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*Looking for a Pageant this Weekend?*
Age Groups: Girls Divisions: 0-6mth, 7-12mth, 13-23mth, 2year, 3year, 4-5year, 6-7yr, 8-10yr, 11 and up. Boys Divisions: 0-2yr. 3-5yr,
Attire: OOC and contestants may bring small props on stage as well as their own custom music, PLEASE NOTE: Contestants are ONLY allowed a minute and a half on stage)
Optional Wear: Swim wear for all ages, may be custom made or off the rack, glitz or natural, one or two pieces
Entry Fees:
Beauty (required): 25.00_
Side Awards (Most Beautiful, Best Personality, and Best Attire): 5.00 each or all three for 10.00_
Optional Wear: 10.00
Photogenic: 5.00
Mini Supreme/Grand Supreme: 10.00_
Ultimate Grand Supreme: 10.00_
Sweetest Face: FREE!!!!!!
Natural Beauty: FREE!!!!!!
Living Doll: FREE!!!!!!!!
Overalls (Most Beautiful, Best Personality, Best Attire, Best Swimwear): 10.00
Deposit paid (To be discounted from amount owed):_
Fees off (Please include reason for ex, won fees off through trivia contest):_
Total: _
Email to pre-register, and fees may be sent via PayPal to Please feel free to find us on facebook, simply search RC pageants
Emcee Form:
Contestant’s name: __________________ Age: ______ Age Division: ___________
Parent’s Name: _________________ Address: _____________________________
Email: ________________________ Phone Number: _______________________
Hair Color: ____________________ Eye Color: ____________________________
Favorite Thing about summer: _________________________________________
Hobbies: ___________________________________________________________
Biggest Wish: _______________________________________________________
Favorite Person and why: ______________________________________________
I understand that Runway Cuties Productions is a fun, fair and affordable pageant system. I understand that ANY and ALL negative remarks or comments, or negative behavior towards another contestant WILL NOT be tolerated and will result in disqualification and loss of eligibility to compete at any of our future events.
Parent’s Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________