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Date Posted: 06:05:49 01/22/16 Fri
Author: Rashed Ahmed
Subject: Time Management Skill

What have you done today to move you closer to your dreams? Are you expecting to wake up one morning and suddenly do everything to achieve your dream in just that one day? Aristotle said, "We are what we repeatedly do." Success is a daily habit. It's the little things you do every day that will get you to your destination.

Developing time management skills is a journey that may begin with this Guide, but needs practice and other guidance along the way. One goal is to help yourself become aware of how you use your time as one resource in organizing, prioritizing, and succeeding in your studies in the context of competing activities of friends, work, family, etc.

Put first things first

It does not have to be a huge thing. Neither does it have to be something that requires a huge investment of time, energy or resources on your part. It just has to be something that you can do consistently. You will discover that you will eventually be doing more of that one thing than you could have thought possible when you started. Over time, it will make a huge difference. Stephen Covey, the leadership guru further adds that "it's usually not the dramatic, the visible, the once-in-a-lifetime, up-by-the-bootstraps effort that brings enduring success. Empowerment comes from learning how to use this great endowment in the decisions we make every day."

We subordinate our dreams for our jobs, our bosses, our friends, our parents and a whole lot of other people and activities. We should instead place our hopes and dreams as the most important thing every day.

The time management matrix

Most people spend their time doing things that are neither urgent nor important. One thing that immediately comes to mind is the person that spends every bit of his free time at the bar hanging out with the guys and just having a good time. I would not be very mistaken to say that such a person is not only drinking their income away, but also their dreams.

Television is another not urgent and not important activity which, unfortunately, most of us spend a lot of our most productive time on. It is amazing how television sets in most homes are perpetually on and people are fixed on them like zombies, watching everything that is dished out to them! TVs have invaded our lives and crippled our dreams.

Do the important things

What we need to do is concentrate on the things that are most important. The hard part is that these are usually the things that are not urgent. Yet they are things that will make the biggest difference to our lives.

Why not turn off the television set tonight and read an inspiring book? Why not take a quiet moment to sit down and write down what you want to do with the rest of your life? Why not spend some time with your kids rather than with the guys at the bar?

It is not always fun

As you can see, the important things are usually not the most fun or exciting things to do always. However, they must be done. There is a price to be paid for attaining greatness and at times that means doing things we don't necessarily enjoy or want to do.

But you must do those things because you realize that your future depends on it. Think about this: if you only had to do the things that are fun and exciting at work would you get anything done? No. But you do it anyway, for the sake of that paycheck at the month-end. Why then, won't you do the things that matter most for your own life?

Given are some quick tips that will help you to learn the art of Time Management better.

Schedule Your Day.

If you want to learn how to improve your time management skills, then you need to have a concrete schedule for the day. Don't get out of bed thinking that you'll just wing it, because it often leads to a lot of time wastage.

It would be best to schedule and plan your tasks the night before, because your subconscious mind will help process their fulfillment while you're sleeping.

Create A Check List.

If you have deadlines coming up, then you need to create a list arranged according to priority. This helps keep you on track and even encourages you to do more as fast as possible. There's nothing like a list to keep you motivated and pressured to do your job.

Stop Wasting Time.

Spacing out for even just five minutes is a waste of time. Not taking a shortcut is also a waste of time. If you want to learn how to improve your time management skills, then you need to cut down on the activities that aren't related to work.

Chatting with your co-workers is fine; but perhaps you need to cut down on that too, especially if you have a deadline to meet.

Learn To Multi-task.

Multi-tasking is not always advisable, especially if the tasks you're doing need your full concentration. In smaller tasks, however, I'm sure you can do more than one thing at a time. Want some examples?

How about reading a book while waiting for the food you're cooking to boil? Perhaps one of the best multi-tasking activities you can do is listening to motivational CDs while on the go.


If you have not done anything today to get you closer to your dreams you are not a dreamer, you are a wisher. Wake up and do something about it or watch the dreamers take hold of their dreams, one little step each day.

In the words of Jim Rohn, "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going," Develop the habit of putting first things first today. Work on your dreams each and every day. You are all you can be. Go on and be it!

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