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Subject: Rock N PAws Pageant

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Date Posted: 10:57:54 04/25/13 Thu

Rock N Paws Pageant will be held On June 22, 2013 and a portion of the proceeds will be given to the Humane Society of the Ohio Valley.
Registration is from 10:00- 10:30 A.M., pageant starts at 11:00 A.M..
We will begin with beauty wear and then Rock N Roll wear to follow.
We will have a dressing room for the females to change in and restroom for boys.

Age groups are as follows:
Girls (May combine or separate if need be):
0-11 Months - Infant Miss
12-23 Months - Baby Miss
2 & 3 Years - Toddler Miss
4 & 5 Years- Tiny Miss
6 - 8 Years - Little Miss
9 -11 Years - Junior Miss
12-14 Years - Pre-Teen Miss
15- 19 Years - Teen Miss
20- 25 Years - Ms.
26-35 Years - Majestic Ms.
36-49 Years - Elegant Ms.
50 + Years - Classy Ms.

Boys Groups (May combine if needed):
0-2 Infant Mr.
3-5 Tiny Mr.
6-9 Little Mr.

12 Age Division Queens will recieve a 3" crown and custom sash
3 Age Division Kings will receive a crown and custom sash
2 Supreme Queens ( 0-8 age group and 9 & up age group) will receive a 5" crown and custom sash
1 Supreme King will receive a crown and custom sash
1 Ultimate Grand Supreme will receive a 8" crown and custom sash
1 People's Choice - 3" Crown and sash
Awards per age division: Best Hair, Eyes, Smile, Dressed, & Personality (Certificates)

Photogenic (Optional: $3 for 1, $5 for 2) Each Age Division Photogenic (certificates)
Overall Photogenic will receive a 3" crown and sash

We provide music
No routines, but can do attitude modeling in Rock N Roll wear
No fake anything for Beauty Wear
Appropriate make-up for ages 9 and up.
Beauty wear for Ages 0-8 is Flower Girl/ Sunday Wear
Beauty wear Ages 9 and up is Formal Wear
Rock N Roll wear is unlimited
Ages 4 and up will have on stage question.
Cost is $60 with a $10 sibling/Mommy discount that will be taken off after the first child.

Photogenic is day of pageant and is $3 for 1 photo and $5 for 2 photos.

Peoples Choice will be day of pageant.

First 10 to turn in application and payment will be put into drawing to win a crown.

Mommy & Me contest. Combine Mommy & childs score for an overall total to compete against other Mommy & Me. In the case of more then one child, the highest score will be added to Mommys. The winners will receive trophies.

Most Donations Crown, this will be rewarded to the contestant that brings in the most donations for the Humane Society. A list of items needed is on the FB page. https://www.facebook.com/events/537632852955915/

We will have vendors, rafle drawings and concessions...

Admission into pageant is $2 with children 3 and under free.

Application DEADLINE is June 3, 2013.

The application and fee can be mailed to:
Janette Hart
921 17th Street
Vienna, WV 26105

For any other questions you can call or text Janette at (304)-588-7451, PM me on FB, or email to cutestred21@yahoo.com

Vendors: Cost is $35 and a small dnation for raffle drawing. This price includes table. This is a first come first serve to the first 15 that pay.

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