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Subject: Re: Thanks here is what I think about prelims c/i | |
Author: Anonymous |
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Date Posted: 09:40:56 09/29/08 Mon In reply to: 's message, "That is a great idea! Maybe one of the pageants will pick up on it!" on 08:57:49 09/29/08 Mon ok prelims. I do them for practice,fee's off,and just something to do for fun on a sat. or sun if no other nationals or state is going on. etc. No need to go over board with them either. 75.00 beauty fee ONE extra choice of outfit. $20.00 Photo event $20.00 RUN a all for one for 100.00 Do not need, buddy and me,portfolio,theme wear,composite. SAVE ALL THAT FOR STATE AND NATIONAL. Have ultimate,grand mini,queen. Give everyone a discount for comming and a little more for winners of a title. small tiara's for runners up. STOP GUEST BOOK DRAWINGS. DOESN'T BRING IN MONEY FOR DIRECTORS ANYHOW MOST GO IN THE HOLE. DO PHOTO CONTEST FOR THE ONES WHO MISS THE PRELIM. By cutting back on what to enter makes it affordable. = more people entering. Better than having small numbers. And directors will bring in more money too. No need for trophys at prelim level. CROWN, SASH,DISCOUNT 1-gift is fine. What more would you want for 100.00 Have a decorated stage but my gosh no need to go over board there either. Save all the pretty stuff for state or national. I see to many directors go over board on it for state and nationals. Have it be a ONE day which is possible if you only have beauty and photo or just beauty and photo,ooc. Provide a makeup room for changes. I pass up a lot of prelims and regionals because I refuse to get a room for a prelim. ANYONE ELSE HAVE GREAT MONEY SAVING IDEA'S? [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |