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Enter EVERYTHING on our paperwork for only $550...
HURRY, ends AUGUST 1st
Photo contest ends JULY 31st.. THURSDAY..
Current entries = 0! win your supreme fees paid to AGJ
The "Cruise" Pageant, we award a real Carnival Cruise for 4!
You don't want to miss the BIGGEST surprise in 2008!
We are now a Level Pageant!
Level 1 = 0-$199
Level 2 = $200-$499
Level 3 = $500-$999
Level 4 = $1,000 +
Based on Highest CASH awarded at any one pageant.
More Titles, More Cash, More Prizes than ever before. We've gone Overboard!!
Look what we've already added:
(1) Ultimate Grand Talent
(1) Novice Grand Supreme
(1) Pro Grand Supreme
(10) Age Division Grand Supremes
Over $25,000 to award, plus our brand new custom "cruise ship" crowns, and a Carnival Cruise for 4, NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
We've already awarded a Cruise in 2006 & 2007... will it be YOU in 2008?
Its time to get the FUN SHIP started! All new interactive games and activities all weekend long!
This is not just another pageant.. its a voyage!
Get onboard today!!!