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*He yips happily and licks her face and then-oops. The lips.*
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Date Posted:
11:41:12 05/19/01 Sat
In reply to:
Tonya 's message,
Laughs and picks up no name hum lets change it to lucky
18:10:21 05/18/01 Fri
*Jumps half way onto the sofa and then struggles to get his rear end up*
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She smiles and puts him on the sofa plops down beside him>>
12:39:59 05/19/01 Sat
*He barks at the screen, tail wagging. She rears like a horse and then snuggles up to her.*
-- Lucky,
14:54:03 05/20/01 Sun
she laughs and slowly pets him before falling fast alseap
-- Tonya,
13:29:36 05/21/01 Mon
*sniffs her feet softly and then jumps off the sofa and looks around. He sees a pair of ridding boats and pads ver to them and then snaggs on. He turns and sprints back to the sofa and leaps on and begins to naw on the toe...* (
-- Lucky,
13:01:43 05/24/01 Thu
She laughes and takes the shoe>>
-- Tonya,
15:53:49 05/24/01 Thu
*Watches as she takes away the boot and perks his ears. but then, seeing the food being poured into a bowl he jumps to the ground and begins to scarf.*
-- Lucky,
12:09:35 05/25/01 Fri
She smiles and pats him ** good Boy**!!
-- Tonya,
11:46:26 05/27/01 Sun
*Continues to eat until it all gone and then picks up the bowl and sits infront of the door and licks the bowl.*
-- Lucky,
13:38:53 05/30/01 Wed
She smiles and laughes sorry u half to wait intil dinner. she smiles once agian and hands him a chew toy and waits for his reaction
-- Tonya,
15:35:39 05/30/01 Wed
*Grabs it. When it squeaks he jumps up in surprise and cocks her head. He sniffs it and then steps on it with his paw.* Squeak! *He Lowers his front half and barks at it and then punces on it. Then he repeats.* (
-- Lucky,
13:42:34 05/31/01 Thu
she laughes and picks him up your soo cute she takes the toy and throws it on the floor (
-- Tonya,
17:21:10 06/01/01 Fri
R*Twists around in her arms, looking at the toy. Barks, licks her and barks again.* (
-- Lucky,
17:36:50 06/03/01 Sun
she laughes and pets him aaaaa your so cute!! go it boy she calls (
-- Tonya,
18:30:54 06/03/01 Sun
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