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Date Posted: 00:21:37 07/05/13 Fri
Author: Leon Harrison
Subject: Racist Rants of a Pervert

Posted: 11:10 a.m. Monday, April 4, 2011

Why are Christians the targets of jokes?

I viewed the movie “Paul” at a local matinee recently. It was a cute, clever and comical movie, except for the tired and stereotypical Christian scenes depicted by a couple of crazy Christian characters: deranged and strange until one of them (the lady love interest) changed.

I laughed at and enjoyed it, but wish that the writers and producers had not employed this tired old technique to get some laughs at Christians’ expense.

For the sake of diversity and multicultural inclusion, isn’t it time for Muslims to take their turn? Certainly they can laugh at and tolerate religious jokes at their expense.

Leon Harrison

West Carrollton

Posted: 3:59 p.m. Monday, Nov. 15, 2010

Bilingual ballots are a waste of money

Re “Spanish-speaking voters welcome bilingual ballot,” Nov. 8: We can’t afford multilingual printing.

Note to the U.S. Justice Department: bilingual and multilingual ballots are not “a success” for the taxpaying citizens who have to pay for the additional printing and related costs.

Maybe those federal folks have not heard or learned that the federal, state, county and city governments are broke, if not bankrupt.

U.S. citizens might also have the right to demand that their ballots be printed in English only.

Leon Harrison

West Carrollton

Posted: 5:40 p.m. Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Columnist way too optimistic about nation’s future

Re “Forget the doom and gloom, America is going to be fine,” April 7: I wish that I could share David Brooks’ optimism regarding future immigration and birth rates that will increase the (criminal, dependent and incarcerated) population of our nation to 400 million by 2050. I hope that I do not live to be 100 years old or exist to see this.

In his commentary, Brooks assures us that this future (estimated) population will be enterprising and relatively young; not mentioning or even guessing about how many of these people will be involved in criminal activities and end up inside our hospitals, jails and prisons.

Brooks also brags that half of the world’s skilled immigrants have been coming here. He does not give us any facts or figures concerning the millions of functionally illiterate, criminal, diseased, sick and unskilled immigrants (with large extended families) who have been sneaking in to stay. Before 1965, we used to demand, expect and require that applicant immigrants learn how to speak English and pass citizenship tests.

Mr. Brooks, how many immigrants are too many? How much is too much?

Leon Harrison

West Carrollton


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