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Subject: National Pageant | |
Author: gg |
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Date Posted: 23:40:40 07/23/08 Wed American Royalty Pageant 2008 National Entry Form August 16 & 17th ************************************************************ Applications available on-line ************************************************************ MENTION THIS BOARD & RECEIVE A $50 DISCOUNT IF YOU REGISTER BY AUGUST 1. NO OTHER DISCOUNTS APPLY WITH THIS OFFER. ************************************************************ Girls: 0-23 mos * 2-3yrs *4-5yrs* 6-8 *9-11 *12-14 *15 -UP (single) * Classic Miss for (married/divorced/single who feel too old for Miss group) Boys 0-2 & 3-5 & 6-8 ************************************************************ EVENTS & TITLES & AWARDS ** No Pro-rating** We are NOT a glitz event! COVER GIRL: $100.00 Bond on stage! Be chosen to be on the FRONT COVER of our program book. This score DOES NOT COUNT for the overall title. Winner will be on the front cover & also win a crown & banner. Mail in (e-mailed pics preferred. Deadline August 1 for photo. COVER PRINCESS: Featured on the inside cover of program book. Natural Photos only. May be headshot or full. Same deadline as above. Win $50 Bond & crown & banner. 1 GRAND SUPREME QUEEN: Highest score of Beauty, Royaltywear & 2 optional events in pageant. Huge crown, monogrammed banner, crown pin, large gift bag full of stuff & $600.00 bond & MORE! 1 OVERALL NOVICE: Second highest total score in pageant. may not have ever won more than $100 cash at a pageant to qualify as a novice & must enter novice. Huge crown, monogrammed banner, crown pin, director’s gift & $200.00 bond & More! 2 OVERALL MOST BEAUTIFUL QUEENS: (0-5 & 6 &UP) Highest facial beauty score of contestants entered into this event. Same awards as Novice & Pro. 2 Mini- Supremes: (0-5 & 6 & up): Pulled after the above titles, same awards as Novice (must enter Mini-Supreme to be eligible to win this title). 11 BEAUTY WINNERS: Highest beauty score for ages 0-5 & highest beauty / introduction score for ages 6 & over. Contestants 6 & up must introduce themselves in collective line-up before beauty. You will be judged on how well you communicate to the judges. EX: “Hi, my name is Suzie Smith & I live in Orange, Indiana. I enjoy mountain climbing, auto racing & collecting squares. When I grow up I’d like to be an astronaut, thank you.” Beautiful crown, monogrammed banner, crown pin, large gift bag full of stuff & jewelry. 4 runners up receive a crown & gift or trophy. All non-placing contestants will receive a crown & gift or trophy. OPTIONALS: ************ PHOTOGENIC: May be black & white or color, 5 x 7, 8 x 10 or 9 x 11. Professional pageant photos only please. SNAP SHOT: This is not a pageant professional photo. This is a school photo, or a candid photo, or a photo done by a children’s specialty store, naturalness is key here. Retouching NOT allowed in snapshot. PORTFOLIO: 5-12 photos in an album, submit at registration. COMPOSITE: 3-6 PHOTOS ON ONE SHEET,like a modeling zed card. 9 X 11 max size. MOST BEAUTIFUL: Facial beauty & hair only. Judged during collective line-up in beauty competition. SWIMWEAR: One piece suits only, modest. May be plain or glitzy, cover ups ok, no props. COSTUME: Our theme this year is “Pirates & Princesses!” Small props allowed - one person must be able to carry ALL the props at one time onto the stage. You may wear anything that makes you think of this theme - anything goes! Model to suit your costume, you may use your music (on CD ONLY)! Be creative!!! OVERALL PRINTMODEL: Printmodel is a portfolio shot. This is a picture of your child which displays personality & charm, but is too “busy” to be used in photogenic competition. Think about what picture you have that is most original & go with that!. Turn in at registration. ONE OVERALL PRINTMODEL WINNER WILL BE CROWNED. 4 alternates. FORMAL WEAR: For those of you who have “glitzy” pageant attire & wish to be judged on attire, you may wear your glitzy pageant dress in this event! You may do full blown hair & make-up as well, but please know whatever you put on, you must take-off before the next on-stage event that you do, as all of our other events are NOT glamour events. This event will be right before talent on Saturday. Judged 50% Beauty (hair/make-up etc.) & 50% Attire. 3 winners: 0-4, 5 – 9, 10 & up receive: Crown & trip to toy table. No score on modeling. ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT: divisions: 5-9 & 10 & up. You must submit an official grade transcript from your school. Pre-Kindergarten students may submit a copy of their report card or sheet. These must be in our office by JULY 30th. Also, send a list of extra-curricular activities you are involved in. Winners determined by course load, GPA & extra-curricular activities (theses are weighed per the contestants age & grade). Winner in each division wins national crown & banner & title of National AR Brilliant Belle. OVERALL TITLES: If you win Grand overall, Novice overall, or Overall Most Beautiful or Mini supreme, you will be “bumped” from your beauty age division because you can’t hold both titles. Door optionals, talent, ad sales, wishes, belles & cover may be double crowned with any title. Pageantry can be a very rewarding & fun hobby for a child - but it is up to the parent to guide the contestant toward personal goals & appropriate sportsmanship. True winners always conduct themselves with grace. Age Groups: 90 day grace period on age - or you may compete in the same age division you were in at your state or mini-national pageant. ABOUT THE PAGEANT: American Royalty is a back to basics pageant for boys & girls, we have both glamour & academic events. Our primary focus is FACIAL BEAUTY of the contestant. Clothing in BEAUTY is not scored. We promote our queens whenever possible. Our queens have been in over 10 different magazines. They have appeared in newspapers, commercials, movies & have been on ABC news & national television. We assisted several queens with landing extra roles in the movie “Carrie 2 - The Rage”. National Queen of Queens, Tara Nicole was chosen this year to appear as an extra in “A Tale About Bootlegging” and “Blood Done Know My Name.” Tara Nicole has also received other auditions for film. Our National Ambassador Tori Layton sang on the Jenny Jones Show & 2002 National queens Katie, Sydney & Angel filmed a commercial for J & W Communications!!! This year, we have been to Myrtle Beach, Disney World & Animal Kingdom with our national queens. We also stress service to others. This year our queens raised over 3,000 food & toiletry items, over 3,000 books, over 100 Easter Baskets, 800 notebooks & over 2,000 boxes of crayons for charity. They also participated in a Christmas stocking stuffer campaign for at-risk children. In the past 5 years we have donated more than 40,000 cans of food to the homeless. American Royalty is so much more than just a title!!! We welcome experienced pageant contestants, but it is not necessary to have any pageant experience to do well in our system, since we are a FACIAL beauty pageant. If you are confident, well spoken, attractive & poised you will do well - regardless of how much or how little training you have had. Many of our queens won their very first title with us. We run a fair pageant where anyone can win. This could be YOUR year! HOTEL: Our host hotel is the Courtyard Mariott in Gastonia. MAKE-UP & HAIR: MASCARA & LIPGLOSS ONLY ON AGES 11 & UNDER & MODERATE MAKE-UP ON 12 & OLDER GIRLS - USE YOUR BEST JUDGEMENT. Hair must look natural, if you use a hairpiece it may cost your child points if it is not totally natural in appearance. My advice is to not use one. Only exception for non-natural hair is in the COSTUME event. MODELING: FOR BEAUTY & SWIMWEAR, IT MUST BE BASIC BEAUTY WALK (FRONT OR BACK T IS FINE), FOR COSTUME & ROYALTY-WEAR, ANYTHING GOES. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |