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Subject: Heather Bruce

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Date Posted: Tue, Aug 19 2008, 11:31am
In reply to: 's message, "MAOT Update- PHOTOS - Arrival and lst Days at MAOT" on Tue, Aug 19 2008, 11:15am

Hey guys! We are on cloud 9 right now as you can imagine, but I know what it's like to be home and not knowing all the details, so I'll try to do my best to fill you in...
Ok, so all the girls come out from behind the audience and go down the aisles carrying their state flags and wearing their opening # outfits (which are adorable white bubble skirt cocktails compliments of Tony Bowls).
Sydney looked dynamite and I'm sure Jim will post photos in a bit. I took pics, but with my little camara, I know Jim's will be MUCH better (plus he has a press pass and is on the front row! :) )
All the contestants introduce themselves much like they did at Miss America, where they say a "little cute something" about their state. Syd said something about Texas' diversity and all it has to offer and ended with 'ya'll come visit!' (or something like that :) ) It was cute, but I was too excited to remember it word for word!
Nicole Johnson, Miss America 1999, was the emcee for this evening's prelim.
The competition started with aerobic wear. This year the girls wear either red or blue SHORT cotton shorts with a white tshirt, trimmed in the color of their shorts and the T says MAO Teen on it. So, all the girls are dressed identical, with just the color option. And they do this fitness 'routine' of sorts. They have some sort of hip action thing at the beginning :), then they walk to the side stage and do 4 lunges and biceps curls, then they walk center stage for a pose and walk off. Honestly, the 'modeling' is really making or breaking these girls scores (I'm assuming if I were a judge). B/C some look very awkward. Tomorrow will be Syd's night to show us what she's got! :)
Then, talent--- I felt talent was not a very strong group as a whole. But there were a few strong girls, with Oklahoma being a stand out by far. Her tap dance to Sweet Georgia Brown was sensational!!! I didn't care for the quality of her track, but it didn't matter b/c the dancing was so phenomenal!
Last, but not least, was EG and OSQ. The girls do OSQ in their EG. First, they model, then they walk side stage to the emcee and draw a question. The contestants wrote the questions themselves, so the emcee announces what state the question is from first, then reads the question. Syd got a question about what is a pressure that teens face today. She answered it very confidently and naturally and her reply was 'standarized test scores'. She said (in summary) that too much pressure is placed on standardized testing and that students in America focus too much on memorizing information rather than learning for the sake of learning and really absorbing the information being taught.
(of course, she said it MUCH more eloquently than I)She looked radiant... wore the same gold gown she won EG in at Texas. The scores for EG and OSQ were combined for the winner tonight... so she won 30% tonight! so far... so good!
And yes MD won AW and OK won Talent, so congrats to them as well!
Syd was super excited and I'll post some candid shots we took at visitation as well. She had 6 princesses (and moms) there tonight to support her in addition to:
Jim and Sherry Hanson
Syd's family: her 3 sisters (Melissa, Michelle & Michaela), her dad (Juan),my mom (aunt 'De'), my dad, nicki sue (cousin) and alannah (2nd cousin)(and both are princesses too), and of course myself (cousin)
Lydia & Jean of course
Megan Miller and her mom
Taylor Lowery and her mom
It was a very fun & exciting night!!!
Stay tuned for more details tomorrow!!

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Heather BruceAnonymousTue, Aug 19 2008, 11:33am

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