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Date Posted: 13:45:30 05/10/08 Sat

What is going on up at the Executive Board level? All six guys signing their names accussing one of their own of embezzlement (union funds used without authority).

What time do you want the FBI there Stevie, I can promise you that all union members is watching this closely.

Also, if a take over is necessary, I will be there, I am not about to let 20 years go down the drain because of you and your spending frenzies and wasted monies on personal gains, It has been alledged ===== new homes, cars, gambling money, mind altering substances, free sporting events, over inflated expense account, educational pay for elected officials without proper degrees, overtime money for no services rendered, shift diff how bogus, and now we hear the in house fighting about money being used for what.......?

EVERYONE ONE OF US IS ENTITLED TO A DETAILED REPORT AND COMPLETE EXPLANATION OF WHATS GOING ON. If you wish to continue to ask for our support then open the books now.

Members ask this question:

If you need more information just ask any elected steward to see the copy of the letter signed by Kenneway and the other 5 offcials sent out these past few days.(This is scary, to know our money isn't safe is a big time problem and we need to act now before it is to late).

I am calling for all members that ran for an elected position last March 2007 to reach out to one another and assemble a watchdog unit task with overseeing current spendings and also to conduct a full audit of past spendings. Remember, we are entitled to this and if we don't address it now it might be too late.

Let us not get fooled a third time around by the same old it don't concern me, or because some loyalist with personal gains writes a croc of bullshit on this board or better yet its just the union busting by eboard candidate losers, No, I say, if you truely want your union, then get behind the men and women that plan to hold all criminal matters accountable and help us take back what is our righfully so.

Stay tuned "Taking Back our Union"

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Why say "BROWN HELP US KNOW"??? (NT)When you ARE Brown!!!20:58:48 05/11/08 Sun
Email me A.S.A.P., Please. (NT)Dan Dubrule17:29:45 11/05/08 Wed

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