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Date Posted: 23:21:37 10/22/17 Sun
Author: Knuit Holt
Subject: Mass murderers that commit suicide - brainwashed by corrupt government fractions

Suicidal Assasines Have been Brainwashed and Made Into Zombie Robots by Mighty Backmen Using Advanced Psychiatric Methods

By Knut Holt


USA and Europe experience an epidmy of terror attacks where apparently lone wulves kill and hurt many people and usually commit suicide, either by the terror action itself or shortly afterwards. These incidents all seem to constitute a coordinated program.

Those that can benefit from this terror epidemy of killing and trror is a multinational feudal network of immensely rich persons and powerful corporations that want to subject all other humans to a thight surveillance, and a detailled control in realtime of everything one thinks, say and do privately and publicly. This feudal network operates through loyal deep state fractions nationally. Weapon controle is just one aspect of the intentions of these people. Prizon and slavery planet for most humans is their goal.

The network has for several years performed a now near completed state coup by taking almost total controle of the societies in the western countries from within by use of international organs like the United nations, European Union, NATO, Red Cross, Save the Children Foundation, the international banking system, and other supernational organizations. It has however experienced some setbacks at the latest time.

This feudal network with national government fractions as helpers will alwaus use these mass murder episodes to advocate even greater controle of most of us, and the fear these episodes create in the population is used to make people accept loss of freedom and thight control, because many people believe they thereby get safe, which of cource is the opposite of the truth.

This feudal network probably create many of those mass murderers and direct their actions, by use of advanced psychiatric methods. Even when the incident really happend to be the action of a lone wulf, it will be used for all what it is worth by this network.

Those they prefere to use are likely to harbour strict moralistic principles, believe in fundamenatlistic religious principles or have experienced some degree of exploitation by the society which gives them some thirst for revange.

The network is steadily at a hunt to find persons with this psychologic setting. It also cooperates with religious or political institutions that give kids such a foundation by repeated indoctrinations from early childhood.

But this indoctrination is in most cases not enough to make a person into a human robot totally devoid of own free will, with a drive to perform effective and gruesome, but utterly illogical actions from any standpoint of own interest.

Recruiting agents are steadily inspecting social environments that seem suited for use and then they make a thighter contact with the person by use of some role they have in society, or pretendeing to have such a role in a way the targeted person will feel as a personal support.

Roles they play for this perpose can be as religious leader, sport coach, youth club worker, social worker, doctor, child protective worker, gang leader, just an older supportive friend or whatever else role that fits into the social environment the targeted person is frequenting and the emotional need of the targeted person.

Then they use advanced psychiatric techniques in order to braiwash the target, and evntually also help them with necessary equipment.

The primary recruiter will gradually introduce the targeted person to experts and intitutions that peform the programming, but the targed person will not be aware of what happens to him, because he wiĝl be told vicarious explanations and be set in psychological states that make it difficult to remember details by means of subtle anesthetic techiques.

The programming techiques have been developed more or less secretly by programs run by certain secret services, like CIA, cooperating univerisities and cooperating mental institutions. The techique used are:

- Drugs prescribed by cooperating psychiatrists that set the person in a permanent state of a certain sedation or agitation, like diazepines, amphetamine or ritalin, or publicly unknown drugs.

- Anaesthestic drugs that takes way some of the conscious functions, and memory of the actual programming event.

- Psychiatric drugs that facillate conditioning and programming.

- Electromagnetic waves of certain frequences directed at the person wich reduces the consciousness and set the person in a mental state for easy conditioning and programmming.

- Electromagnetic waves with frequencies carrying certain messages.

- Psychological methods from the behaviorist school, often done in a covert way, for example masqueraded as play or game.

- Religious or political propaganda directed at the person in the altered state.

- Causation of pain, sexual excitement or other feelings used together with the propaganda and the psychiatric methods.

- Hypnosis directed at the person already set in a susceptible mental state, also this often masqueraded as something else than what it is.

- Audiovisual performances that the person see and listen to in a sedated state with reduced ability to reason, usual performances with the aim of supporting hate against certain groups and loyality to other.

The programming of such zombie robots is often a long term project, The programming usually begins when they are small children in kindergartens, religious schools or other places where one takes care of children, and the recruiters direct them during their childhood to attend places and services where the brainwashing continues.

The young person may not even be aware of what is going on by themselves, because the brainwashing process typically happens under use of anesthesia that makes them forget the exact circumstances of the brainwashing process.

When they finally are called on to fulfill their suicide raid, they do it under a mental state where parts of the intellectual reasoning and emotional capacity are swiched off, while the practical reasoniong and emotional urges necessary to do the mission are in overdrive.

Those standing behind may or may not themselves be Islamists, but you should not be too sure about who stands behind at the top level and coordinate such bad events.Thay may be worldwide Islamic conspitators, they may be deep state or globalist conpirators, or some alliance thereoff.

At the middle organizational level the actors are likely to be secret services in the western sphere, health centers, services in mosques and churches, authorities in certain schools, child protective agencies or police agencies.

The ultimate goal is a world governed by an elite living in tremendous wealth and with freedom to do whatever they want in their daily life, while the wast majority of people will be foreced into a state of slavery, with access to very small resources, with very little freedom to move around and where every aspect of the life is controlled and strictly restricted.

The elite will howver need somebody that controle the masses. Therefore they aim to establish a middle class with the purpose of controlling the masses with all kind of technology at disposaland with some of the privilages of the elite. But the individual belonging to the elite themselves will provide for themselves the ultimate means to activate and deactivate all the controlling technology and thereby also this middle class of controllers.

Both the global elite and this class of controllers are to some ectent already a reality. Those controllers are the units and persons that recruit, train and program the terrorists.

By Knut Holt

For more information about society, psychology, sexuality, natural disease cures and fitness techniques, please see:




About the Manchester arena suicide terrorist: It is said that the murderer was a lone person using a provisorial bomb and one automatically thinks of him as a fanatic and eval Islamist. It may be true that he really was an Islamist and that he was lone in the moment. But there are surely others standing behind him, Those brainwashed him with advanced neuropsychological and psychiatric techniques to be be a robot without any free will, and they surely provided him with a rather advanjced bomb. Those standing behind may or may not themselves be Islamists, but you should not be too sure about whome stands behind at the top level and coordinate such bad events.Thay may be worldwide Islamic conspitators. They may be deep state or globalist conpirators, or some alliance thereoff.

The programming of such zombie robots is often a long term project, The instance programming them usually begin with them when they are small children in kindergartens, religious schools or other places wher one takes care of children, and they are directed during their childhood to attend places and services where the brainwashing continues. They may not even be aware of what is going on themnselves, because the brainwashing process typically happens under use of anesthesia that makes them forget the exact circumstances of the brainwashing process. When they finally are called on to fulfill their suicide raid, thay do it under a mental state where parts of the intellectual reasoning and emotional capacity are swiched off, while the practical reasoniong and emotional urges necessary to do the mission are in overdrive.


ABOUT AGENDA 21 - The UN Plan to Establish a State of International Feudalism

by Knut Holt



The agenda 21 is a global effort to make ordinary people poor and the elite even richer that it is, then to confine ordinary people into narrow secluded areas whith very little living space for each indiviual, and whith allowance only to leave that area to go to work and serve the elite. The elite will have all the freedom and opportunity they want.

The mate they use is of cource the concern for the environment, but their concern is a fake one.

Agenda 21 is the globalist plan to create the prizon planet.

One way of achieving the goal is to destroy the industries of each country so that people have to lump themselves togeather for the cause of powerty.

Be sure that this group is oparating against many national and local industries, not only whaling and is supported by the glibalists nationally and locally in Norway, which are those defining themselves as the elite.

I am from Norway and those living in Norway right now experience themselves gradually turning effectively poor, because the prices are skyrocketing, especially home prices, while the vages do not follow.

All over Norway they also create fences and road barrs so that people are confined to narrow and easily contrillble routes.

Norwegian children and teens are routinously called in to health checks done under anetsthesia. Durig these health checks the kid is inspected through all body openings with endoscopes. During these inspections the kid is tagged with electronic chips that makes it possible to follow the wearabouts of the kid all the time and also monitor what the kid is doing. This chipping is held secret for the common public. These kind of health checks also occur in USA, Canada and many other European countries.

By the way, one of the chief coordinators for the Agenda-21-program was Gro Harlem Brundtland, an elitist politician from Norway, that also was the prime minister of Norway a ling time.

by Knut Holt




The Las Vegas Mass Murderer was Not the Work of One Single Person

On October 2. 2017 around 60 people were killed and 500 wounded at a concert in arena near the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas, officially by one single 64 years old man that was shooting with automatic rifles from a hotel room in the 30th floor. For the massacre the man had gathered 19 rifles with ammunition in the room, according to the official narrative.

The assasine comitted suicide before the police could catch him at the hotel room.

There are several moments that make the story as officially told improbable:

The Las Vegas murderer, Stephen Paddock, does not fit into the concept of a lone wulf that are thursting for revange towards the society because of misfortune, abuse by authorities, having been exploited or bad living conditions.

He was actually fairly successful economially and by living conditions. Nor were his actions directed specifically against somebody that could have betrayed him, but generally against the population.

He might however have harboured some extreme moralistic or religious principles, or he might have been betrayed by some people to the extent that he felt a certain anger, but that alone cannot explain fully his actions to murder totally innocent people.

Also it is not possible for a person to gather 19 rifles with ammunition at a hotel room witout being detected, if not helped by other persons working at the hotel.

Observtaions during the incident, based on the sounds of the shot series, also indicate that the shots came from at tleast two places, one near and one much farther away, since some series of shots were much loader that the others.

According to withesses there were shooting at or near a hotel some distance away that were not directed at people at that place, but caught the attention of the police which subsequntly closed the entrances to that hotel so that people was locked inside.

The numerous witnesses about shots coming from different directions are however uncertain at which exact spots the shooters hided. One must concider if the other shootings came from remote controlled drones belonging to corrupt fractions of the government.

The best explanation for his actions is that some hideous network with political ambitions brainwashed Oaddock with psychiatric methods, directed him to perform his actions, and also cleared the way for him and helped him with preparations. Those that brainwashed him probably used his religious principles, moralistic stance or anger as a stepstone to make him what he became.

Also much of the shooting must have been done by other professional snipers from other positions than that particular hotel room at the 39th floor.

USA and Europe experience an epidmy of such terror attacks and not only by islamists, and it all seems to constitute a coordinated program which this ordeal fits into.

Those that can benefit from this terror epidemy are a multintional feudal network of immensely rich persons and powerful corporations that want to subject all other humans to a thight surveillance, and an detailled control in realtime of everything one thinks, say and do privately and publicly. This feudal network operate through loyal deep state fractions nationally. Weapon controle is just one aspect of the intentions of these people. Prizon and slavety planet for most humans is their goal.

The network has for several years performed a now near completed state coup by taking almost total controle of the societies in the western countries from within by use of international organs like the United nations, European Union, NATO, Red Cross, Save the Children Foundation, the international banking system, and other supernational organizations. It has however experienced some setbacks at the latest time.

This feudal network with national government fractions will surely use these episodes to advocate even greater controle of most of us, and the fear these episodes creates in the population is likely to make people accept loss of freedom and thight control because they believe they thereby get safe, which of cource is the opposite of the truth.

Even if this incident really happend to be the action of a lone wulf, it will be used for all what it is worth by this network.

By Knut Holt

For more information about society, psychology, sexuality, natural disease cures and fitness techniques, please see:




Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood

Collected, edited and analyzed by Knut Holt


Please also see his websites with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex




You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about.

Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events, like abduction for surveillance and experimentation by governments or mafias



Extended, mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia - where the kid undergo endoscopic inspections in the intimate zone and other body areas, extensive ultrasound inspections, ex-rays of several body zones, intrusive specimen collection and body function testings:



Poll about cystoscopy or bladder inspections in kids and adults:



Secret, intimate, intrusive medical exams and procedures under anesthesia on kids and adults:



Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:


All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.

Knut Holt


Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex


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