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Subject: PHOTOS - Part 4- Miss America Pageant by Jim Hanson

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Date Posted: Fri, Jan 30 2009, 8:52pm

Photos-Saturday Night - Miss America Pageant

Miss America Pageant Competition

Jessica and Nicholle are ready to head up to the Planet Hollywood Theater for the Saturday night Miss America final competition.

Once inside the theater we grab a quick picture of them with the Miss America Stage in the background.

I was finally able to get a picture of Rebecca’s signs that they hung up inside the theater. They moved them from their original location in the balcony.

They had 17 former Miss America Titleholders on-stage Saturday night plus one judging and one assisting the auditors.

Rebecca’s on-stage introduction at Miss America on Saturday night.

And as seen from the TV monitors inside the theater.

Miss Indiana, Katie Stam’s on-stage introduction at Miss America on Saturday night.

And as seen from the TV monitors inside the theater. I think you’ll see Katie again tonight…

Here is Miss Arkansas, Ashlen Batson with her on-stage introduction.

And again from the TV monitor inside the theater.

Our special guest emcee, Mario Lopez has made his way to the stage and the girls are staying really cool.

And we go to our first commercial break awaiting the announcement of the Top 15 semi-finalist.

At this point we go to another commercial break and the remaining titleholders are sent to a seating area on stage right to wait for the next 11 semi-finalist to be called out to re-compete. Rebecca gives a thumbs-up to everybody as we wait for the results.

And the remaining 11 semi-finalist chosen by the judges are, Miss Michigan, Miss Delaware, Miss Arkansas, Miss Hawaii, Miss District of Columbia, Miss Iowa, Miss New York, Miss California, Miss Florida, Miss Kentucky, and Miss Tennessee. These 11 contestants plus the 4 contestants voted in by America will be the Top 15 semi-finalist that will re-compete tonight for the title of Miss America.

The remaining contestants are placed in a large seating area at stage right to watch the pageant.

Mario introduces Kristen as we get ready to begin the Miss America Finals on Saturday night.

Your Top 15 after their Swimsuit Competition on Saturday night…Which Is reduced to the Top 12 to include Miss Michigan, Miss Tennessee, Miss Hawaii, Miss California, Miss Georgia, Miss Florida, Miss Kentucky, Miss District of Columbia, Miss Indiana, Miss Iowa, Miss Arkansas, and Miss New York.

The Top 12 re-compete in Evening Gown…

And then hurry off the stage to get ready for their Talent competition of which only 10 will compete as their names are called out and 2 will be eliminated.

Meanwhile on the other side of the stage all the contestants and chatting and hugging each other.

While waiting for the Top 12 to change into their Talent costumes, some of the Miss America National Princesses are interviewed. They were down in front of me so I shot this picture off of one of the TV monitors.

All of the Top 12 waits patiently on stage left for their name to be called out to perform their Talent tonight.

Miss District of Columbia I the first to perform her Talent tonight.

Miss Hawaii is also called on to perform her Talent on Saturday night.

Miss Indiana is excited to hear her name called out to perform her Talent.

Katie does an outstanding job of singing “Via Dolorosa”.

During a commercial break, Miss California warms up on stage.

Miss California is also called on to perform her Talent.

Your 10th and final contestant to be called out for Talent is Miss Michigan.

After Talent is completed the start interviewing he contestants over on stage right and Rebecca is one of the first ones they picked for an interview.

Everybody wave at your favorite person ladies…

It looks like Rebecca wants to say something else to everybody.

Your Top 10 come back out on stage for the next competition which is the On-Stage Question where the field will be reduced to the Top 7 contestants…

The Top 7 gather at stage left while Mario announces the next phase of competition.

While the contestants are doing a group hug, Mario turns to them and says, “Ladies, you have 2 minutes to get into your evening gowns and be back out of stage”.

At which point all their heads spin around and say “WHAT?... 2 MINUTES!!!

“We are so outta here” as they head back to the “Big Tent” behind the stage to change “QUICKLY…

Meanwhile all the other contestants who were released earlier to go change start to come back out on the stage.

And Rebecca is already in her place ready to go…

Kristen makes her final appearance as Miss America 2008.

It’s been a GREAT year Kristen… Thanks for all the memories…

Mario has the results and is about to call out the Runner-Ups and the Winner…

Miss Georgia is called out as the 1st Runner-Up.

Only 3 remain standing and only 1 will receive the Miss America crow and title. Who will it be??



I think she is very happy…

Next comes the new Miss America Banner…

And then the new Miss America crown…

Yes… She was surprised…

Katie’s first walk as Mss America…

Still in shock!!!

Yes Katie… The crown is still there and it’s real…

Finally the BIG group hugs from all the contestants, but Mario says we are still live on TV.

Katie is still in shock as she talks to Mario.

Lots of good-bye hugs going on right now… Good night from Planet Hollywood…

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