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Subject: Heather Bruce

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Date Posted: Tue, Aug 19 2008, 12:34pm
In reply to: 's message, "MAOT Update 2" on Tue, Aug 19 2008, 12:29pm

Ok, so today was pretty exciting as you can imagine!
We started the day off with the Princess luncheon-- as stated above!
Then, off to talent rehearsals-- stated above!
Then, tonight's prelims:
Kirsten Haglund was the emcee tonight... she is a FABULOUS speaker! If there were any doubts before tonight, there aren't any longer! She looked beautiful and also performed 'Taylor the Latte Boy' and was sensational as well! Beautiful new haircut and was just sensational!
New production # with the princesses & all contestants tonight. It was a High School Musical number and was just too cute!! I videoed it, so I'll post it in a bit (takes a while to upload).
Fitness: I thought TN was awesome! Her body was rockin' (legs and arms) and she did a great 'routine', but hey... what do I know?! :) Again, this fitness category is weird b/c you can't really see the girls' bodies that well (at least not as well as you could in aerobic wear)and the routine sometimes distracts you from the person's body b/c some of these girls look really awkard doing this routine.
Tonight, my fav was TN, but also liked AZ, VA and OK.
I felt overall, this group was stronger than the other groups. There was no clear cut winner to me, but several really strong talents. I will say I was in the dressing room, changing my princess into her next outfit, so only got to hear the vocalists (closed circuit TV in the dressing room) of the first half of talents. Of those first half vocalists, I thought LA was good.
I came in the auditorium when MI began and thought she was a solid dancer. Would have scored her pretty well.
Then, Tx, NH and PA were all really strong as well! They were the last 3 and were all right up there! I was afraid another tapper would take it (NH). The fact that Syd won talent, I feel says that the judges are liking her b/c the award could have just as easily gone to one of the other girls... it was just a tough group!
I had 2 girls that I thought were good... ARK, CO and SC
I felt ARK gown was the MOST stunning!
CO and SC gowns were very pretty!
Ark and Co (IMO) answers were about equal.
But, SC gave an incredible answer! Knocked it out of the ballpark! The crowd went wild! Her answer dealt with giving respect to our Pres regardless of whether we agreed with his decisions or not. She gave a personal example and spoke soooo well and with tons of conviction... it gave me chills. It was really really good and the entire crowd responded positively, not just the SC group.
the closing EG production was soooo precious with the princesses and contestants! loved it!
Sydney's closing gown was another different one!
First night, she wore her gold EG.
Last night, she wore a white off the shoulder chiffon (it was actually my gown the one year I competed as a teen!).
And tonight, she wore a black and white polka dot w/ hot pink bow belt... sooo cute for a production gown!
as stated, Fitness went to UT (didn't have this one picked at all, so they must like her or are looking for something different than me!)
Talent went to TEXAS!!!! It was amazing! Sydney was soooo surprised and thrilled and shocked and overwhelmed... you could see the mirad of emotions flowing!
EG/OSQ went to ARK-- not surprised! She looked great!
ARK delegation is sitting right behind us, so it's been a fun week with them and now both Tx and Ark being the only double prelim winners!
Sloan's (Teen Ark) grandfather sits right behind me and he is sooo funny to listen to... a very proud grandpa! He is orginally from Tx and is supporting Sydney tremendously as well!
Visitation was fun-- both Maria and Caitlin came over to get a photo with Sydney and tell her congratulations, so that was extra special! Of course, Megan was there too!!
Syd's princesses mobbed her with excitement!
Lots of smiles, tears and laughter tonight!
We are looking forward to Saturday and are praying that God's will be done and that Sydney has a great experience and is proud of ALL she has accomplished this week already! Let the chips fall where they may!
All of you that have texted me with your words of encouragement and hugs and well wishes to Syd, I have passed them all along! She says, "AWWW! Tell them THANK YOU!" (with a huge smile!)

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***AnonymousTue, Aug 19 2008, 12:35pm

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