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Subject: Miss Universe 2010 | |
Author: author la twuan moss (fair) | [ Next Thread |
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] Date Posted: 20:51:55 08/23/10 Mon The Miss Universe Pageant for this year was bitter sweet. Miss USA didn't even make the semifinals. Philipeans, Australia, Ukraine, Mexico, and Jamaica were the five finalist. Out of the final 5, Mex., and Jamaica were the two left standing. Jamaica was a very beautiful girl, and she gave the best answer in the final question. Mexico did fair in this segment. Combining all other scores, Mex. won the swimsuit compet. The final results...1st Runner Up is Jamaica. Mexico is Miss Universe 2010. This has come 19 yrs. after Lupita Jones(Miss Universe '91). I'm proud for Mex. for this long overdue accomplishment, but Jamaica was clearly the winner. I am sadened that USA hasn't won since 1997. I'm sure this beautiful young lady will be a great Miss Universe, and I wish her the best. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |