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Date Posted: 19:50:36 03/20/04 Sat
In reply to: Anna 's message, "joining!!" on 19:39:23 03/20/04 Sat

Mythilogical Treasuerer Finder trotted in. She whinnied, as if to say: "will someone claim me or own me?" She felt sad and alert at the same time. "anyone?" She called. It was frightneing out here in the wilderness. But she actully liked being free a little bit. "If someone wants me," She thought, "they will have to chase and lasso me!" Now she didn't want to be owned anymore. She stood alert for anyone, anyone who would lasso her. SHe looked up. A storm! She needed shelter! She quickly darted under a tree, but soon that tree was on fire. She kept darting from tree to tree, only they kept getting on fire because the lightning struck them. Finally, she could see no more trees. But...what was that? a little house with a roof an da horse in it! yes...now she remembered...stables! But she would not give up that quickly. Then she looked above herself at the raging storm. "Well, i'll just stay near the stables fro the night..." She thought to herself. She trotted into the open hallway of the stable. Then she went into an empty but open stall. She slept on the soft hay. She dreamed that she would be captured in this stall. Someone would close the door and try and break her...she woke up to the sound of footsteps. She quickly looked out a window. Sunshine! her stall was still open, but how was she supposed to get past a human? She darted outside-until she realized she was looking at a painting of sunlight. She went back into her open stall, hoping no one would see her...

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