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Date Posted: 09:26:13 06/17/08 Tue
Author: The BusyBee
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Subject: The Busy Bee Posting Services



CO-DIRECTED BY MRS. DEEN STOKES of TN, usabeauties@yahoo.com

If you are a vendor and wish to be added to our banner or wish to make a donation to our growing prize list on our website please email asap! Click banner to view prize list!

Vendors attending-


Kelli Wilson dillonandlexisma@aol.com

Cindy Howie cinhowie@yahoo.com

Renae Hughes & Amber Campbell uwant2bepageantperfect@yahoo.com

Kerry Davis tansbykerry@yahoo.com

Beth Chambers Beths_ beauties_ 1@aol.com

Tammy Howe jaytamhowe@aol.com

John Paul modelboypro@yahoo.com

Kristen Rogers kenzisupermom@yahoo.com

Alisha Miller missalisha@aol.com

Dana Rogers danadoll1@aol.com


Kerry Davis tansbykerry@yahoo.com

Stacy Berg (tans) stacyberg87@aol.com

Renae Hughes & Amber Campbell uwant2bepageantperfect@yahoo.com

Kelli Wilson dillonandlexisma@aol.com

Tans to Geaux tanstogeaux@aol.com


Amy Beth TKO totalnockouts7@yahoo.com

Alisha Miller missalisha@aol.com

Photo Shoot-

Erica Owens ericasherrillowens@gmail.com

Dress Rentals-

TJ's Pageant & Formal Wear tjdenson@tjspageantandformalwear.com

Glitz n Glamour lacey_ivy_02@yahoo.com


Faiths Treasures faiths-treasures@hotmail.com

Tonya Carmack
director of Beautiful Faces and h/m vendor


This is a benefit pageant being held to help take some of the financial burden off of Mrs. Linda Sansone and her family during this trying time as she has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer that has spread to many other parts of her body. Mrs. Linda has been a respected pageant director, judge and grandma for over 20 yrs. We thank you in advance along with all the many vendors who are helping make this a success!!! Please email donations to carmackpageants@aol.com or mchandmadegifts@yahoo.com .


Kelli Wilson
Cindy Howie
Renae Hughes & Amber Campbell
Kerry Davis
Beth Chambers
Tammy Howe
John Paul
Kristen Rogers
Alisha Miller
Dana Rogers

Kerry Davis
Stacy Berg
Renae Hughes & Amber Campbell
Kelli Wilson
Tans to Geaux

Amy Beth TKO

Erica Owens

TJ's Pageant & Formal Wear
Glitz n Glamour

Faith's Treasures

If you are a vendor and wish to be added to our banner or wish to make a
donation to our prize list please email asap!

Tonya Carmack
director of Beautiful Faces and h/m vendor

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