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Date Posted: 13:53:43 11/14/08 Fri
Author: Ridg Gilmer (Busy!)
Subject: Scraps for Xmas!

Gary's newsletter will feature two of my recession era Xmas gifts, made from scraps, cutoffs, leftovers from Jack and other odds and ends. This is a great way to clear out our odd pieces and make inexpensive gifts for stocking stuffers.

Shorts can become glue-ups for trays, boxes, cork boards, picture frames, toys for your own tots or those of others. All it takes is imagination, inspiration from magazines or web sites, a little glue and lots of sawing, sanding planing, turning or whatever skill you want to practice.

I'm learning a lot about how to make bread board ends for the cutting boards that will be useful when I get around to a table. I borrowed the book on bandsaw boxes from our WWCH library and have lots more to learn about those.

Whatever's left, I'm cutting up to use in my turkey smoker!
My depression era mantra: "Waste not,want not!" is in play!

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