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Date Posted: 11:15:18 04/27/17 Thu
Author: Anonymous

To read about hoe to check your child or scoliosis, how to get slim and stay slim, how doctors hunt for signs of child abuse, how to prevent heart disease, please scroll down.

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How to Check Your Child for Scoliosis

Scoliosis is abnormal bends and twists in the spinal column which often progress. Scoliosis often begins in childhood or early puberty and can get very severe if not treated. It is important to detect the onset of scoliosis at an early time.You can easily do so on your children yourself.

By scoliosis the spinal column is bent and twisted in abnormal ways, often sidewise. Often the deformities occur in opposite directions at several places so that the condition is not easily seen without a close examination. Injuries, paralysis, rheumatism or other specific conditions can cause scoliosis. By the most common type, idiopathic scoliosis, the spine is growing asymmetrically, but the cause of the asymmetrical growth is not well known.

Idiopathic scoliosis often begins during infancy or early puberty and progresses as long as the child is growing. The condition can gradually become very severe. Therefore it should be detected early so that treatment begins in time. Most children are checked for scoliosis during well-child physicals or in school. But the programs for scoliosis checks are not often consistent, or the checks are done too seldom.

It is however easy for the parents themselves to check a child for scoliosis, and the parents should therefore do such a check on the child at least 4 times a year. You check a child, or an adult too, for scoliosis this way:

The child stands upright with bare back from the neck to the buttocks. You stand or sit at a chair behind the child. The back should be well illuminated. First take a broad overview of the back of your child from the top of his head to his feet. Look to see if his body as a whole is symmetrical and without bends or twists.

Then let the child turn his side to you, then let him turn so you see his breast and belly area, and then further to the other side and finally turn so that his back aging faces you. Take a broad overview of the child from top to bottom also at his front and sides as he turns. Look each time to see if something looks asymmetrical or twisted.

When his back faces you, look at his shoulders to see if they are on equal height. You can lay a flat hand upon the shoulders to observe better. Look also at the iliac crests (the crests on each side at the top of the pelvis) to see if they also are on equal height. Also here you can place your hands just over the crests to observe better. Unequal heights of the shoulders or of the pelvic crests are often due to scoliosis or other spinal misconfigurations.

Then look along the spine from the top of the neck to the buttocks to see if there are some sidewise bends. Also stroke your fingers over the mid of the spine all the way from the neck to its end. Make sure you feel the crests on the mid of the spine when you stroke. If some part of the spine is not well visible, bends or other abnormalities can more easily be detected by keeping attention to the path of your finger.

Then let the child bend forward with straight legs and touch his toes. Look along his back from your position behind. See if there are bumps or elevated areas on each side. If the spine is curved towards one side, the curved portion of the spine will be pressed up at the other side.

Have something to note upon during the check, and note down all observations that may suggest scoliosis or other misalignments. Keep your notations in a journal so that you can compare with earlier notations. This way you can keep track of gradual changes going on. The best is perhaps to note shortly on a paper and then register it on a digital file.

If you find some kind of symptoms that may suggest scoliosis, you should in short time consult a doctor. If the symptoms are just small, the doctor will often choose to just follow the development over time in the first place. But it is wise that also you, the parents follow the development with regular exams and notations as here suggested.

Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. At his site there is a lot information useful to improve health and fitness, including slimming and exercise advices. You can also find presentation of products to combat common health issues and to improve fitness


This article is free to copy as long as the author's link is present.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?How-to-Check-Your-Child-for-Scoliosis&id=8879528

How to Lose Weight Successfully and Become Slim - Practicle Advices

In order to successfully reduce weight and get slim, you have to eat healthy food, you have to reduce your consume of fat and carbohydrates and you have to exercise regularly. Here are some practical measures to fulfill this goal:

- Reduce the total amount of food you eat.

- However, do not try to starve yourself. Eat regularly 4 (or 5) moderate meals each day. In this way your blood sugar level will not drop to low amounts that hinder you in doing physical activities, and give you an impulse to over-eat.

- Do not use fast-food or other sorts of pre-made food. Make your meals from pure raw ingredients that you buy yourself. In this way you have full control of what you put into your body.

- Do not eat between the meals.

- Each meal shall include some lean protein-rich element like lean fish, poultry, mushrooms or lean meat.

- Cut away all visible fat from meat, poultry or fish.

- Each meal shall also include some vegetables or fruit. These shall be raw or only gently cooked.

- In each meal there shall also be some whole corn bread or cereals, beans, peas or potatoes as a carbohydrate and energy source. It is important to vary the energy source from meal to meal. Do not only use bread or potatoes.

- Fat fish, nuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, olives and the like contain very much fat. But the fat is of a type that is valuable for your health. You shall therefore eat some of these food types every day, but in moderate amounts. You may however choose to increase the amount of these ingredients in your diet if you reduce the amount of bread, and other carbohydrate sources.

- Do not add much extra oil, butter, fat sauces, fat dressings, sugar or sweet sauces to your food.

- The little fat you add to your food should be of natural chemically unaltered types like virgin olive oil, sunflower oil, rape oil / canola oil, soy oil, fish oil or natural butter. Vary the oil type to get all essential fatty acids.

- Ideally you should not consume sweet beverages, except fruit juice in moderate amounts.

- Reduce your alcohol consume. Alcohol is converted to fat in your body.

- Drastically reduce your consume of snacks, ice-cream, cakes, cookies, chocolate and the like.

- Do not consume great amounts of salt. Salt does not make you fat, but it binds water in your body and this excessive water contribute to your weight problem. When you loose fat, the fat also tends to be replaced by water. Reducing the salt consume will help you get rid of excessive water.

- Some people over-eat because of boredom. Find some new hobby activities or some new friends that share some of your interests.

- Do some physical exercise at least every second day. You shall include exercises that give your muscles some resistance in order to increase your muscle mass, for example weight lifting. You shall also include some activities that make you consume energy and build up your condition, like running, swimming and cycling. And you should do some stretching exercises, for example yoga postures.

- A supplement of vitamins and minerals can be useful to make your body able to burn fat effectively or increase your ability to engage in physical activities. When you reduce the amount of food you consume, also the amount of vitamins and minerals you take in will be reduced. This lack can be remanded with an extra supplement.

- On the market you can also find preparations of herbs, vitamins and minerals especially made for people in a slimming process, giving these effects: They replace a lack of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants because of reduced eating. They help your body burn and eliminate fat. They give you a feeling of greater energy and a greater ability to be physically active. They help reduce an abnormal appetite. Some preparations also contain ingredients that reduce the uptake of fat and carbohydrates from the intestines.


Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. ----TO FIND natural supplement6s to help slimming and natural medicines against common diseases, like acne, eczema, hypothyroidism, fatigue, depression, hemorrhoids, joint pain, hypertension, high cholesterol, circulatory problems, digestive ailments, allergies, menstrual problems, respiratory diseases and more, PLEASE VISIT:---



----Free to reprint with the author's name and link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/338923

How Does Health Personal Look for Child Abuse

By Knut Holt



When any kind of health personal has something to do with your child, they are always looking for signs in your child of sexual abuse, abuse by violence, mental abuse or neglect.

They do so when they perform a well-child physical, when they examinr and treat a child for any disease and of cource when they examine a child after suspicion of some kind of abuse.

Doctors, dentists, and all therapists have learned to be suspicious of any parents or any person near to the child of being an abuser, and they have also been instructed from superior authorities to be suspicious. Many doctors or health personal are downright brainwashed to interprete any unusual as signs of sexual abuse, and have lost their ability to reason logically about these matters.

In many societies health personal also feel they have the obligation to report a certain numeber of possible abuse cases each month or so, and are afraid that themselves will be suspected for abuse or for neglecting their duty if they do not dulfill they quota.

In many communities halth personal also get economical reward for every suspicion they report.

This atmosphere has contributed to an exaggerated tend to interprete findings as signs of abuse.

Here is listet the approach doctors use to detect possible abuse and the signs they look for:

Initially the health worker tries to start a communication with the child about his daily life, his interest, his school work and his friends, but without asking too specific. During this conversation the health worker is eagerly listening to tails of any ativity that might be iterpreted as an abusive process.

The health worker might then take hold of some material the child tells about and ask some more in depth. At this point he will typically adress the feelings of the child, if he is generally sad or sad for something specific or is afraid of something in his life.

If it is difficult to get the child tell openly about anything of the mentioned subjects, that by itself tend to be interpreted as a sign of something wrong in the life of the child.
It will also awake suspicion if the child shows more interest or knowledge of some matter, especially knowledge about the human body and sexuality, than that belonging to a very restricted standard for what is concidered age appropriate.

Looking at the intimate zones of a child is a main method to detect signs that can serv to be interpreted as symptoms of sexual abuse. The doctor does not only look for inuries and other physical symptoms, but also the reaction of the child when the doctor approaches the intimate zones.

In addition to the specific examinations of the genital and rectal areas, the doctor will typically approach the intimate zones several times during the exam, and especially when examining the skin, the pulses and blood circulation, the nurological system and the scheletomuscular apparatus.

Any kind of reaction that differ from a strict norm will be interpreted as symptom of abuse. If the child is very shy or afraid, or if the child does not seem to be shy or afraid at all, both will be used as proof of sexual abuse.

Even though your child is expected to show some shyness, any degree of mistrust against the doctor or the nurse and any degree of physical reistance against the handling of the personal will be interpreted as sign of sexual abuse or other kind of abuse.

When examining the various body regions, the doctor look for any kind of injuries resulted from some physical impact, like blue marks, bruices or sores. All such findings are interpreted as sign of physical abuse, and if found on the intimate region, both of physical and sexual abuse. If there is some other logical explanation for the injuries, that will not be believed - or if believed, twisted in a way to make it an indirect proof or abuse or neglect.

When examining the mouth of your kid, any sign of bad hygiene or distinct caries in the teeth will be interpreted as sign of sexual abuse or neglect of needs. But also a higher degree of oral hygiene than the strict avarege will be interpreted as attempts from the child itself or the parents to wash away symptoms of abuse or bad feeling after abuse.

In the examination of the genitals of a girl, the doctor look specifically for irregularities or injuries at the entrance of the vaginal opening where any finding of irregularities will be interpreted as symptoms of sexual abuse.

When looking at the rectal area the doctor look for any injury. She also especially look for a widened rectal opening, all of which will be interpreted as sign of sexual abuse.

Some doctors will gently press a rounded object, for example a finger, towards the rectal opening. If the anus relaxes and widens reflectorily so that the object slides inside, this is interpreted as a secure proof of sexual abuse.

In other way, any parent or guardian of the child, is suspected of abusing the child already from the onset, and after handling the child, the thought pattern of the health worker nearly guarantees that she has found something she thinks increases the suspicion or are downright proof of abuse.

In spite of this thought pattern, the doctor has been learned to behave in a falsly nice, and polite manner towards the parents and the child, and most doctors manage to do so. The doctors bahavior is therefore often difficult to interprete.

Still all parents are not reported for child abuse, even though a scaring number are reported for fals claims. The reason is simple. The doctor knows that the system does not have the capacity to handle all children she wants to report. Therefore she will try to fill the system to its maximum capacity, but is smart enough not to push further.

Furthermore she knows that too many reports will give her a bad reputation by the parents, which means economic loss. Therefor she will tend to selct those parents or those children that are in a weak and woulnerable position in the society, and report especially those.

By Knut Holt
To find more intersting information about natural disease cures, methods of improving fitness, and methods to improve sex life, please go here:



How to Prevent Heart Disease and Circulatory Problems

Lifestyle factors cause most incidents of heart disease and diseases in the blood circulation, either wholly or partially. Bad lifestyle can cause blood vessels to be narrowed, high blood pressure and inflammatory processes in the circulatory system. These changes will themselves decrease the general condition and tissue health, and can cause more dramatic events like blod clots, heart infarction or stroke.

Here are some simple advices to avoid disease in the heart and blood vessels and to help regain good circulatory health if such disease already are present.

- Do not smoke or use any other types of nicotine sources. Smoking is perhaps the most potent cause of circulatory problems.

- Have some exercises at least every second day that make your heart work harder. Jogging, cycling, playing ball, swimming or other activities where you increase your energy consume are good for your blood circulation. The exercises should however be adjusted to your present health condition.

- Get enough sleep each 24 hours. All the sleep does not however need to occur during night. You can for example take out some of your need for sleep as a siesta in the middle of the day. 7 hours sleep seems to be the ideal for optimal circulatory health. Much more sleep seems to be bad for your blood circulation.

- Avoid a high amount of stress over a longer period. If there is something in your lifestyle or work that makes you stressed, you should make adjustments. Meditation is a good method to stress down.

- Decrease the amount of fat in your diet. Do not add much oil, butter or other types of fat to your food. Do not consume much fast-food or ready made food that often contain great amount of added fat.

-Avoid altogether chemically altered fat, so-called trans-fat. This type of fat is often found in margarine and is often added to many types of cookies.

-Avoid great amounts of saturated fat, as found in fat milk, fat diary products, coconut products and butter.

- Still you need some fat. The fat you mostly need are mono-unsaturated fat as found in olives, olive oil, rape oil, canola oil and almonds, omga-3-polyunsaturated fat found for example in fish, seafood and flax oil and omga-6-polyunsatyrated found in sunflower oil, soy oil, corn oil, sunflower seeds and many types of nuts.

- Much of the fat you still choose to add to your food should be oils with mono-unsaturated fat like olive oil, rape oil, almond oil or canola oil. Marine oils or flax oil can be added to get enough omega-3-fat. You can also use some soy oil, corn oils and other types of natural oils with a high content of omega-6-fat, but do not use too much of these to avoid over-consuming this type of fat.

- Avoid consuming great amounts of salt. Do not add much salt to the food you ccok, and do not eat great amounts of ready made salty food. When it is hot in the weather or you are in high physical activity, you will however need some more salt, and must consume some more than elswhere.

- Eat some nuts, almonds or sunflower seeds several times each week, since these food types give you fat valuable for your circulatory health.

- Eat fish at least every second day. Use lean meat, lean poultry, mushrooms, seafood and lean diary products in the food you make.

- Consume a moderate amount of carbohydrates. Avoid adding great amounts of sugar to your food. Avoid consuming much sweet drinks, cookies and snacks with great amounts of sugar and other carbohydrates.

- Use carbohydrate sources that contain fibre and that let the carbohydrates be taken up over some time, for example full corn bread and cereals, beans, peas and fresh fruit.

- Eat vegetables and fruit to each meal in order to get enough vitamins, minerals, fibres and anti-oxidants. They should be raw or only gently cooked so that the content of nutrients is not washed out.

- A moderate alcohol consume is good for your blood circulation, especially red wine, but over-drinking has the opposite effect.

- Avoid excessive eating. Eating too much is not good for your blood circulation even though you eat sound food.

- Reduce excessive weight. The advices depicted above will often over time normalize your weight. If this is not enough you should carry through a more specific weight reduction program.

- If you suffer from diabetes, this disease should be well controlled.

- Extra supplements of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and anti-oxidants may be useful. Also some herbal supplements containing adaptogenic factors can be useful, for example supplements based on ginseng or roseroot (Rhodiola rocea). Supplements are especially useful if it is difficult to achieve a wholly satisfactory diet, or you have extra stressful conditions in your life you cannot avoid.

The advices depicted above are not only good for your circulatory health, but will also help to avoid rheumatism, cancer and other types of diseases.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items.----TO FIND natural help against common diseases, for example: Heart problems, over-weight, acne, hypothyroidism, fatigue, depression, anxiety, hemorrhoids, joint pain, allergies, rheumatism, respiratory diseases, and more PLEASE VISIT:


---For supplements to prevent heart disease and other health problems, PLEASE VISIT


----Free to reprint with the author's name and link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Knut_Holt/25995


About the G-Spot - How to Find and Stimulate It

By Knut Holt



The G-spot is an area laying between the urethra and the vagina and around the urethra. The most sensitive point in the area is found 3 inches or 5 cm inside over the upper/front vaginal wall (front if the woman is standing and upper if laying).

The area has a mesh of blood vessels that can fill with blood and engorge. The area has a rich equipment of nerve endings. The urethral sphincter consisting of a grid of crossing muscle bundles lays between this area and the bladder.

At both sides of the urethra, the area has a gland that produces a fluid with the same composition as a man's prostate, the paraurethral glands, which can be defined as a part of the G-spot. The area is also connected to the clitoris with bundles of connective tissue.


The innervation of the G-spot provides for strong sensations of sexual pleasure. These are described by many women as waves of pleasure spreading out from that area and that increase as the excitement increases and increase towards orgasm.

The innervation of the G-spot and the nearby area provides for sensations of many other kind during sex. Some women feel a sensation like the urge to urinate and the good feeling when one lets the urine flow. All these sensations increase when the mesh of blood vessels engorge.

Some women are however not aware of any sensations in the G-spot, and many women learn to recognise these sensations with sexual practice and by experimentation with sexual techniques. Some women also seem to mistake sexual urges coming from the G-spot for urge to urinate.


You can stimulate the G-spot of yourself or your woman by massaging with some force up against the upper/front vaginal wall about 5 cm or 3 inches inside the vagina. The right depth will of course vary from woman to woman, so it is important to try a wider area. One must massage so deep into the tissue that the massage exert a pressure in the area between the vagina and the urethra.

You can reach the right spot with the finger. It is perhaps more easy to stimulate the right spot with a dildo or a vibrator that is curved in the end. By using vibrations, pressure waves will propagate through all the inner areas of the vulva and induce a general physical excitement that you can build further upon when stimulating the G-spot more directly by the tip of the device.


Upon stimulation of thright intensity and length a woman can get an orgasm with the G-spot as the center of the feeling. Since there is an intimate connection between the G-spot and the clitoris, there will usually also be a clitoral component in the orgasm. Sometimes the center of feelings will be in the clitoris also upon G-spot stimulation, but the feelings will still originate from a wider area. Sometimes the woman will feel an intense pleasure in a wide area, including both the G-spot, the clitoris, the bladder area, the thighs and the anus.

G-spot orgasm or orgasm caused by G-spot stimulation is felt to by many women to be much more profound both physically and mentally than a pure clitoral orgasm and the feelings will often reach much farther inside in her body.


Upon stimulation the G-spot gets filled with blood and swells. The swelling increases the excitement, contributes to the general engorgement of the whole vulva and contributes to the stimulation towards orgasm. Also the excretion of lubricating fluid from glands in that area increases by G-point stimulation.

During orgasm some women ejaculate a fluid from their genital organ. The fluid seems mostly to originate from the paraurethral glands that empty themselves through ducts at both sides of the urethra, but some may also originate from small glands around the urethra that open into the urethra. The paraurethral glands make a fluid of nearly the same composition as the man¨s prostate secretions. The paraurethral glands are often depicted to be a part of the G-spot and female ejaculations seems to be particularly common during orgasms that originate in the G-spot.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. To find sex and health information, natural health remedies, drugs to treat sexual problems, and drugs to boost sexual pleasure please visit:


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt

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