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Subject: Little Miss Cotton Candy Pageant

Little Miss Cotton Candy Pageant
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Date Posted: 13:47:40 04/02/08 Wed

April 20 (SUN.)
2008 Spring Princess PageanT King’s Mountian, NC @ The Women’s Club
**This pageant was rescheduled from last month due to my husband’s mother’s death. Thank you for understanding!** *********************************************************
Starrcrown@aol.com (e-mail)
Applications on the website.
Girls: 0-2, 3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15 & Up & Ms. ****** Boys: 0-2, 3-5

The Miss American Royalty pageants, are not like the ones that you've seen on television or in the media. In fact, we do not allow outside media cameras into our events. As the parents of two, we understand how important it is to protect the innocence of children!

We also understand how much little girls love to play dress up, so we do allow a little make-up to be worn, but we want you to keep it as light as you would for a dance recital...just enough to feel like a princess! Babies are not expected to have any make-up on at all (ages 0-18 months). Please view our rules pages at: www.MissAmericanRoyalty.com for specific questions regarding hair or make-up rules. Or, please contact the director. Thanks! :)

You won't see any of our contestants in adult attire, unless they are teens or adults!
Our contestants ages 0-11 years are only allowed to wear their pretty Sunday dresses or flower girl dresses. No pageant wear is allowed in our beauty competition for little girls! Older contestants, ages 12 and over, may wear their formal attire.

Our pageants offer a non-competitive environment, where every little princess receives a tiara on stage! There are no tears here, every child will leave with a sparkling tiara of her very own! This positive
environment allows children to just be children and is a wonderful way to build self-esteem plus memories that will last a lifetime!

Many of our pageant contestants are entering their very first pageant! So, feel comfortable if it is YOUR first event too! No experience is ever needed to do well at our events! We have a relaxed atmosphere and we do not judge any modeling skills! Parents may accompany children up to age 5 on stage, if their child needs them! We are just looking for a pretty face & a great personality! We stress inner beauty at our

Every child will leave our event with a tiara (girls) or a Medal (boys) and a toy from our huge toy table! We have two children ourselves & we know just what kids like! We also offer trophies or crown pins on our prize table for children who would like a trophy or pin instead of a toy! We are NOT a "winner takes all" pageant! We feel that all children should receive praise and encouragement, for a job well done! There is plenty of time for competitive events, when they grow up!

We do our best to promote our queens! When you become a state or national queen, we do our best to
promote you! We have contacts in the film & modeling industries & we pass the information along to our state & national queens whenever we can! We have had queens in movies, commercials, print ads & on television. Our pageant has even been judged by talent scouts from time to time! Remember...you can't be seen if you don't enter! We are always here to help - please e-mail us @ STARRCROWN@aol.com or call us: 704-491-2210!
NOTE: E-Mail is the BEST WAY to reach us! We have active children too & are always on the go! :)
At our preliminary pageants, all you will need is a pretty Sunday Dress for little girls to age 11 years or a formal dress for big girls 12 years and older! That’s it! You don’t need an expensive wardrobe! You do not have to worry about changing outfits with your little one! One outfit is all you need!

Our Beauty event is FREE, so your only cost to do the basic pageant is a $10 admission ticket per person.

Everyone does need a ticket, even the contestant! This is important! To register, simply fill out the form & send in a $20 deposit (two tickets). We only accept 15 children per age group...and sometimes our groups fill up quickly, so do not delay!

For your enjoyment, we also offer some optional events that you may enter if you choose to, but you do not
need to enter any extra events to win the age division Beauty title. That is FREE! Our extra events are for fun & for a chance to win some other unique, wonderful prizes! For every optional event there is a winner in each group. For our overall optionals events, there is one overall winner in each event per pageant.

Our beauty winners receive full wrap satin monogrammed banners, a beautiful crown (Medal for boys at
preliminary level) & a beautiful prize from the prize table! Our princesses or princes each win a tiara (girls) or a medal (boys) and their choice of prize off the prize table! Overall Most Beautiful & Overall Queens / Kings win the above beauty awards, plus $$ off of our Open State Pageant!

We also believe in giving back to the community...so every one of our pageants has a
community service project! We ask every contestant to bring at least one item for our service project, but it is not required. The contestant who donates the most items to our service project will be crowned our Queen / King of Hope & will receive a
sparkling crown, a banner & a trophy! What a great way to earn a title & help out the community too! This pageant's Charity is Tara’s Teddy Bears. (must be new and at least 12” tall – can be any stuffed animal). These will be given to at-risk kids to brighten their day! For more information on how to work toward this wonderful title, please call us!

Enter every optional event FREE! If you invite 5 of your friends & they all enter all of our optional events at the same pageant you do & your name is on their entry form as a referral….you can enter ALL of our optional events FREE!!! E-mail for extra entry forms if you would like to earn this award!

_____ Free - BEAUTY * (REQ’D) – Remember No Pageant attire (ages 0-11 years)! Most importantly, the dress is NOT scored, we are a FACE / personality pageant, so don't stress about the dress! :) Thank you so much!
____$15.00 - Best Smile*
____$15.00 - Most Beautiful *
____$15.00 - Photogenic (may be a natural photo or a pageant picture)*
Photos: ____$5.00
____$15.00 - Best Eyes *
____$50.00- DISCOUNT All Above Events
____$10.00 - Overall Best Eyes
____$10.00 - Overall Best Smile
____$10.00 - Overall Most Beautiful
____$10.00 - Tickets:_______# needed (Req’d)

__________Due At Pageant

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