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Subject: Moving into a new dorm..........

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Date Posted: 18:50:54 09/30/03 Tue

It was a bright sunny day, and I was moving away from home at last. Mum and father opened the truck door, and stepped out. I walked out of the dorms door, and smiled at them. "Hi!" I said with a smile. The two smiled at me, but Father walked to the back of the truck, and opened it. Mum looked around campus and smiled. "This is prefect darlening! It's bloody briliant!" Mum said, and I laughed. I hadn't heard her use those words for alomst 17 years. I sheild my eyes form the sun light, and Father walked up to Mum and I. "You look beautiful!" Father commented me, giving me a hug. I smiled, and replied "Why thank you". I was dressed in a red and black tanktop, jean capris, and had my long red hair in a ponytail. I had on my black framed glasses, covering up my hazel eyes. I was slender and 5'11", so I wasn't very short. Father and Mum helped me carry my bags into the dorm, and then helped me unpack. Mum and I went shopping the day before to pick out the stuff for my livingroom, and every other room in the house. Once everything was unpacked, I said goodbye to them, and slammed the door. I was new in town, and hopping to met some new people on campus. I grabbed my coat and purse, and walked out of my dorm. I locked the door, and walked out onto the campus. Alot of people buzzed around, and I was happy to finally see people my age........
*Someone please reply! I'm new, and hopping to make new friends!*

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