WEBSITE, YOU CAN EARN FROM YOUR USELESS WEBSITE US$ 100 to US$ 500 A MONTH. M.S.K. Enterprises is a full-service, professional development firm that specializes in high quality Web Site Design, Graphics Design , Flash Animation , Ecommerce Website , 3D animation , print Adds , Website Redesign , Website Maintenance, Web Site Hosting, SEO, Flash and marketing solutions that stimulate your senses and provide refreshment for your eyes. At M.S.K Enterprises our Advertising Technology will maximize your internet advertising dollar by displaying your advertisement only on relevant web pages and pay per click search engines. By matching your selected keywords and channels to our content-rich affiliate sites and search engines, we can deliver highly targeted contextual ads that go well beyond any traditional advertising method. Our advertising service is set on an auction model where you may bid for placement ranking. for more information visit:
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Need Web Solution. (ODO2208) -- nasir, 07:29:29 11/03/08 Mon [1]
MSK Enterprises is a multiple service providing Company especially for the people of Pakistan . From Web Designing to Consulting in Immigration or Computer Engineering Courses to Home Based Job, every aspects of Daily life to Business needs you can find in MSK Enterprises. Home Based Job was introduced in Karachi firstly by MSK Enterprises. From Last 10 years, MSK Enterprises provide Home Jobs specially designed for the Karachi 's most honorable House Makers and Students MSK Enterprises also give awareness of GOOGLE ADSENCE in Karachi . His slogan is DON'T DUMP YOUR WEBSITE, YOU CAN EARN FROM YOUR USELESS WEBSITE US$ 100 to US$ 500 A MONTH. M.S.K. Enterprises is a full-service, professional development firm that specializes in high quality Web Site Design, Graphics Design , Flash Animation , Ecommerce Website , 3D animation , print Adds , Website Redesign , Website Maintenance, Web Site Hosting, SEO, Flash and marketing solutions that stimulate your senses and provide refreshment for your eyes. At M.S.K Enterprises our Advertising Technology will maximize your internet advertising dollar by displaying your advertisement only on relevant web pages and pay per click search engines. By matching your selected keywords and channels to our content-rich affiliate sites and search engines, we can deliver highly targeted contextual ads that go well beyond any traditional advertising method. Our advertising service is set on an auction model where you may bid for placement ranking. for more information visit:
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Get rid of bed breath.(KWSH-001) -- muhammad mustahsun, 07:23:45 11/03/08 Mon [1]
Bad breath (halitosis) is a common problem which often comes from the activity of bacteria in the mouth. Although there is no way of knowing for sure, most adults probably suffer from bad breath occasionally, with perhaps a quarter suffering on a regular basis. Bad breath is a sure-fire way to send potential suitors scrambling for the exits. Chances are, that yummy chicken you enjoyed at lunch is still hanging around in your mouth, which can cause less-than-pleasant-smelling bacteria to form, especially on your tongue. Our bad-breath weapon of choice is a tongue scraper, which some say resembles a medieval torture implement but is actually a disposable U-shaped plastic tool with tiny ridges on one side. It's very easy to use, and it will help clear away any leftover food and odor-causing bacteria that have settled on your tongue. Starting at the back of your mouth, gently drag the scraper along your tongue two or three times, rinsing it in between each pass. visit:
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How to speed up metabolism (KDDES-273) -- faisal, 05:25:51 10/27/08 Mon [1]
Don't skip breakfast. You will lose weight more quickly if you have a bite to eat in the morning. Drink hot water with lemon Eat hot meals rather than cold. Your metabolism speeds up very slightly when you eat and again if the food is hot. Do at least thirty minutes of cardiovascular exercise, five days a week. This will condition you to burn fat more efficiently. Don't deprive your body of carbohydrates, no matter what they say.
You need carbs for energy and will feel terrible without them. Wear a pedometer and see that you take 1,000 steps every day. If you have a sit-down job, get up every hour and walk around for five minutes or so. Dedicate two hours a week to weight training, concentrating on the larger muscles. Every other day is optimal. visit:
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How to speed up metabolism .(ODS1908) -- sohail ahmed, 04:49:01 10/27/08 Mon [1]
Don't skip breakfast. You will lose weight more quickly if you have a bite to eat in the morning. Drink hot water with lemon Eat hot meals rather than cold. Your metabolism speeds up very slightly when you eat and again if the food is hot. Do at least thirty minutes of cardiovascular exercise, five days a week. This will condition you to burn fat more efficiently. Don't deprive your body of carbohydrates, no matter what they say.
You need carbs for energy and will feel terrible without them. Wear a pedometer and see that you take 1,000 steps every day. If you have a sit-down job, get up every hour and walk around for five minutes or so. Dedicate two hours a week to weight training, concentrating on the larger muscles. Every other day is optimal. visit:
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Different languages(kadu-290) -- Uzair Mushtaq, 12:50:51 10/25/08 Sat [1]
Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies.At the municipal level, the availability of services in both official languages varies greatly. visit:
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Services provided during the site designing or maintenance.(ODO2204) -- habib, 03:21:30 10/23/08 Thu [1]
Content Writing: Writing and preparing content for the Web requires a different approach from writing and preparing content for print documents and publications. In addition, writing copy for the Web that grabs attention and gets the results you want takes special skill and attention, whether you're trying to sell products or services at a business or commercial site or if you just want to let people know the latest at your personal site. Our Web Content Writers have a different approach of writing your websites content attract viewer to visit more & more your site High-End Web Solutions: Our web designers will provide you a host of web design and web programming features that are unmatched in quality and provide you peace of mind.You can outsource your design and development requirements to Web Design Company and sit back and relax, our team will take care of the rest.Imaginative and Intuitive design solutions based on your company's profile and your business needs will help you leverage over your competitors. USABILITY & INTERFACE DESIGN:Here is where our designers come into place, providing you a site with greater usability and adherence to the W3C Standards and ensuring greater usability and easy access to the inner pages of the website to your visitors , who in turn may end up being potential customers. WEB SITE REDESIGN: Does your current site need a design overhaul? Do you desire to seriously re-assess your online presence? We can update your web site with new graphics and a new design template. Inspired Graphics Media can even provide you with interactive features, such as mailing list creation, discussion forum or feedback form. Our professional team will redesign your web site to truly reflect the message of your company. If necessary, we will also handle the transitioning of your web hosting and domain name. If you have an existing site that you feel needs "some help" please email us with the URL and we'll give you:- Free Consultation Discussion with your department head(s) to effectively document your company's goals and plans Cleaner, fresher-looking graphics and logos Optimization of all graphics for fastest download speed Content management and maintenance Addition of forms or scripts Added Search Engine Submissions for your site And much more! further information visit:
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Reduce Varicose Veins. (KDDS-294) -- Syed Ayazuddin, 13:38:46 10/22/08 Wed [1]
Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily
attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these
ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune.
Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There
are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict
blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them
before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged
standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises
daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking
Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose
veins shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the
University of Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause,
particularly after a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious
blood vessel disorders. visit:
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Reduce Varicose Veins. (KDDES-273) -- FAISAL, 09:12:48 10/22/08 Wed [1]
Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel disorders. visit:
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Reduce Varicose Veins. (KDEA-206) -- AMIR ABRO, 07:32:49 10/22/08 Wed [1]
Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel disorders. visit:
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Reduce Varicose Veins.(KWS-3203PMD) -- farhan, 07:24:31 10/22/08 Wed [1]
Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel disorders. visit:
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Reduce Varicose Veins.(ODO2198) -- zohaib, 06:39:43 10/22/08 Wed [1]
Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel disorders. visit:
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Web Solutions for those who has the website. (ODO2199) -- Ubaid, 05:38:28 10/22/08 Wed [1]
Our web designers and web developers have expertise and are diverse enough to provide unparallel web site development in accordance with your need specifications. Each of our custom web site designer and developer is committed to deliver a professional web site design development and all kind of web solutions to the highest level of customer satisfaction. We at M.S.K. Enterprises have a passion for delivering unique web page design to enhance our client's reputation; giving positive returns on investment, which subsequently makes the web site promotion on internet a cake walk. We have always met our commitment to deliver high quality web site design and hosting solutions along with excellent customer service . You can also opt for our professional, state of art web templates for easy, fast and quality web design and development if you can't afford a web site designer because of financial compulsions for more information visit:
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Reduce Varicose Veins. (kadu-290) -- Uzair Mushtaq, 04:45:10 10/22/08 Wed [1]
Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel disorders. visit:
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Reduce Varicose Veins. (KDDES-273) -- FAISAL, 04:05:13 10/22/08 Wed [1]
Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel disorders. visit:
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Services provided during the site designing or maintenance.( ods1908 ) -- sohail ahmed, 01:44:39 10/22/08 Wed [1]
Content Writing: Writing and preparing content for the Web requires a different approach from writing and preparing content for print documents and publications. In addition, writing copy for the Web that grabs attention and gets the results you want takes special skill and attention, whether you're trying to sell products or services at a business or commercial site or if you just want to let people know the latest at your personal site. Our Web Content Writers have a different approach of writing your websites content attract viewer to visit more & more your site High-End Web Solutions: Our web designers will provide you a host of web design and web programming features that are unmatched in quality and provide you peace of mind.You can outsource your design and development requirements to Web Design Company and sit back and relax, our team will take care of the rest.Imaginative and Intuitive design solutions based on your company's profile and your business needs will help you leverage over your competitors. USABILITY & INTERFACE DESIGN:Here is where our designers come into place, providing you a site with greater usability and adherence to the W3C Standards and ensuring greater usability and easy access to the inner pages of the website to your visitors , who in turn may end up being potential customers. WEB SITE REDESIGN: Does your current site need a design overhaul? Do you desire to seriously re-assess your online presence? We can update your web site with new graphics and a new design template. Inspired Graphics Media can even provide you with interactive features, such as mailing list creation, discussion forum or feedback form. Our professional team will redesign your web site to truly reflect the message of your company. If necessary, we will also handle the transitioning of your web hosting and domain name. If you have an existing site that you feel needs "some help" please email us with the URL and we'll give you:- Free Consultation Discussion with your department head(s) to effectively document your company's goals and plans Cleaner, fresher-looking graphics and logos Optimization of all graphics for fastest download speed Content management and maintenance Addition of forms or scripts Added Search Engine Submissions for your site And much more! further information visit:
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Reduce Varicose Veins. (ODO2197) -- javed ishtiaq, 22:53:26 10/21/08 Tue [1]
Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel disorders. visit:
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Web Solutions for those who has the website. (ODO2199) -- Ubaid, 10:01:47 10/21/08 Tue [1]
Our web designers and web developers have expertise and are diverse enough to provide unparallel web site development in accordance with your need specifications. Each of our custom web site designer and developer is committed to deliver a professional web site design development and all kind of web solutions to the highest level of customer satisfaction. We at M.S.K. Enterprises have a passion for delivering unique web page design to enhance our client's reputation; giving positive returns on investment, which subsequently makes the web site promotion on internet a cake walk. We have always met our commitment to deliver high quality web site design and hosting solutions along with excellent customer service . You can also opt for our professional, state of art web templates for easy, fast and quality web design and development if you can't afford a web site designer because of financial compulsions for more information visit:
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Reduce Varicose Veins.(ODO2198) -- zohaib, 08:57:42 10/21/08 Tue [1]
High collars shortens necks. Tight tops with short sleeves and breast pocket is detracting from your figure. Shoes with straps shortens your legs. The torso can be shortened or narrowed with seam lines, belts, bows, and collars. A short necklace can shorten your neck. A scarf or belt that hangs down toward the legs will make the legs appear longer. Knitted texture, lace, floras, prints, and plaids can assist in creating an illusion. Thicker vertical lines in plaids lengthens and slims. Wear a larger print where you want people to look and smaller print where you do not want them to look. An all over print can camouflage figure problems, but prints here and there can create a fuller you. Prints around the neck and over the shoulder can make your shoulders appear wider. Just wear prints near the parts of your figure's assets, because they are usually more eye catching than a solid color. When buying pants be sure they fit well. Defects are emphasized in a pair of pants that may go unnoticed in a skirt. Petite women. Petite women need to keep clothes in line, slim narrow belts. A slight contrast in colors and fitted lines will flatter you endlessly. Also stay with fabrics that are soft and flowing that fits well. Over powering prints should be avoided. visit:
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Reduce Varicose Veins. (KDDS-294) -- Syed Ayazuddin, 04:42:52 10/21/08 Tue [1]
High collars shortens necks. Tight tops with short sleeves and breast pocket is detracting
from your figure. Shoes with straps shortens your legs. The torso can be shortened or
narrowed with seam lines, belts, bows, and collars. A short necklace can shorten your
neck. A scarf or belt that hangs down toward the legs will make the legs appear longer.
Knitted texture, lace, floras, prints, and plaids can assist in creating an illusion. Thicker
vertical lines in plaids lengthens and slims. Wear a larger print where you want people to
look and smaller print where you do not want them to look. An all over print can
camouflage figure problems, but prints here and there can create a fuller you. Prints
around the neck and over the shoulder can make your shoulders appear wider. Just wear
prints near the parts of your figure's assets, because they are usually more eye catching
than a solid color. When buying pants be sure they fit well. Defects are emphasized in a
pair of pants that may go unnoticed in a skirt. Petite women. Petite women need to keep
clothes in line, slim narrow belts. A slight contrast in colors and fitted lines will flatter you
endlessly. Also stay with fabrics that are soft and flowing that fits well. Over powering
prints should be avoided. visit:
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Reduce Varicose Veins. (KDDES-273) -- faisal, 01:59:36 10/21/08 Tue [1]
High collars shortens necks. Tight tops with short sleeves and breast pocket is detracting from your figure. Shoes with straps shortens your legs. The torso can be shortened or narrowed with seam lines, belts, bows, and collars. A short necklace can shorten your neck. A scarf or belt that hangs down toward the legs will make the legs appear longer. Knitted texture, lace, floras, prints, and plaids can assist in creating an illusion. Thicker vertical lines in plaids lengthens and slims. Wear a larger print where you want people to look and smaller print where you do not want them to look. An all over print can camouflage figure problems, but prints here and there can create a fuller you. Prints around the neck and over the shoulder can make your shoulders appear wider. Just wear prints near the parts of your figure's assets, because they are usually more eye catching than a solid color. When buying pants be sure they fit well. Defects are emphasized in a pair of pants that may go unnoticed in a skirt. Petite women. Petite women need to keep clothes in line, slim narrow belts. A slight contrast in colors and fitted lines will flatter you endlessly. Also stay with fabrics that are soft and flowing that fits well. Over powering prints should be avoided. visit:
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Reduce Varicose Veins . (ODA11808) -- Syed Saad Uddin, 04:58:38 10/08/08 Wed [1]
High collars shortens necks. Tight tops with short sleeves and breast pocket is detracting from your figure. Shoes with straps shortens your legs. The torso can be shortened or narrowed with seam lines, belts, bows, and collars. A short necklace can shorten your neck. A scarf or belt that hangs down toward the legs will make the legs appear longer. Knitted texture, lace, floras, prints, and plaids can assist in creating an illusion. Thicker vertical lines in plaids lengthens and slims. Wear a larger print where you want people to look and smaller print where you do not want them to look. An all over print can camouflage figure problems, but prints here and there can create a fuller you. Prints around the neck and over the shoulder can make your shoulders appear wider. Just wear prints near the parts of your figure's assets, because they are usually more eye catching than a solid color. When buying pants be sure they fit well. Defects are emphasized in a pair of pants that may go unnoticed in a skirt. Petite women. Petite women need to keep clothes in line, slim narrow belts. A slight contrast in colors and fitted lines will flatter you endlessly. Also stay with fabrics that are soft and flowing that fits well. Over powering prints should be avoided. visit:
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Reduce Varicose Veins. (WS1001) -- Aslam, 02:46:54 10/08/08 Wed [1]
High collars shortens necks. Tight tops with short sleeves and breast pocket is detracting from your figure. Shoes with straps shortens your legs. The torso can be shortened or narrowed with seam lines, belts, bows, and collars. A short necklace can shorten your neck. A scarf or belt that hangs down toward the legs will make the legs appear longer. Knitted texture, lace, floras, prints, and plaids can assist in creating an illusion. Thicker vertical lines in plaids lengthens and slims. Wear a larger print where you want people to look and smaller print where you do not want them to look. An all over print can camouflage figure problems, but prints here and there can create a fuller you. Prints around the neck and over the shoulder can make your shoulders appear wider. Just wear prints near the parts of your figure's assets, because they are usually more eye catching than a solid color. When buying pants be sure they fit well. Defects are emphasized in a pair of pants that may go unnoticed in a skirt. Petite women. Petite women need to keep clothes in line, slim narrow belts. A slight contrast in colors and fitted lines will flatter you endlessly. Also stay with fabrics that are soft and flowing that fits well. Over powering prints should be avoided. visit:
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Reduce Varicose Veins. (ODS1908) -- sohail ahmed, 01:57:20 10/08/08 Wed [1]
High collars shortens necks. Tight tops with short sleeves and breast pocket is detracting from your figure. Shoes with straps shortens your legs. The torso can be shortened or narrowed with seam lines, belts, bows, and collars. A short necklace can shorten your neck. A scarf or belt that hangs down toward the legs will make the legs appear longer. Knitted texture, lace, floras, prints, and plaids can assist in creating an illusion. Thicker vertical lines in plaids lengthens and slims. Wear a larger print where you want people to look and smaller print where you do not want them to look. An all over print can camouflage figure problems, but prints here and there can create a fuller you. Prints around the neck and over the shoulder can make your shoulders appear wider. Just wear prints near the parts of your figure's assets, because they are usually more eye catching than a solid color. When buying pants be sure they fit well. Defects are emphasized in a pair of pants that may go unnoticed in a skirt. Petite women. Petite women need to keep clothes in line, slim narrow belts. A slight contrast in colors and fitted lines will flatter you endlessly. Also stay with fabrics that are soft and flowing that fits well. Over powering prints should be avoided. visit:
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Reduce Varicose Veins. (ODO61008) -- Shahryar, 17:14:20 10/07/08 Tue [1]
High collars shortens necks. Tight tops with short sleeves and breast pocket is detracting from your figure. Shoes with straps shortens your legs. The torso can be shortened or narrowed with seam lines, belts, bows, and collars. A short necklace can shorten your neck. A scarf or belt that hangs down toward the legs will make the legs appear longer. Knitted texture, lace, floras, prints, and plaids can assist in creating an illusion. Thicker vertical lines in plaids lengthens and slims. Wear a larger print where you want people to look and smaller print where you do not want them to look. An all over print can camouflage figure problems, but prints here and there can create a fuller you. Prints around the neck and over the shoulder can make your shoulders appear wider. Just wear prints near the parts of your figure's assets, because they are usually more eye catching than a solid color. When buying pants be sure they fit well. Defects are emphasized in a pair of pants that may go unnoticed in a skirt. Petite women. Petite women need to keep clothes in line, slim narrow belts. A slight contrast in colors and fitted lines will flatter you endlessly. Also stay with fabrics that are soft and flowing that fits well. Over powering prints should be avoided. visit:
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Reduce Varicose Veins. (ODA11808) -- Syed Saad Uddin, 07:27:33 10/07/08 Tue [1]
High collars shortens necks. Tight tops with short sleeves and breast pocket is detracting from your figure. Shoes with straps shortens your legs. The torso can be shortened or narrowed with seam lines, belts, bows, and collars. A short necklace can shorten your neck. A scarf or belt that hangs down toward the legs will make the legs appear longer. Knitted texture, lace, floras, prints, and plaids can assist in creating an illusion. Thicker vertical lines in plaids lengthens and slims. Wear a larger print where you want people to look and smaller print where you do not want them to look. An all over print can camouflage figure problems, but prints here and there can create a fuller you. Prints around the neck and over the shoulder can make your shoulders appear wider. Just wear prints near the parts of your figure's assets, because they are usually more eye catching than a solid color. When buying pants be sure they fit well. Defects are emphasized in a pair of pants that may go unnoticed in a skirt. Petite women. Petite women need to keep clothes in line, slim narrow belts. A slight contrast in colors and fitted lines will flatter you endlessly. Also stay with fabrics that are soft and flowing that fits well. Over powering prints should be avoided. visit:
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Reduce Varicose Veins. (ODS1908) -- sohail ahmed, 05:57:36 10/07/08 Tue [1]
High collars shortens necks. Tight tops with short sleeves and breast pocket is detracting from your figure. Shoes with straps shortens your legs. The torso can be shortened or narrowed with seam lines, belts, bows, and collars. A short necklace can shorten your neck. A scarf or belt that hangs down toward the legs will make the legs appear longer. Knitted texture, lace, floras, prints, and plaids can assist in creating an illusion. Thicker vertical lines in plaids lengthens and slims. Wear a larger print where you want people to look and smaller print where you do not want them to look. An all over print can camouflage figure problems, but prints here and there can create a fuller you. Prints around the neck and over the shoulder can make your shoulders appear wider. Just wear prints near the parts of your figure's assets, because they are usually more eye catching than a solid color. When buying pants be sure they fit well. Defects are emphasized in a pair of pants that may go unnoticed in a skirt. Petite women. Petite women need to keep clothes in line, slim narrow belts. A slight contrast in colors and fitted lines will flatter you endlessly. Also stay with fabrics that are soft and flowing that fits well. Over powering prints should be avoided. visit:
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Reduce Varicose Veins. (KDDE-272) -- jawaad, 02:20:34 10/07/08 Tue [1]
High collars shortens necks. Tight tops with short sleeves and breast pocket is detracting from your figure. Shoes with straps shortens your legs. The torso can be shortened or narrowed with seam lines, belts, bows, and collars. A short necklace can shorten your neck. A scarf or belt that hangs down toward the legs will make the legs appear longer. Knitted texture, lace, floras, prints, and plaids can assist in creating an illusion. Thicker vertical lines in plaids lengthens and slims. Wear a larger print where you want people to look and smaller print where you do not want them to look. An all over print can camouflage figure problems, but prints here and there can create a fuller you. Prints around the neck and over the shoulder can make your shoulders appear wider. Just wear prints near the parts of your figure's assets, because they are usually more eye catching than a solid color. When buying pants be sure they fit well. Defects are emphasized in a pair of pants that may go unnoticed in a skirt. Petite women. Petite women need to keep clothes in line, slim narrow belts. A slight contrast in colors and fitted lines will flatter you endlessly. Also stay with fabrics that are soft and flowing that fits well. Over powering prints should be avoided. visit:
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Reduce Varicose Veins. (KDDES-273) -- faisal, 00:25:50 10/07/08 Tue [1]
High collars shortens necks. Tight tops with short sleeves and breast pocket is detracting from your figure. Shoes with straps shortens your legs. The torso can be shortened or narrowed with seam lines, belts, bows, and collars. A short necklace can shorten your neck. A scarf or belt that hangs down toward the legs will make the legs appear longer. Knitted texture, lace, floras, prints, and plaids can assist in creating an illusion. Thicker vertical lines in plaids lengthens and slims. Wear a larger print where you want people to look and smaller print where you do not want them to look. An all over print can camouflage figure problems, but prints here and there can create a fuller you. Prints around the neck and over the shoulder can make your shoulders appear wider. Just wear prints near the parts of your figure's assets, because they are usually more eye catching than a solid color. When buying pants be sure they fit well. Defects are emphasized in a pair of pants that may go unnoticed in a skirt. Petite women. Petite women need to keep clothes in line, slim narrow belts. A slight contrast in colors and fitted lines will flatter you endlessly. Also stay with fabrics that are soft and flowing that fits well. Over powering prints should be avoided. visit:
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Canada Pension Plan.(OD2121) -- M Wasil, 19:55:34 09/19/08 Fri [1]
Date Posted: 19:52:00 09/19/08 Fri
Author: M Wasil
Subject: Canada Pension Plan.(OD2121)
Date Posted: 19:48:23 09/19/08 Fri
Author: M Wasil
Subject: Canada Pension Plan.(OD2121)
Date Posted: 03:43:41 09/20/08 Sat
Author: M Wasil
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Subject: Canada Pension Plan.(OD2121)
Date Posted: 19:39:47 09/19/08 Fri
Author: M Wasil
Subject: Canada Pension Plan.(OD2121)
Date Posted: 09/19/08 10:35pm
Author: M Wasil
Subject: Canada Pension Plan.(OD2121)
A small part of your pay cheque goes into this plan. When you retire, you will receive a monthly pension from the federal government. The amount will vary according to how many years you worked in Canada before retiring and what your salary was.Residents of Quebec pay into the Quebec Pension Plan, which works the same way as the federal plan. These plans also include survivor's pensions for the spouses of deceased pensioners, disability pensions and death benefits.for more information and useful tips abput it visit:
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Canada Pension Plan. (ODA11808) -- Syed Saad Uddin, 18:55:58 09/19/08 Fri [1]
A small part of your pay cheque goes into this plan. When you retire, you will receive a monthly pension from the federal government. The amount will vary according to how many years you worked in Canada before retiring and what your salary was.Residents of Quebec pay into the Quebec Pension Plan, which works the same way as the federal plan. These plans also include survivor's pensions for the spouses of deceased pensioners, disability pensions and death benefits.for more information and useful tips abput it visit:
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Welcome on links to everywhere. (ODA2154) -- Kashif raeez, 15:15:30 09/18/08 Thu [1]
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How to Eat(OD2121) -- M Wasil, 13:45:03 09/17/08 Wed [1]
Limit yourself to no more than two servings of red meat per week. Make sure that no more than a quarter of your calories comes from fat. Cook your own meals at home and avoid eating at restaurants as much as possible. Eat six to eleven servings of complex carbohydrates (fruits and whole grain breads, pasta and cereals), but avoid white flour when possible. Don't go crazy on the protein. Too much doesn't add muscle, contrary to popular belief. It just turns to fat. Boycott mayonnaise and butter (or margarine). Get them out of your refrigerator. Learn to live without them. Don't be afraid to try low or reduced fat versions of your favorite foods. You may actually like them better when you don't feel guilty eating them. Stay away from energy bars, which imply that they will transform you into a fit person. Most of them are loaded with calories. Make your own smoothies. Those made commercially usually contain fattening syrups, but your home-made smoothies (without the gunk) are very healthy. Use all the garlic, oregano, etc. that you want. Eating healthy doesn't mean you can't pack your food with flavor. Pack a sandwich made with whole-grain bread for lunch. Breads with high fibre make you feel fuller than white bread. Get at least 25 grams of fibre every day. Not only does it ward off disease, but it actually blocks the absorption of calories. Don't be fooled by "fat free" labels. Many of these foods contain a lot of sugar, which eventually turns into fat anyway.
Don't fall into the "it's okay to eat chicken" trap. The Crispy Chicken and Filet o' Fish sandwiches at McDonalds each contain more than twice the fat of a McDonald's hamburger. If you need whipped cream, whip up chilled evaporated skim milk - your creation will contain only half a gram of fat per cup. Use extra water in hot cereals to reduce the amount of milk and butter you use. Use seasoned rice vinegar on salads and veggies. It tastes similar to oil and vinegar, but is is fat-free and has very few calories. Cook rice in a mixture of half water, half fruit juice to give it subtle flavor without butter and salt. visit:
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