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Subject: Student Accomodation 300euros/month

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Date Posted: 02:20:51 02/08/18 Thu

Homeshare in Belgium with 1toit2ages ! For students who need a room to study and seniors from 50 years old (or families) who can offer a furnished room from September to June. A choice between two solutions: 1 Economic lodgings (the charge to the student is approximately 180 Euros per month) for which they have a furnished bedroom and use of the house in exchange for a regular presence in the evenings and overnight, and undertaking small services as agreed with the householder 2 Lodgings with rent (the charge to the student is maximum 300 Euros per month). There is no further commitment required from the student, apart from providing a kindly and reassuring presence in the home and a nice supplementary income for the older person. Each senior will have the opportunity to enjoy an enriching experience, which allows relief from loneliness, sharing time together, with interesting conversations, a sense of security, being enabled to remain at home as long as possible and benefit from a small additional income. The student, for his/her part, can enjoy an original and inexpensive housing solution and acquire new grandparents!!

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Subject Author Date
Re: Student Accomodation 300euros/monthYasmin23:33:47 03/29/18 Thu
Re: Student Accomodation 300euros/monthJean-pierre Emile (Credit and loan)08:12:55 01/14/19 Mon

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