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Date Posted: Sunday, July 01, 08:17:50pm
Author: Knuit Holt

Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood

Jeg trenger mer data fra Norge, Sverige og Dannark om hva leger og helsearbeidere gjør med barn og voksne, ofte i hemmelighet, og uten santykke fra pasienten selv eller pårørende. Har du noe du har opplevd eller noen du kjenner har opplevd, vær så snill å fortelle om det i en av mine spørreundersøkelswer, som nedenfor er tillenket.


You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about.

Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events, like abduction for surveillance and experimentation by governments or mafias



Extended, mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia - where the kid undergo endoscopic inspections in the intimate zone and other body areas, extensive ultrasound inspections, ex-rays of several body zones, intrusive specimen collection and body function testings:



Poll about cystoscopy or bladder inspections in kids and adults:



Secret, intimate, intrusive medical exams and procedures under anesthesia on kids and adults:



Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:



All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.

Knut Holt


Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex




Boy 18yo external and internal tests before army recruitment

I am male. It happened in Eastern Europe. 1990-1999, 18 years old. Sent for physical fitness test before mandatory army recruitment. I went there alone by myselfm to a health center, at a sport health department of hospital, in a doctors office. All children with some kind of health problem got this extended test.


Was asked to strip naked. Had some basic examination inclusing heart listening, stomach palpating, blood samples. Then performing physical tests during activities naked. I was totally naked through all the procedures.

They placed me upon a simple examination table. I got a device on a finger or a toe to measure pulse and oxygen in my blood. I got a blood pressure monitor wrapped around an arm or a leg. I got electrodes on my cheast, on my stomach or hip region, on my legs and on my head. I did not get any anesthesia. Between particular tests I had lay on back still naked covered by blanket.


They performed an ECG, functional test of the heart function with electrodes on my chest and other body areas. They performed an analysis of my breathing and oxygen uptake where I had to breath into a tube.
I had to do some physical work like cycling or running on a threadmill when the ECG and breathing analysis was performed. They did some other type of test with advanced machines.

They used electrodes at my chest, belly and limbs to record body functions.


They ispected the inside of my nose with a scope. They inspected the inside of my throut with a scope. They inspected the inside of my urethra and bladder with a scope. They inspected my anus with a speculum.


Tests of breathing several blood samples during day looking to mouth anus ears . Before and after each activity (cycling running) they got small sample of blood, give me ECG, they looked to my neck anus . When Ive needed to pee I had to get piss into medical glass and they analyzed it


They gave me mechanical ventilation through the breathing tube. I had electrodes on my body. I lay naked under a blanket after the exam. Before finished I was asked for semen sample. They asked me if I wa t to masturbate or they would use a catheter methods. I was supervised during masturbation by doctor as well as by nurse.

I had to lie some whiles after exam. Then Im got home by public transfer. I attended public boarding school. I was on high school.


This seemed to be an extensive exam to see if the boy was fit for military service. But it also loooks like an exam done for research purposes. I therefore guess that not only kids with health problems went+ through the test, but also a random nummber of other teens.

The artificial ventilation at the end seems to have been a part of a test. Probably he got short-working anesthesia and medication to paralyzs muscles during that test, but does not remember it.

Knut Holt



Boy, 8yo, USA, Circumcission and procedure insite the urinary system

I am male, it happened at schoolage 8yo, in North America, in USA, in the years 2000-2009 They performed an exam or procedure but was not given information about what they did. I was 8 and I was circomsized . My foreskin was too tight and I had problems peeing. I think my parents wanted to restrict my sexual feeling too I am male. My parents brought me to a hospital where it was done.


My parents didn't tell me anything other then I was going to have surgery

They gave me gas through a mask. They put a mask on me. The procedure happened in a hospital. I had to get a catheter put in. They had trouble doing it in the pre opp room because I was moving around to much. They took me to an operating room and strapped me down on it so I couldn't move. Then they spread my legs apart and put the catheter in me. I was crying because it hurt and I was alone.


I had pain irritation or other problems in my urethra or bladder. My parents or others giving hints or remarks about unexpected symptoms or signs.


I had a mask I had catheter, they kept it in me for a couple of days I had heart monitor


Based on the history of having problems with urination, the symptoms after, and of the long use of catheter, they surely also inspected the urethra and bladder of the boy endoscopically, and probably made some adjustments in the urinary system too, most probably in the prostate area or bladder outlet.

They probably took out the catheter before or after the circumcission to inspect the urinary system and then inserted the catheter anew.

Knut Holt



Boy, Western Europe, Tonsillectomy with possible urinary endoscopy

It happened as preteen 10-12, in western Europe, in 2010 or later. I had tonsillectomy. It happened in a hospital that my dad worked at I was 12 then


They gave me gas through a mask. They put a mask on me. I wasn't given any explanation. I asked to see what it was like to be a patient on an operating table. I lay down I was strapped down and had a mask put on me and told to just relax and take deep breaths


I had pain, irritition or other problems in my mouth. I had pain, irritation or other problems in my urethra or bladder. My underwear beng messed up or other signs that I had been stripped naked at my lower body. My undewer got lost.


I had IV, a mak and heart monitor,


When he was asleep, he was surely paralyzed by medications, got a breathing tube and artificial ventilation. This is common procedure during tonsillectomy.

The fact that his underwear was missing and the symptoms in his urethra and bladder is a sure indiction that something was done at that area.

The simplest explanation is that they fixed electrodes at his buttock area and inserted a catheter that they took out again before he woke up.

But boys and girls in his age are often examined endoscopically in the urethra, bladder and anus, as well as the vagina in girls during tosillectomy. One reason for this is to get two planned procedures done at the same time, and keep the most intimate one secret for the kid. It is also used for training of doctors and for reseaarch and surveillance of the kids in society.

I strongly suspect this is the case here, at least I think they performed a cystoscopy. If the boy had urinary tract infection some time before, or other urinary problems, this conclusion is certain.


Boy, 9yo, North America genital exam and urinary tract endoscopy

I had cystoscopy - I am male. The exam took place in North America, at a hospital when I was 9 years old. Years 1980-1989.


Got now explanation. The exam was a total surprize. My parents drove me. Given enema during preparations. The enema felt weird. Lay on back with legs in stirrups.


They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They pumped upp the bladder with air or gas when looking inside. They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside.

They took out the scope and inserted a new scope to take further specimens. The scope or a new intrument was inserted even further up towards the kindeys. I am not sure, but had pain on the sides of my back as if they inserted the scope even further up towards the kindeys.

They made an ultrasound exam of the scrotum and testicles. No aditional exams.

It felt awesome. I could feel the tube slide into my body. The tube was ment for adults and a bit wider than it should have been.


Had catheter in the bladder some time after the exam. Got medicines into urethra with a syringe after the exam. Had to have catheter in the bladder during night.


The reason was problems with urination. It was awesome.


The boy had a thorrough examination of his genitals, urethra, bladder and the area up to his kidneys. This is pretty common for kids with urinary problems and kids that hav had urinary tract infections.

It seems that the exam was done only with local numbing, some relaxing stuff and a gentle approach. This type of exam can actually be made comfirtably this way, even on children. When this is possible, one avoids risk inherited in general anesthesia and discomfort after anesthesia.

Usually general anesthesia is used during such exams, but this is more to hinder the kids and parents to know fully what is done, and hinder stories being made after the exam. This is for the benefit of the staff and not the kid.

Knut Holt



Boy, 8yo, extensive internal inspections in general anesthesia at school

It happened in North America, 1980-1989, 8 years old. They just told me to follow them in a bus in group from our schoolm to a room in the school that was preliminary prepared for the event.

It happened all children in my school of the age group. All the kids in my group were boy's.


I had to strip totally naked before the exam and I was totally naked through alll the procedures.

They placed me upon a simple examination table. Rgey placed me on back with with steight legs, on back with my legs flexed up, spread and mounted upon two devices.

I got a tube or wire in through my urethra. I got a breathing tube that provided anesthesia. The anesthesia only took away pain.","They paralyzed my whole body and I got artificial breathing. The anesthesia made me relaxed, I was mostly awake during the procedure, despite anesthesia given.

They did not numb our throats before inserting the breathing tubes, so we gagged a lot.
When the gas was turned on we stayed awake but were too week to move much.


They performed an analysis of my breathing and oxygen uptake where I had to breath into a tube. They examined my genitals with an ultrasound device.


They inspected the inside of my nose with a scope. They took specimens from my nose with a tube. They inspected the inside of my throut with a scope. They took specimens from my throut with a tube.

They inspected the inside of my urethra and bladder with a scope. They took specimens from my urethra with a tube. They took specimens from my bladder with a tube, but I might not remember everything done in ny urinary system.

They used a hard tube to look inside my penis, it hurt alot.


I had catheter into my bladder. I just lay some time in a bed to recover.

They put us to sleep after the procedure by blocking the air tubes.
I remember my lungs burning for minutes and minutes while they said things like . It's ok, your just getting a little sleepy. It's time to take a nap, thats it, there you go. good boy. Than getting dizzy.
Then a moment later I woke up in the school bus headed home, had a headache too.


I went to some school for kids with special needs. I don't remember much about it."


Based on the story, it looks like the ordeal happened in an annex owned by the school a little distance form the classroom building. It looks that the bus used was more to keep order of the kids, than to transport them.

The boy got general anesthesia with artificial breathing and numbing of the whole body. But thye anesthesia dis not work perfectly, so much of the initial tasks was remembered. It seems like the staff discovered that the boy was awake, an that they gave hime more heavy anesthesia before proceeding.

Higly probably they inspected his anus and colon diring the last thimne when he was fully to sleep

If this rectal procedure was also performed, this seems to be is a complete standarized exam done on children all over the world, in selected communities and institutions at specific ages. Children that is taken in by child protective agencies or go to schools for children with special needs, seem always to be subjected to this exam in all parts of the world.

The exams and the results from them seen to be coordinated by an international body, probably the World Health Organizations, which explains that there are few differences between the easterm communist world and the capitalist world. These exams are still going on more than ever in a modernized more advanced fashion. For example one used to do a full colonoscopy nowadays, and endoscopy through the mouth down into the stomach also.

Not seldome the staff installs itself and equipment preliminary in a section of the school m fo the procedure, and them move on to another school.

The exam is nostly not told about to the public, even in communities where all children go through it, and it is largely hided from the children themselfves and the parents by use of anestkesia. But not all communities are equally eager to hide it. The Eastern World is actually less secretive than the wester one. Also the anesthesia do not always manage to put the children totally to sleep, so most of it is revealed.

The purpose of the exam is to get a picture of the health status of the child, but it is also used for surveillance of the young population, for scientific research and to steal tissue from the kids to be used for other things than the good of the children themselves. In addition prevetive measures may be inserted like in this case.

Children taken care of by child protective agencies, or attend special scjools always seem to be altered in their pelvic regions during this exam. Highly probable the bladder and the urethra of this boy was adjusted some ways.

It sounds odd, but it looks like they try to standarisize bodily functions, body development and behavior by these alternations and by depot preparations injected so that it conforms to the rutines in the institution. Also this is an aspect reported from all parts of the world.

Boys are typically taken to this procedure at the age of 7-9, girls often a little earlier, then again taken kust before puberty, and a third time furing eraly puberty.

Knut Holt


Girl, 11yo, Eastern Europe, extensive pelvic and general body exam by foster care

It happened in Eastern Europe, 1980-1989, 11 year old. I was moving to a state run foster home and was under the impression this was a routine exam to ensure healthy before moving in. Children in foster care homes or the like were subjected to this ordeal. It wasnt my first time in care but first time went to large central fostor home with more then 30 residents.


I was not allowed to eat some time before the exam. They washed my body before the exam. I got a traditional enema before the exam to clean out my stomach. I mostly only had my underwear on the time I stayed awake.

They placed me upon a simple examination table. They placed me upon something like a dentist's chair, but with devices to lift my legs onto. I was placed to lay on my back with steight legs. I was placed to lay on my back with my legs flexed up, spread and mounted upon two devices.

I got IVs, tubes into blood vessels, in an arm. I got a device on a finger or a toe to measure pulse and oxygen in my blood. Parts of my body got numbed by a shot with a syringe. I got anesthesia through tubes into my blood vessels. I got some numbing and lubricating cream injected into my urinary opening. The anesthesia made me relaxed, but I was conscious.

I recall a female and a male dr, a male nurse and lady who seemed to be just setting equipment up.
I was instructed to undress but to leave panties on if i wished so i did.
I had what I thought was was a routine exam.

Then they took my knickers and had me move to another room, and i was secured in stirrups.
Got a cannula in arm and given something that made me whoozy.


They performed an analysis of my breathing and oxygen uptake where I had to breath into a tube. They took chest x-ray pictures. They examined my genitals with an ultrasound device.


They inspected the inside of my urethra and bladder with a scope. They used a speculum in my vagina. They took specimens from my vagina with a tube. They inspected my anus with a speculum. They inspected me through my anus with a rigid scope They inspected me through my vagina with an ultrasound probe. The doctor explored my vagina with a finger. The doctor explored my anus with a finger.


The dr confirmed i was virginal and injected something in me down their to make it more comfortable.
A recto-vaginal exam happened and then a tech put an ultrasound probe in and called out measurement of uterus and ovaries.
The nurse then gave dr a trey of things and they did speculum exam, dilated me and inserted a preventive coil.


I lay with my legs in stirrups some time after the exam. I lay naked under a blanket after the exam.


I attended ordinary daytime school.Regular inner city school .


Dazed but awake and very uncomfortable in partd was not spoken to or treated with any consent.
I later learnt that sexual abuse was rife at the home from staff and others it was easier to ensure no one could get pregnant then stop the abuse hence coils going in.


This is a standarized exam done on children all over the world, in selected communities and institutions at specific ages. Children that is taken in by child protective agencies seem always to be subjected to this exam in all parts of the world. Yhe exams and the results from them seen to be coordinated by an international body, probably the World Health Organizations, which explains that there are few didderences between the eastert communist world and the capitalist world. These exams are still going on more than ever in a modernized more advanced fashion. For example one used to do a full colonoscopy nowadays, and and endoscopy through teh mouthy down into the stomach also.

The exam is nostly not told about to the public, even in communities where all chilkdren go through it, and it is largely hided from the children themselfvesand the parents by use of anestesia. But not all communities are equally eager to hide it. The Eastern World is actually less secretive than the wester one. Also the anesthesia do not always manage to put the children totally to sleep, so most of it is revealed.

The purpose of the exam is to get a picture of the health status of the child, but it is also used for sutveillance of the young population, for scientific research and to steal tissue from the kids to be used for other things than the good of the children themselves. In addition prevetive measures may be inserted like in this case.

Children taken care of by child protective agencies, always seem to be altered in their pelvic regions during this exam. The girl told she was dilated in her vagina. Probably the something similar happened in her urthra and lower colon. The fact that she had to lay in stirrups also after the examm shows that something was done that made special attention necessary the hours afterwords.

It sounds odd, but it looks like they try to standarisize bodily functions, body development and behavior by these alternations and by depot preparations injected so that it conforms to the rutines in the institution. Also this is an aspect reported from all parts of the world.

She told children in the institution was pray to sexual abuse by the staff. This seems to be common for children taken care of by child protective agencies. Instead of being protected from abuse by the agency, it is nearly universal that they are more prone to abusem and this time by staff, after being taken car of, regardless off the parts of the world.

Knut Holt


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