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Date Posted: 19:28:14 12/13/08 Sat
Author: Gary, the Web Guy
Subject: Fine Woodworking needs a few good woodworkers

This msg came from Taunton Press:

Fine Woodworking is looking for a few woodworkers who would like a one-on-one tutorial with one of America's finest woodworkers.

Did anyone else happen to see the news item recently about the amateur golfer who won a contest and got to play nine holes with Tiger Woods as his caddy? Pointers for every shot from the world's greatest golfer, on the same course where Tiger won the U.S. Open last spring. Tell me that guy didn't go home with a few new tricks in his bag.

That story comes to mind every time I think about our new project here at Fine Woodworking magazine. Because what Tiger did for that golfer is exactly what Fine Woodworking wants to do for you.

We're looking for woodworkers who want in-person, expert help with their most persistent woodworking problems. Could be sharpening, or design, handplanes or shop machines, cutting a particular type of joinery, applying a finish or what-have-you. Just send an email to fwdoctor@taunton.com and let us know what gives you the most trouble for a chance to receive a one-on-one tutorial with one of America's finest woodworkers.

Tom Rawson was our first lucky reader who received two days of dovetail instruction with contributing editor and "Dovetail Doctor" Gary Rogowski. You can watch a video of their tutoring sessions by clicking here.

Steve Scott

Associate Editor

Fine Woodworking Magazine

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