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Date Posted: 04:48:05 03/28/14 Fri
Author: Dr. Rang rock


RC Models of Cars, Helicopters, Boats, Airplanes, Drones. All types of hobby items, included: Remote controle models of cars, helicopters, airplanes,boates. Chemistry kits, science kits, electronics sets, airsoft guns, building sets and a lot more





Many common spices and vegetables as well as meny more exotic herbs have strong boosting effects on the sexual lust and ability, or can help solve sexual problems, especially if used in combination.

This page contains a short lexicon of these herbs and some products based on combinations of such herbs are presented.

yohimbe, damiana, cuscuta, cordyceps, muira puama, ginger, cayenne, cardamom, ginseng, roseroot, hawthorn, raspberry, chinnamon, fo-ti, garlic and many more.



Help for many problems in all organ systems: Hemorrhoids, edema, hypothyroidism, poor concentration and memory, heart problems, over-weight, prinary tract infection, yeast infection, endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome, constipation, Somach problems like IBS - irritable nowel syndrome,acne, vitiligo, aging symptoms, AIDS, allergies, Alzheimers disease/dementia, angina,
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cholesterol, cronic bronchitis, chronic cough, chronic fatigue sydrom, cognitive problems, colds, acne, rosacea, eczema, wrincles, psoriasis, other skin problems




Acne, eczema, rosacea,wrinkles, pspriais, stretchmarks, vitiligo, warts and more. Also comsetics from all the world's good producents for reduced prizes.



When you or your child have surgery, your breath is totally lamed by medications and you get artificial ventilation through a tube inserted into your throut. When you have been put to sleep, you are stripped totally naked during the preparations and the staff sees you totally naked. Your genitals and rectal region is always prepared and manipulated, even when the surgery is not in that area. Often you will get a catheter into your urethra to drain the urine or sonds in your rectum to monitur temperature or for other purposes. All the time you and the things done with you are videotaped. The videos are later used for documentation and as instruction materials for students. Read about it all here:


Norge har store problemer på eksportmarkedene og thjener stadigmindre penger. Bedrifter av alle slag slanker arbeidsstokken med opptil tredjedelen eller mer, eller utflagger. Folk vil tjene mindre og kjøpe mindre, noe som fremtvinger konkurser og nedskaleringer på innlandsmarkedet. Dette kan ikke annet enn å øke arbeidsledigheten. Og en stund fremover vil dette ta form som en ond sirkel hvor ledighet fremtvinger mindre handel, konkurser og mer ledighet.

How Does Erection of the Penis Take Place

Erection takes place when structures inside the penis and along the urethra between a man's legs are filled with blood and inflated. This occur upon signals from the brain and the spinal cord, and the signals are transmitted through nerves in the parasympatic nervous system, a part of the autonomous or involuntary nervous system.


The erection is triggered and controlled by the following events:

- Something stimulates sensorial bodies in the genital zone or other senses. Impulses are then sent from the senses through nerves and the spinal cord towards the brain, and reaches the upper areas of the brain. The brain then recognizes these impulses as something sexually arousing. Also thoughts originating in the brain itself may be recognized as something sexually arousing.

- The higher brain areas having recognized some arousing events then send impulses down to the limbic system at the lower area of the brain. It is the limbic system that actually produces the feeling of excitement.

- The limbic system sends signals down the spinal cord and out to the genital area through nerves called nervi erigentes - a part of the parasympatic nervous system

- The signals reaching the penis and the rest of the genital zone then trigger erection and engorgement of the area between the man's legs.

- Stimuli to the penile or genital sensorial bodies do not need to reach the brain to result in an erection. Areas in the spinal cord will also recognize the stimuli and get excited. Then the spinal cord also by its own sends erectile impulses back to the genital area.

- The sensorial bodies in the genital area will also be stimulated mechanically by the erection. Since stimulation of these bodies trigger erection, the erection process is self enforcing. A beginning erection thus trigger even more erection.


In the penis lie three bodies consisting of a network of very elastic blood vessels having circular smooth muscles in their walls, called erectile bodies. There are two paired bodies lying at the upper side of the urethra (corpora cavernosa), and one lying around the urethra (corpus spongiosum).

The muscles in the vessel walls are able to constrict the volume of the vessels, or relax allowing the vessels to widen. Vessels leading blood to or from the erectile bodies also have the ability to constrict or relax in order to restrict or facilitate blood flow. The erectile chambers are not only confined to the penis, but continue in the area between the legs all the way backwards to the anal area.


The erection response consists of the following events in the genital zone:

- When the signals from the brain and the spinal cord reach the nerve ends in the penis and the genital zone, the chemical compound nitric oxide (NO) is released.

- Nitric oxide then spreads through the genital area and especially the penis. Nitric oxide then triggers the following reactions.

- Blood vessels leading blood to the erectile bodies relax. Then more blood flows into the penis.

- Blood vessels leading from the erectile bodies constrict, making it difficult for blood to leave the bodies.

- The smooth muscles around the vessels in the erectile bodies relax, allowing these vessels to widen.

- The blood going into the erectile bodies will then fill up in the vessels of the bodies and inflate the bodies to a much larger volume.

- The inflated bodies will get straight and hard. The growing erectile bodies will inflate the whole penis and make the penis rise.

- Since the erectile bodies continues backwards between the man's legs, also this area swells and fixes the penis rigidly so that it does not sway from side to side when fully erected.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. TO FIND natural measures against erection problems, sexually stimulating herbal preparations, and natural medicines against digestive problems, allergy, asthma, acne, eczema, rosacea, scars, wrinkles, over-weight, hypertension, heart disease, hypothyroidism, hemorrhoids, depression and other common health problems, PLEASE VISIT:----


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/340883

Advanced Masturbation Tips For Men and Women

By Knut Holt

Masturbation can be much more than just a method of getting a quick orgasm. It can be a long lasting and intensely pleasurable experience, if you do it the right way. You can have a great masturbation experience alone, together with your wife or together with a friend. You can also mutually masturbate each other. Here are some tips you can use to get as high an experience as possible.

- Set apart some good time for your masturbation. Also do it in a warm and comfortable place. Tune the light in the room to a relaxing and pleasurable level, but do not let it be totally dark.

- Sit down in a relaxed manner some minutes to stress down. Listen to some relaxing music or look at some erotic pictures. A cup of coffee or tea at this point can help you stress down and at the same time help arouse your sexual excitement.

- Then gently take off all your clothes one by one in the same relaxed mood. Begin taking off your shirt, then your pants, then your undershirt, and at last strip yourself completely naked by pulling off your underpants.

- Then lay or sit down completely naked in a relaxed position. You can also choose to sit down at first in a chair, and later on during your masturbation you can lay yourself comfortably down on the bed or some other good place.

- Begin your masturbation by caressing several of your sensual body parts, like your breast and breast nipples, the area under your shoulders, your stomach area, your buttocks and your thighs. Then gently approach your more intimate zones with caressing movements.

- Then begin caressing and stimulating your genitals or your rectal zones. Spread opens your closed areas to get to the most intimate points in your body by your fingers. But still do it all in a relaxed manner without the aim of reaching the orgasm.

-You will by now feel an intense pleasure in your intimate zones that radiate up into your stomach, down into your thighs and up along your spinal column.

- Take from time to time your hands away from your intimate zones to caress other body parts. When doing so you can also stretch out your body in several ways. By stretching your limbs and at the same time caressing your body, you stimulate a lot of erotic points around in your body that add to the intensity and deepness of your total experience.

- Eventually the time has come to stimulate your intimate points more strongly. Now intensely masturbate your most sensual points so that you nearly reach the orgasm. Just before the orgasm is about to occur, you stop the stimulation and relax completely some moments. You can repeat this action many times. With some training you can even stimulate yourself so that you get a little orgasm that do not take away your arousal.

- By now you may have reached a mental and physical sexual ecstasy of an incredible intensity that comprises your whole body and mind.

- Eventually the time has come to complete the experience with a big orgasm. Just stimulate your sexual organs strongly and continually until you reach your full climax.

- But after your climax you will still experience a wonderful thing. Even though you feel completely satisfied and relaxed, you still feel that intense sexual ecstasy in your intimate zones, the rest of your body and your mind, and you can lay for a long time completely relaxed and enjoy these wonderful feelings.

- After laying some time in that relaxed mode, you may however sometimes experience the rise of a new full arousal and feel the urge to masturbate for a new total climax. Then do so. After a second or a third full climax you will feel an even still deeper satisfaction. You will probably also feel very tired, but in a very good way.

Knut Holt is an internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and erotism. TO FIND health information, products to increase sexual pleasure and natural medicines against many common diseases, PLEASE VISIT:---


--- There are advices and products against men's and women's problems, UTI, yeast infection, over-weight, cold, flu, allergies, acne, edema, hypothyroidism, depression, hemorrhoids, heart and circulatory problems, digestive ailments, rheumatism and more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt

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