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Subject: congrats lina

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Date Posted: 21:13:36 06/23/09 Tue

Way to go Angelina on your recent wins!

World's Precious Children and Pageantfest


What can I say but WOW! I was so excited when Mr. Tim called my name. My very first National Win. Thank you Mr. Mykel for my amazing hair and make-up. That pep talk during my "melt-down" before beauty really did the trick. You are just the best. Thank you Mrs. Colleen for putting up with my mommy the week before the pageant during her stressed out mode. I knew you would come through for me and I LOVE my new picture. Special thanks to Mrs. Suzanne and her staff for a great pageant. I just love all of my toys and my crown. This was our first time doing your pageant I had a blast.Thank you to all my friends old and new for a great weekend it was so much fun. Pageants arent the same without you.Special thanks to Mary Anne for all of your help and advice. You are a special person and you mean the world to mommy and me. I wouldnt be where I am without you. Thanks you Mrs Ashley for putting my comp card togther for me at the last minute. I really appreciate all of your hard work. Your the best.

Thank you Mr. Billy and Mrs. Margie for a great weekend. You always know how to make everyone feel special. I cant believe I finally won(3rd times a charm). Special thanks to my mommy for my hair and make-up you always make me look beautiful. (Thanks Mykel for those lasy minute pointers for mommy, they helped). Also special thanks to our helper in the dressing room, you know who you are. Mommy and I appreciate you making sure I looked just right. Thank you Mrs. Tawnya for all of your help during the weekend. We couldnt have done it without you..Ava and Cassidy I had so much fun at the pool with you and putt-putt was a blast(even if we did cheat a little bit). I cant wait until we alldo it again.

Special thanks go out to Mrs. Debra for my amazing clothes. I think we finally got it right. I love my new dress. Mrs. Amanda you are the best. I have come a long way in a short time because of you. I cant wait to see what we come up with next. You make me believe I can do anything. Thank you mommy and daddy and all of my family for supporting me in my hobby. I know you dont always get to be there but the phone calls before competition mean the world to me. I love you all. Thanks to everyone again and I if I forgot anybody I'm sorry. Remember this is new to me and I hope to get it right in the future.
Love to all and GOD bless.

Angelina Marie Dattilo

Worlds precious children
7 year Division Queen
div. swimwear winner, and div. casualwear winner

Pageantfest 2009
8 year Division Queen
division overall most beautiful

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