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Date Posted: 11:39:56 11/17/12 Sat America's Glitzy Miss Pageants Presents: Christmas Cash & Crown Extravaganza December 16, 2012 Brickshot Gym, Williamson WV Early Bird Deadline: November 20 A $50 deposit is due by this date if you want to save $MONEY$ After November 20th entry fee will be full price Mail to: Kelly Renee Bucci 495 Dan's Branch Rd. Williamson, WV 25661 304-235-1409 or Age Divisions: 0-12 Months AGM Baby Miss 13-23 Months AGM Wee Miss 2-3 Years AGM Toddler Miss 4-5 Years AGM Tiny Miss 6-7 Years AGM Little Miss 8-9 Years AGM Young Miss 10-12 Years AGM Junior Miss 13-15 AGM Teen Miss 16-Up AGM Miss Christmas Wear We are a glitz system. Tanning, flippers, nails, makeup and hair falls are EXCEPTED! Compete in something with a Chrismas Theme. It can be custom made or off the rack. One winner in each age division will RECEIVE A CROWN, BANNER AND VERY NICE CHRISTMAS TOY! Optionals: Best Christmas Wear, Most Beautiful, Best Personality will be chosen in each age division. Winners will receive a Christmas Toy and banner. Photogenic We are looking for a unframed headshot. One winner in each age division will receive a Christmas Toy and banner! Ultimate Grand Supreme: This will be the contestant will be the contestant with the highest huge rhinestone crown, banner, Christmas Toy and $1000 bond! (We must have 35 Contestants to award the bond!) Mini Grand Supremes: 0-3 4-9 10-Up Winners will receive a very large crown, banner and Christmas Toy! Audience's Grand Supreme This will chosen by audience's votes ($1 Each Vote). Winner will receive a huge, absolutely stunning crown & Christmas Toy! Please note that we will be offering additional Titles at the door! Overalls: Overall Christmas Wear, Overall Most Beautiful, Overall Photogenic & Overall Best Personality, Overall Rising Star. $25 Novice Supreme: Will be the one contestant with the 5th highest score of the day. Winner will recieve a large crown, banner and Christmas Toy! This will also be offered at the door for $10 My Buddy & Me Supreme You will pick whoever you want to be your Buddy and both your scores and her scores will be combined. The two highest scores will be crowned My Buddy & Me. Winners will receive a crown and banner. This will also be offered at the door for $10 Just a reminder Early Bird Deadline is November 20 and you must have your $50 deposit in by this day to save $20. After this date pageant will be full price at $80 Rules: We have the right to cancel or combine any age division. You compete the age you are the day of pageant. Absolutely no poor sportsmanship will be tolerated. You will be asked to leave and forfeit any rights to awards or fees paid! Sibling Discount (MUST BE FROM THE SAME HOUSEHOLD) First contestant compets at full price, second contestant will compete with a $30 discount! You must have your deposit in by deadlines to receive the discount. There will be absolutey NO REFUNDS for NO SHOWS!!!! We calculate our awards by number of deposits. Door Admission is as follows Adults $10 Children 4-Up $5 (This helps pay for the use of the brand new Brickshot Gym located towntown Williamson (across from Pizza Time), NAME_________________________________________________AGE______ ADDRESS________________________________PHONE_________________ HAIR COLOR_______________________________EYE COLOR___________ EARLY BIRD $70 ______ AFTER 11/20 $90______ SIBLING DISCOUNT_________ OVERALLS $25______NOVICE SUPREME $10______ MY BUDDY & ME $10_________ DOOR ADMISSION $10 (ADULTS)_______X $10=______________ CHILDREN 4-UP ________X $5=____________ I____________________________________________________PARENT/GUARDIAN OF____________________________________HAVE READ THIS ENTRY FORM, RULES AND ITS CONTENTS. I RELEASE KELLY BUCCI AND ALL AMERICA'S GLITZY MISS STAFF, BRICKSOT GYM FOR ANY LIABILITES THAT MAY OCCUR PRIOR TO, DURING OR AFTER THIS SAID PAGEANT. DATE____________________________________________ YOU CAN CATCH US ON FACEBOOK TOO: KELLY RENEE JAMES AND AMERICAS GLITZY MISS PAGEANTS We are very excited about our pageant and we look forward to seeing everyone there! You will not be disappointed! Stunning Huge Crowns and expensive Toys all girls will LOVE! [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |