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Date Posted: 05:38:43 01/22/16 Fri
Author: Rashed Ahmed
Subject: Think You're Too Old to Be An Entrepreneur? Think Again. (Infographic)

If Hollywood wants to portray an entrepreneur in a movie, then he -- and it’s usually a he – is in his early 20s, may or may not have a college degree, is probably wearing blue jeans and a hoodie, and is a bit unkempt, with messy hair and facial hair.

That stereotype may appeal to our interest in a narrative where geeks take over the world, but the Mark Zuckerberg-inspired vision is absolutely only a part of the entrepreneurship story. Many entrepreneurs don’t even think about launching their own business until they are in their 30s, 40s, and even 50s, after years of work experience.

Related: Failure Is Part of the Game. Getting Back Up Is the Magic Sauce. (Motiongraphic)

Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald's, sold paper cups and milkshake mixers until he was 52, according to an infographic from San Francisco-based startup organization Funders and Founders (below). Meanwhile, the founder of cosmetic behemoth Mary Kay, Mary Kay Ash, sold books and home decor objects until she was 45.

Fret not if you are over 40 and have yet to start your own business. There’s still time. And chances are, if you’ve worked a while, you’ve learned a thing or two about life and business that will be helpful, too.

Related: How Not to Be a Boring Blogger: Write Like You Eat (Infographic)

Take a look at the infographic below for more examples of entrepreneurs who launched later in life.

Think You're Too Old to Be An Entrepreneur? Think Again. (Infographic)

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