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Date Posted: 07:17:45 04/19/17 Wed
Author: Anonymous

Please scroll down to read about forced and sneaky gender change many boys go through, and advices about influenza vaccine and diet advices to avoid overconsume of salt, sugar and fat and the bad consequences of such overconsume.

Effective slimming advices: Learn all you need to avoid getting over-weight, to get rid of excessive weight and to remain slim - advices about diet and fat-consuming exercizes.



Natural sex drugs for men and women. Products for men and women to amplify sexual drive, feelingts and orgasms. Products to intensify erections, genital blood flow, vulvar engorgement, vaginal lubrication and general sexual physiology.



About herbs that can stimulate you sexually, presentation of products based on these herbs



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Help for depression, anxiety, poor memory, poor concentration, dementia, insomnia, restlessness, tension, ADHD and other mental problems.


Forced Conversions of Boys to Girls - An Increasingly Common Occurense

By Knut Holt



The following information seems unbelievable, but it has been obtained by interviews and conversations with a lot of people going through these ordeals and by comparing their stories to check consistence, so it is by all probability real.

Boys are steadily more often changed into girls by a series of interventions. This kind of ordeal seems to occur in all parts of the world, including USA, UK and Canada. The interventions are typically done as a cooperation between three parts that each have specific interests in the process.

One part is the parents, or more often a single mother, that has the daily care for the boy. The incentives of the parents seem to be a whish to have a daughter with a slim body shape of the same kind boys often have, an aim of making a female ballet or gymnastic artist out of the boy, and economical compensation they get from the other two parts.

Another part is usually certain kind of educational institutions that have the interest of producing girls or women with a fairly small stature, slim body, extremely flexible joints and spine and a juvenile appearance, most typically ballet schools. It seems that boys selected for this form of conversion are given free place at the school.

The third part seems to be medical research institutes that use the procedures and the boys to do gender-related psychological and physiological experiments, to test out new pharmacological regimes and test out new surgical methods. These institutes seem to pay the educational institutions and possible the parents to get access to the boys. The boys also seem to be used as training objects for medical students.

The conversion is typically hided and done secretly for the boys themselves at the initial phases, by use of sedation or general anesthesia, and by letting the boy think medication they get are vitamin pills, vaccination shots or similar.

The conversion that often start at the age of 7-9 is typically done by these means:

- Stopping the puberty and some of the growth by hormone blocking medication through shots or oral pills pretended to be vitamin pills.

- Making his testicles and penis shrink by hormone blocking medication.

- Stopping feelings, erections and other male genital reactions by injecting depots of medication into the prostate, penis, perineum and other genital structures.

- Taking away the prostate and building up inner female organs with a series of small surgical interventions through their penis and urethra, through their anus or by needle-like instruments inserted into the lower stomach or scrotum.

- The injections and surgical interventions are done under anesthesia. The boys are usually told that they only go through some exam that all children have to go through or some other excuse is produced.

- Femininizing medication that works on the body and psychologically.

- Feminizing education and clothing regimes. - Feminizing hypnotic interventions. The hypnotic interventions are often done under some degree of sedation.

- The psychological interventions also have the aim of making the boy believe that he is gradually changing to girl by himself and to whish to become a girl fully.

- At some point castration.

- At some point when the boy appear more like a girl than a boy, the final surgery is done, typicalle just before the normal puberty would have started, but sometimes later.

It is unclear if this kind of conversion will produce fully productive female sexual organs. Most doctors will say this is impossible. It seems however that the most advanced experiments done on these boys have this aim, since the former boys are able to menstruate when the conversion is done.

The interventions are typically done at special clinics or at special sections in a ballet school or other educational institutions. The day-school that the boy attends is usually also informed about he process and may participate. Many of these boys also attend special private day-schools that are more involved than ordinary public schools.

Since these ordeals typically begin whitout the knowledge and the concent of the boy, and since the long term medical outcome of such transformatins are uncertain, one may ask if these ordeals are to be regarded as a kind of child abuse.


Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. To find information about fitness, health and sex, including more information about urinary and genital issues, and products to improve fitness, health and sexual life, please visit his web-site.



Source: http://www.eioba.com/a/4ec9/forced-conversions-of-boys-to-girls-an-increasingly-common-occurense

Free to reprint with the author's name and link



I think transgender persons that have had surgery to should have the right to be treated like the gender they have chosen to be, To discriminate against these persons, as some on the right wing do, is wong and contrary to the principles o a free society.

But that said, I have to point to an abusive enterprice that is going on both in USA, Canada and European countries. Boys are steadily more brought up as girls, while given medications and subjected to a process of stepwise surgeries to transform them to girls. This is done without the boy having any choice and with a sneaky process.

The surgeries, one small step at a time, changes the inside of the boys and make their male genitals fade away in the first period of the process, and the boys do not understand that they are subjected to surgeries, because they are given anesthesia, given a dummy explanation for the anesthesia, and the surgeries are performed with thin endoscopic instruments.

When the boy eventually sees clearly that he actually is gradually becoming like a girl, he is typically brought to believe that this is something occuring naturally for some boys, or that he actually was a girl in the first place, that unfortunately looked like a boy at the outside and that they are helping him to become what he truely is. At this point the endpoint of the surgeries to make outer femele genitals is performed.

This enterprice is typically associated with certein feminist sororities of mothers, certain ballet and gymnastic schools or certain private scjools of the Montessori type. But sometims the educational institution the boy attend begins the process without the parents knowing too. This clandestin enterprice has alreay a long history, bat has taken to nearly industrial proportions in the latest years.

The reason why this is done is tmanyfold: The mothers get a doughter of a special body shape she wants. The educational institutions thereby produce girls with a special body shape that that is wanted in dance and entertainment enterprizes. Medical companies and research institutions use the boys to steal tissue, they use the boys to experiment with new surgical techniques, and they use the process to try new kind of medications.

Knut Holt


Vaccine for Influenza or Flu - Shall you Take IT or Not?

Every year one or more epidermis of influenza appear, often of new types, and usually one is offered a vaccine to prevent against the flu of the season. Here are some moments to consider before taking it.

Influenza is a contagious infection that affects the respiratory system like a cold, but also the rest of the body with symptoms like fever, fatigue, nausea, chills and aches in limbs and joints. It typically last form 7-14 days. It is usually mild, but can get serious and even deadly. The influenza virus is steadily changing, so new types of the disease often occur. The new type emerge in one part of the globe, very often in the east, and spread within months to the whole world.

There is no real good treatment for flu, but each year one is usually offered a vaccine that protects against the most prominent versions of the disease. A new type of vaccine is constructed for each new epidemic. In most countries one tries to get enough amount of vaccines ready for the beginning of the flu season in that country, in America at the beginning of October.

The vaccine is produces as shots that contains dead virus, and as nasal spray that is based on live weakened virus. People is usually unconditionally advised to take the vaccine of the season in America. Im European countries one usually advices only special exposed groups to take the vaccine. The choice to take it is however not so easy, though. Here are some things to consider before accepting the vaccine.

Firstly the vaccine costs money, in some communities more than in others. This cost is usually not a big moment, but should be taken into consideration.

Even without vaccine, most people in a population really does not get sick, so in most cases the money is spoiled, and when old types reoccur, only few get sick.

The vaccine is not totally effective. Studies made at specific epidermis has shown that it is was 61% effective or less in preventing a case, depending on type of virus. Perhaps it still lessened the symptoms and duration in many cases that occurred despite the vaccine. Since it is made new for each season, the real effectiveness is also not well known when used, since it is not time for thorough tests. The vaccine also loses most of its effectiveness at late stages of the season.

The vaccine will give side effects in virtually all cases, even though some of the side effects often not called so. Most people that take the shot get irritation round the place where the shot was set, usually redness, pain and swelling that last up 48 hours. Sometimes, however, the shot gives more serious inflammatory reaction that causes great difficulty of using the limb several days.

People that take the nasal spray will at least get some mild flu symptoms a couple of days, but it can last much longer. This reaction is actually a mild influenza infection.

Not seldom will the shot give general reactions in the body that are not an influenza reaction, but still gives much of the same symptoms as a flu, like aches and fever 24-48 hours after the vaccine.

A certain percentage experience that these symptoms last some days and get as bad as a real flu. In a few cases the influenza-like reactions get serious and life-threatening, and each season a few people actually die from the side effects of the vaccine.

The vaccine usually contains substances that are known to be toxic or to cause serious allergic or auto-immune reaction. The purpose of these substances is partly to inactivate the virus, and partly to enhance the immune reaction from the body against the inactivated virus that the vaccine contains. Repeated doses of the vaccines may cause negative long term effects.

One such substance is mercury. Generally one avoid using mercury in modern vaccines, but it is still often used in vaccines against flu. Flu vaccines are for example strongly suspected to cause narcolepsy in some persons.

Since there never will be enough time to test the vaccine thoroughly, one never knows how serious the complications of the vaccine will be when it is applied for real.

Regarding the decision if one shall take the vaccine for the seasonal flu, one could think in the following manner. The general stance should be not to accept the vaccine for yourself or your children. If however some or more of the following aspects occur, the reason for taking the shot gets greater:

- One has a weak health condition so that an infection is likely to get serious.
- From experience you know that you get the flu every season without vaccine.
- One has experienced before that a flu episode gives serious symptoms.
- The flu of the season has shown to be particularly serious.
- If you have narrowed arteries, the vaccine can possibly reduce the risk of getting a heart attack triggered by influenza.
- A break from the job will cost a considerable amount of money.
- You have people around you at the job or in the family that you expect will be seriously affected by the flu if they get the virus from you.

In each season there uses to be several epidermis, some old types recurring, and often a totally new type. Usually all prevalent strains of the virus is included in the vaccine so that you get a certain protection for several types if you choose to accept the vaccine.


Knut Holt is an internet marketer interested in the health field. For natural products against edema, hemorrhoids, poor memory and concentration, hypothyroidism, over-weight, congested heart, acne, diabetes, UTI, yeast infection, insomnia, and for products for other problems in the muscles, joints, windpipe, stomach, nervous system, circulation and hormonal system, please see his web-site. Also products to improve the satisfaction of the sexual life.


Source: http://www.eioba.com/a/4mo0/vaccine-for-influenza-or-flu-shall-you-take-it-or-not

Free to reprint with the authors name and link


How to Controle Your Fat, sugar and Salt Consume

Most people in the modern societies consume way too much fat, sugar and salt, which greatly increases the risk for serious diseases. Here you can learn how to get total control of your intake of these nutrients.

The high average consume of fat, sugar and salt contributes to a high and still rising frequency of over-weight, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer, even in young people. One reason for this over-consume is the amount of hidden fat, sugar and salt in food products, so that you get much more of them than you think.

In order to keep yourself generally healthy and reduce the risk for these diseases, you need to get an absolute control of how much you consume of these substances.


An adult person needs around 4 grams salt (NaCl) each day. You can use this number when you assess the amount of added salt in the food you buy, and the salt you add to the dishes you cook.

Each of your meals should consist of less than 10% fat, around 30% carbohydrates (starch and sugar) and around 25% protein, measured in weight. The rest 35% will be the content of other nutrients and water in your food. Some experts will recommend more fat and less carbohydrates. But if you choose to get most of your energy from fat, you must be sure you reduce significantly your consume of sugar and starch too.

It is not possible to achieve exactly the ideal amount of fat, carbohydrates and salt in your diet. But by following some principles regarding the food you buy, cook and eat, you can control the composition of your diet well enough.


All your meals should contain protein-rich food like fish, poultry, eggs, mushrooms or meat. Each meal should also contain an equal amount of carbohydrate-rich food like bread, cereals, potatoes, beans or peas. And in each meal you should have some fruit, and vegetables. Some times each week you should eat food rich in healthy fat, like fat fish, sunflower seeds, almonds or nuts. The moderate amount of fat you need will be found naturally in all these food types.

Instead of sugar, use fruit, fresh or dried, like bananas and raisins to sweet your food.

Ideally you should not consume bread bought in the stores, but make dishes from unprocessed cereals, like porridge or muesli, or bake your bread from unprocessed cereals. To these dishes, or self-made bread you can add a minor amount of salt and natural oils.

If you still choose to buy ready made bread, choose whole grain bread, which contains specified natural oils as the only type of fat, without added sugar, and with only small amounts of added salt.

Make all your dishes from natural unprocessed sources. Add only small amount of natural oils and salt when you cook.

Buy meat free from visible fat or cut away the fat you can see.

Fish, meat and vegetables that have been processed or canned, as a rule contain substantially amount of sugar and salt, and usually also fat. If you still chooses to buy canned food, make sure that they do not contain added sugar, fat or salt before you buy it.

Avoid all kind of ready made sweet drinks. Ideally you should press juice from fresh fruit and blend it with water according to your own taste, and use this as your sweet drinks. Do not add sugar. If you still choose to buy ready-made juices, make sure that they do not contain added sugar or salt.

Cookies, candies, ice-cream and cakes consist mostly of fat, sugar and starch. These things should be eaten only at special occasions a couple of times each week, and not be a substantial part of your daily diet.


If you choose to buy ready-made food of some type, you must read the declaration to be reasonably sure about the content, and not trust what the label says. If there is no declaration, the declaration looks incomplete, it does not specify amounts, or the declaration contains some fancy words, do not buy it. If the declaration says something like "vegetable fat", this fat is as a rule industrially processed and unhealthy for you.

Also if the food has a consistency and taste that do not seem to fit the declared content, the declaration is most probably false, and you should avoid the product. For example, a full corn bread should have a firm consistency and not feel soft. A bread without added sugar should not taste distinctly sweet.

The small amount of added fat in your food should be unprocessed oils from olives, sunflowers, almonds, canola, nuts, linen seeds, soy, and other natural oils, and you should vary between these oil types so that you get a good mix of fatty acids in your diet.

Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. At his site there is a lot information useful to improve health and fitness, including slimming and exercise advices. You can also find presentation of products to combat common health issues, to improve fitness and to improve sexual potency and satisfaction.


Well-child Physical Exams With Physiological Testing and Internal Body inspections
By Knut Holt

A yearly well-child health assessment is standard in many societies, usually with an assessment of all body areas, but in a simple and superficial way.

There is however a growing tendency in many societies to call in children at specific age levels for a more thorrough internal examination by use of ultrasound equipment, x-ray, electrodes and inspections through all body openings with optical scopes.

The elected age levels for this type of exam tend to be 6-7, 11-12 and 15-16. These examinations are most often performed in a separat appointment in addition to the standard well-child physical, but some of them are sometimes done in the same appointment as the basic physical.

These more thorrough additions to the standard yearly examination is very seldome told about in media, so people are generally not aware of them, and the parents of the child often get to know about them only when the child is called in.

The following is a survey of what tends to happen during these extended physicals. Few places perform all of the listed procedures, but as the technology is developing steadily more of them seem to be included.

The following information is based on extensive polls made about the exam types people in various countries experience at specific age levels. The details specified are only meant as a documentation of an ongoing trend. It is not meant as some kind of advice about what type of exams children should go through, or as any judgement weather this development is good or bad.


In some societies the parents will be instructed not to give the child food after some time the day before and to give the child some laxative agent to make his stomach empty.


This special exam is likely to start with an structured interview with both the parent and the child, and with cognitive tests. During this part the child will be fully clothed, but in a light way, so that the staff can assess bodily reactions to posed questions. At the end of this preliminary part the child will be clothed down to underwear or given a gown or some light exam clothes that are easy to open or remove.

The exam is likely to proceeed with anthropomorphic measurements with an assessment of the growth patern. This stage will include measurement of weight, height, limb length, and circumferance of all body parts. There will also be measurement of subdermal fat thickness. After this part the chilld is likely clothed down to only briefs around the genitals.

Then there will be assessment of body functions like gait, active flection, ballance, coordination of limb movements and muscular strength. Now there will also be a neurological assessment where the sensitivity in all body parts will be assessed by gentle stimulations. The neurological assesment will end by the lower underwear taken off so that the child is totally naked and the sensitivity of the outer pelvic areas tested.

The stimulation and assessment of reactions by such neurological exams are traditionally done by manually touching with pointed objects. But there is a growing tendency to use electronically stimulating sonds combined with electrodes connected to a computer device to assess reactions

The child will remain without ordinary clothes for the next stages of the examination, but will be offered a gown or carpet to warm and shield when total nakedness is not necessary.


This stage to come now will be a thorrough orthopedic examination, where the shape, flexibility, function and development status of all muscles, joints and bones in the body will be assessed, including the whole pelvic area and the muscles in the pelvic floor. This examination wil include:

-A check of spine curvature to diagnose scoliosis or other deformities, performed with the child in standing and foreward bent posisions.

-Checking of flexibility in the schoulders, armes, spine and hip with the child in standing and sitting posision.

-Assessment of leg and hip joint flexibility with the child laying, performed by probing all possible modes of bending and twisting of the legs.

- A general inspection of the pelvic structure with the legs bent up and spread, including assessment of the alignment of the rectal opening, symmetry of the buttocks, and symmetry of the outer genital structures.

-Ultrasound examination of the major joints in the body, especially the hip joints, knees and shoulder joints.

-Additional ultrasound check of body areas where the forgoing examinations have revealed symptoms of possible problems.


In many societies the child will be given some degree of anesthesia for the rest of the exam, most likely only some calming medication through the mouth or light sedation through an intervenous catheter, or with gas through a mask. The intention of the anesthesia is to make the child calm and relaxed, and to hinder the child from remembering much of the more intimate parts that follow.


After the orthopedic examination there one will perform an outer abdominal assessment whith the following procedure

. Manual palpation and percussion all over the abdominal and renal region with the child laying on the back and laying at the sides with the legs flexed, to assess the shape of the abdominal organs, detect any tissue changes, painful points, muscular tension, masses, fluid accumulation and abnormal accumulation of intestinal content.

- Ultrasound examination of the abdomen with special attention at the bladder and the renal area.


Then there will be a more specific genital assessment with the child laying on the back with the legs flexed up and separeted. The exact posision will vary according to the development stage of the child. For girls this will include:

- Manual palpation of the outer genital area

- Separation of the labia to inspect the inner area of the genitals.

-.Taking specimens form the outer urethra and vagina to analyse secretions and microbeal content.

- Inspection of the vagina with an optical scope.

- For girls in puberty vaginal ultrasound exam.

For boys the genital exam will include

- Manual palpation of the penis, scrotum, testicles and the area down to the anus.

- Retraction of foreskin and spreading uretral opening for inspection.

- Taking specimens form the outer urethra to analyse secretions and microbeal content.

- Taking specimen of prostate fluid with a tube inserted into the urethra, and if necessary with a massage of the prostate with a finger inserted through the anus.

- Palpation of the prostate with a finger inserted through the anus.

- Ultrasound exam of the scrotum, testicles and the area down to the anus.

The child will then undergo cystoscopy where one inspects visually the inside of the urethra and the bladder, and possibly also takes small specimens from the inside walls. For boys there will be a thorrough inspection of the prostate area during this examination. Traditionally cystoscopy has been a difficult examination to undertake, but modern flexible instruments ha made it to an easy and very quick examination. Therefore this type of exam that sounds very intrusive is very likely to be included. During this exam the bladder will be filled with fluid and in that shape also assessed with an outer ultrasound sond.


The physical assessment concludes with the rectal inspection, which will include

- Examination of the anus and interior room with an inserted finger

- Opening of the anus with a speculum for visual inspection and taking specimens.

- Taking specimen from the rectum with an inserted instrument while the speculum is in place

- Flushing the rectum and lower colon clean out content with by means of an inserted tube.

- Internal ultrasound exam to visualize the organs around in the posterior pelvic zone.

- Inspection of the deeper parts of rectum and terminal colon with a flexible optical scope

The instruments used in most of these examinations will take pictures and measurements that are transfered to a computer, stored there and later taken forth for further inspection and diagnosis.


In the original post, I told that endoscopic exams through the urinary opening, the anus and the vagina i steadily more often performed on children and teens. In certain areas this is so often done at the age of 6-8 and 11-14, that it constitutes a semi-standard procedure that a selected and great persentage of children will go through.

In the reacent time I have got several indications that another new examination mode in the lover body of children often is done in addition to, or instead of these endoscopic procedures.

This new mode consists of making a small perforation in the botton of the navel, incerting a thin flexible endosocpe and inspecting the inside of the belly with this. It is most often done under anesthesia or one takes the opportunity to do the exam when the child is under anesthesia for other reasons, like dental work or tonsillectomies.

In either case, the technological development has now got so far that such an exam can be done with little discomfort and risk, even when only local anesthesia is used, although one prefere the child to be sleeping.

Ths child will often wake up with some plaster on his belly bottom after dental procedure or the like and wonder what has been going on.

Sometimes one also takes tissue samples during this exam, or even takes out the apendix.


The type of exam program described here, is nothing new. It has been attempted from time to time in various soiceties arpund the world at least from the end of the second world war. In most of these societies, a certain persentage of children seem to have been chosen for the program, typically 10%.

By Knut Holt


How Does Erection of the Penis Take Place

Erection takes place when structures inside the penis and along the urethra between a man's legs are filled with blood and inflated. This occur upon signals from the brain and the spinal cord, and the signals are transmitted through nerves in the parasympatic nervous system, a part of the autonomous or involuntary nervous system.


The erection is triggered and controlled by the following events:

- Something stimulates sensorial bodies in the genital zone or other senses. Impulses are then sent from the senses through nerves and the spinal cord towards the brain, and reaches the upper areas of the brain. The brain then recognizes these impulses as something sexually arousing. Also thoughts originating in the brain itself may be recognized as something sexually arousing.

- The higher brain areas having recognized some arousing events then send impulses down to the limbic system at the lower area of the brain. It is the limbic system that actually produces the feeling of excitement.

- The limbic system sends signals down the spinal cord and out to the genital area through nerves called nervi erigentes - a part of the parasympatic nervous system

- The signals reaching the penis and the rest of the genital zone then trigger erection and engorgement of the area between the man's legs.

- Stimuli to the penile or genital sensorial bodies do not need to reach the brain to result in an erection. Areas in the spinal cord will also recognize the stimuli and get excited. Then the spinal cord also by its own sends erectile impulses back to the genital area.

- The sensorial bodies in the genital area will also be stimulated mechanically by the erection. Since stimulation of these bodies trigger erection, the erection process is self enforcing. A beginning erection thus trigger even more erection.


In the penis lie three bodies consisting of a network of very elastic blood vessels having circular smooth muscles in their walls, called erectile bodies. There are two paired bodies lying at the upper side of the urethra (corpora cavernosa), and one lying around the urethra (corpus spongiosum).

The muscles in the vessel walls are able to constrict the volume of the vessels, or relax allowing the vessels to widen. Vessels leading blood to or from the erectile bodies also have the ability to constrict or relax in order to restrict or facilitate blood flow. The erectile chambers are not only confined to the penis, but continue in the area between the legs all the way backwards to the anal area.


The erection response consists of the following events in the genital zone:

- When the signals from the brain and the spinal cord reach the nerve ends in the penis and the genital zone, the chemical compound nitric oxide (NO) is released.

- Nitric oxide then spreads through the genital area and especially the penis. Nitric oxide then triggers the following reactions.

- Blood vessels leading blood to the erectile bodies relax. Then more blood flows into the penis.

- Blood vessels leading from the erectile bodies constrict, making it difficult for blood to leave the bodies.

- The smooth muscles around the vessels in the erectile bodies relax, allowing these vessels to widen.

- The blood going into the erectile bodies will then fill up in the vessels of the bodies and inflate the bodies to a much larger volume.

- The inflated bodies will get straight and hard. The growing erectile bodies will inflate the whole penis and make the penis rise.

- Since the erectile bodies continues backwards between the man's legs, also this area swells and fixes the penis rigidly so that it does not sway from side to side when fully erected.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. TO FIND natural measures against erection problems, sexually stimulating herbal preparations, and natural medicines against digestive problems, allergy, asthma, acne, eczema, rosacea, scars, wrinkles, over-weight, hypertension, heart disease, hypothyroidism, hemorrhoids, depression and other common health problems, PLEASE VISIT:----


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/340883

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