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Date Posted: 21:17:33 09/10/09 Thu
Author: KarenSimon
Subject: Help Needed

I'm having a problem with hypoglycemia. I am an insulin dependant diabetic. It has happened 5 times in the last week. I've caught it early enough to take action. Not so on the 18 of August. Woke up in the middle of the nite - 1:30 - with major problems. Treated it with orange juice but ended up in the ER because I wasn't getting better. My home tester wasn't working so don't know how low I got. Since then I've gotten a new tester so checking the sugar regularly. I've been going to bed later trying to catch it before it gets too bad. I've reduced the insulin 15 units (5 at a time) for dinner. What am I doing wrong? Will it happen again tonight?

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[> Re: Help Needed -- Tona, 15:30:13 09/20/09 Sun [1]

Karen, if you have reduced your insulin and are still having trouble then you are still getting too much insulin. Are you having a snack before going to bed? Whenever I have been in the hospital they always brought me either 4 vanilla wafers or a package with 3 graham cracker squares in it along with a carton of skim milk. Also, my dr told me a serving of no sugar added ice cream is a good choice for getting through the night. I hope this helps and you can solve your problem soon. I know how frustrating it can be. Tona

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[> Re: Help Needed -- KarenSimon, 19:07:12 09/20/09 Sun [1]

Tona, thank you for your suggestions. I'm not accustomed to having a bedtime snack. Always thought it best to improve the fasting number in the morning. I had a total of 8 nights of hypo in a two week period. Things have gone the other way now. I have NOT changed my diet. Fasting numbers 151, 179, 141, 99, 105. Really weird how they go so haywire.

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