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Subject: Anyone going to ff nationals from ohio?

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Date Posted: 10:15:58 06/01/08 Sun

Date Posted: 19:31:50 04/18/08 Fri


Re: around 55 I heard there....30 girls.....and around 15 boys. Few local ohio girls and rest I heard were new from the prelims.....2 in most groups few have 3. Good luck Ohio girls!!! (NT) -- Anonymous, 19:38:16 04/19/08 Sat
There were 56, 8 were boys. The little ones had 7 per group; -- Anonymous, 09:46:17 04/23/08 Wed
Re: Why don't you post your winners TB . If you think they were so on why not post them?huh -- Anonymous, 11:06:26 04/23/08 Wed
Re: low numbers..... Do you think it's the gas prices? Why did she have it so far north? Hope she comes back down to middle of the state next year... (NT) -- Anonymous, 19:53:36 04/19/08 Sat
50-55 is a great #! Alot of nationals this past year didn't even get that many. This was a great hotel, I hope it is there again next year! (NT) -- Anonymous, 08:11:31 04/21/08 Mon
What age bracket was your dd in? Asking because I have a 3 1/2 year old....would this be fun for her. Did your dd have fun? thanks (NT) -- Anonymous, 16:13:17 04/21/08 Mon
Well, she would be 4 next year. She would enjoy the pool and petting zoo, there is so much to see also, but she would be too small for the big slides, surfing, etc. (NT) -- Anonymous, 06:21:12 04/22/08 Tue

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Subject Author Date
Re: Anyone going to ff nationals from ohio? I doubt to many will go...with gas prices etc.Anonymous20:44:13 06/01/08 Sun
ttt (NT)Anonymous17:43:59 06/12/08 Thu

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