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Date Posted: 08:40:12 08/26/08 Tue
Author: John Meadows (Delighted)
Subject: Different with Jesus

It is my duty to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to let you all know that I am not who I was when you knew me. My life with Jesus started in October of 2000 when I decided I was not going to Hell for anybody. Pride was not going to be in my way any longer. The Lord Jesus paid the penalty for all my sin when he died on the cross for ME. He defeated death when He rose from the grave and now I have that victory through surrender to Him. To repent is to turn from my(the world's) way and turn to the way of the ONE TRUE GOD which is Jesus Christ. Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father except through me." So if you think you are going to Heaven cause you are a "good" person then you are wrong because the Bible says that there is none good. If you would like to know more just reply and ask or if you want to know privately you can call me @ 601-616-7757 or 601-632-1972 or Email me @ Bama8598@aol.com . I would be happy to share Jesus with you. You must know that Jesus is not just someone you "try out" for a little while, He is the ONE TRUE GOD that requires total surrender. A loving God that lets you chose your destiny.
Love in Christ Jesus MY Friend,
John Meadows

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