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Date Posted: 11:10:27 01/09/12 Mon
Author: No name
Subject: ????????????????????

IT IS OFFICAL. THE NE HAS LOST THEIR MINDS!! -- No name, 03:26:29 01/08/12 Sun [15]
Can someone explain why there is a war going on in the NE? None of it makes sense at all. I think AM has went off the deap end. I seen this so called "bashing myah banner". And I dont quite get how it is a bash on myah? Do people not recall that AM had a banner made FIRST bashing M3 Stars? She used her own child to promote it also which is horrible. But how is it bashing a child to post a banner pretty much saying it was wrong for AM to make a banner bashing them. If they were bashing MM, they would have said "oh you suck" or "No real winners" etc. Nothing like that was posted so no bashing of a child happened.

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Why couldn't AM allow the pageant directors to enjoy their moment getting engaged? She had to start unneeded drama on the happiest day of their lives? I just don't understand why she would use her own child as a pawn in an online argument and then turn around and cry wolf when the other business called her bluff. (NT) -- But mad or not leave the directors who have nothing to do with it, out of it! Let them enjoy their moments!, 08:02:39 01/08/12 Sun
Who is AM? (NT) -- No name, 12:03:06 01/08/12 Sun
Cuz Menfee lost quite a few girls to M3 Stars -- No name, 02:04:06 01/09/12 Mon
I think GRACE JAMES is the creator and originator of all of this drama, always has been the instigator, SOMEBODY NEEDS OT LOOK AT HER! She is sitting back like an immature child chuckling at all of this drama (NT) -- No name, 13:29:33 01/08/12 Sun
ashley you posted banners with another coaches slogan, poking fun at it. You reap what you sow! (NT) -- No name, 13:56:43 01/08/12 Sun
atever (NT) -- No name, 18:02:29 01/08/12 Sun
Can I make a banner bashing the judges? they kind of sucked lol (NT) -- No name, 20:46:48 01/08/12 Sun
Menfee did it again -- No name, 23:42:37 01/08/12 Sun
Just like they did a couple years ago when another guy tried to bring a company in to the NE Pageants...Its a MAN BASH thing I think. Everyone knows Menfee prefers women. (NT) -- No name, 02:06:56 01/09/12 Mon
WELL SAID!!!! (NT) -- No name, 11:32:44 01/09/12 Mon
Well, if you weren't exploiting your kids on banners on PUBLIC social media sites, this stuff wouldn't happen. And why is an 11 year old on FB anyway? I seriously doubt she saw what was even posted, until her mom showed her. Way to go Mother of the Year! (NT) -- No name, 11:44:35 01/09/12 Mon
Everything written is the truth. For the people who believe ashley's crazy stories -- No name, 04:04:28 01/09/12 Mon
O Stop it Dena lol or Wendy or Michelle disgusting (NT) -- No name, 12:19:49 01/09/12 Mon
let me guess...Menfee just brought her snake ass onto the board... (NT) -- No name, 12:36:41 01/09/12 Mon

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