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Subject: Princess Pageants is having a prelim. just got the e-mail -- pm | |
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Date Posted: 15:29:12 07/17/09 Fri Princess Pageants is proud to present Miss Monroe County Parade of Beauties Saturday September 19, 2009 @ Monroe County High School Commons Area Tompkinsville, Ky. 42167 Registration begins @ 10:30 A.M. - Pageant will begin promptly at 11:00 A.M. 10:45 A.M. Opening Comments, Judges Introductions. Please arrive to check in at least 30 minutes prior to your divisions time. Estimated Schedule-this will be followed as closely as possible, so please be on time for your division Awards will be handed out immediately following each division. 0-6 mths. Girls 11:00 A.M. 7-11 mths. Girls 11:15 A.M. 12-23 month Girls 11:30 P.M. 2-3 Girls 12:00 P.M. 4-6 Girls 12:30 P.M. "Lunch Break" 7-9 Girls 1:30 P.M. 10-12 Girls 1:45 P.M. 13-15 Girls 2:00 P.M. 16-21 Girls 2:15 P.M. NO ATTIRE SCORES Judges are instructed to choose a Beautiful Face, Dressed Neatly, and Age Approiate with a Great Personality! Our qualified judges are chosen from several counties away. We do not use local judges. Awards will be handed out immediately after each age division AWARDS This Years Winner's receive Custom Banners, Huge Crowns, Huge Trophies, and More!!! Winner in every age division! Beauty: we will award a Queen 1st, 2nd 3rd places in each age division. Each Queen winner will receive a Beautiful Rhinestone Crown, Custom Miss Monroe County Title Banner, Amazing bag of gifts, & Nice Trophy! Alternates will each receive a nice trophy. $ 25 entry fee Side Events: Most Beautiful, Prettiest Eyes, Prettiest Hair, Prettiest Smile, and Best Dressed! Each winner will receive a beautiful award! $5 each Circle your Age Division Girls (0-6mths)(7-11mths)(12-23mths)(2-3yr)(4-6yr)(7-9yr)(10-12yr)(13-15)(16-21) Compete as age day of pageant MC CARD / PLEASE PRINT NEATLY Age Division: _______________ CONTESTANT #_________ NAME____________________________________________________________ AGE____________ BIRTH DATE____________Phone#____________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________________________ CITY_____________________________________________________________ STATE/ZIP___________________e-mail________________________________ COLOR HAIR_________________________ COLOR EYES__________________ The Person She Most Admires is ________________________________________ HOBBIES_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Please check all categories you will be entering: Beauty:_______$25.00 (required) Most Beautiful $5______ Prettiest Eyes $5_____ Prettiest Hair $5______ Prettiest Smile $5______ Best Dressed $5______ (save $10) or enter everything for $40_______ Total:_______ Deposit paid:_______ (at least $25) Amount I will owe at Door:_______ Official use only: Amount received:_________Date:_________Initial________ Absolutely No Checks will be accepted at the door: CASH or POSTAL MONEY ORDERS ONLY DEADLINE TO PRE-REGISTER BY MAIL IS September 5, 2009 Call 615-388-9676 after this date WE DO ACCEPT DOOR ENTRIES ON PAGEANT DAY WITH A $5 LATE FEE All Contestants must pre-register by deadline with at least $25.00 deposit paid. All late entries will be charge a $5.00 late fee. You may pay any remaining fees owed the day of the pageant. We will only accept CASH the day of the pageant - No exceptions. Contestants must check in at registration table at least 30 minutes prior to their division. All remaining fees must be paid in full at this time. A $25.00 Fee will apply to all returned checks. We will not accept checks on pageant day-please do not ask. Names of contestants entered in the pageant will not be given out so please do not call & ask. Names of the Judges will not be given out until the day of the pageant during introductions, please do not call & ask. To enter, you cannot be pregnant nor ever have been married or have a child. Judges will be qualified - The judge’s decisions are final! No Exceptions! Line-ups are based on the order in which applications are received, Please let us know if your child prefers a certain # and we will do our best to get it for her. I certify that all information contained on this application is true and correct. The Owners, Directors, of staff of the pageant will in no way be held responsible for accidents or injuries incurred before, during, or after the pageant. I understand that the judges’ decisions are final and signing this form constitutes acceptance of those decisions. Un-sportsmanlike conduct of friends or family will result in disqualification of contestant without a refund. If the pageant is rescheduled all fees will be credited to the new date & time; however, if contestant pulls out for any reason, fees will NOT be refunded and you will not be able to roll your deposit over to another event. Director has sole discretion as to the acceptance of late entries and termination or continuance of event. Should the pageant be canceled entirely you will receive a full refund. Any Contestant upon submitting deposit payment via pay pal, US Mail, check, Money Order, or otherwise, does hereby constitute Agreement and Understanding of all Terms and Conditions of the Rules and Regulations of the pageant system, including but not limited to, non-refundable deposits, allowance of publicity publications, non-liability and all other terms and conditions.Your Application will not be considered received until payment has been made. To Enter The Pageant mail your entry form with payment to Dana Stafford 369 Sparrow Road Lafayette, Tn. 37083 QUESTIONS? e-mail Dana at We Look Forward to Meeting You Soon!!! [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |