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Date Posted: 20:03:18 09/12/08 Fri
Author: No name
Subject: Video Works

Video Works - A to Z:
Title Type First Published
'Salem's Lot (remake) Television June 2nd, 2004
'Salem's Lot Television November 17th, 1979
1408 Movie June 12th, 2007
Apt Pupil Movie October 23rd, 1998
Carrie Movie November 3rd, 1976
Cat's Eye Movie April 12th, 1985
Children of the Corn Movie March 9th, 1984
Christine Movie December 9th, 1983
Creepshow 2 Movie May 1st, 1987
Creepshow Movie November 10th, 1982
Cujo Movie August 12th, 1983
Dark Half, The Movie April 23rd, 1993
Dead Zone, The Movie October 21st, 1983
Desperation Television May 23rd, 2006
Diary of Ellen Rimbauer, The Television May 12th, 2003
Dolores Claiborne Movie March 24th, 1995
Dreamcatcher Movie March 6th, 2003
Firestarter Movie May 11th, 1984
Golden Years Television July 16th, 1991
Graveyard Shift Movie October 26th, 1990
Green Mile, The Movie December 6th, 1999
Hearts in Atlantis Movie September 28th, 2001
IT Television November 18th, 1990
Kingdom Hospital Television March 3rd, 2004
Langoliers, The Television May 14th, 1995
Mangler, The Movie March 3rd, 1995
Maximum Overdrive Movie July 25th, 1986
Misery Movie November 30th, 1990
Mist, The Movie November 21st, 2007
Needful Things Movie August 27th, 1993
Night Flier, The Movie November 15th, 1997
Nightmares & Dreamscapes Television July 12th, 2006
Pet Sematary Movie April 21st, 1989
Quicksilver Highway Television May 13th, 1997
Riding the Bullet Movie October 15th, 2004
Rose Red Television January 27th, 2002
Running Man, The Movie November 13th, 1987
Secret Window Movie March 12th, 2004
Shawshank Redemption, The Movie September 23rd, 1994
Shining, The Movie May 23rd, 1980
Shining, The Television April 27th, 1997
Silver Bullet Movie October 11th, 1985
Sleepwalkers Movie April 10th, 1992
Sometimes They Come Back Television May 7th, 1991
Stand By Me Movie August 8th, 1986
Stand, The Television May 8th, 1994
Storm of the Century Television February 14th, 1999
Thinner Movie October 25th, 1996
Tommyknockers, The Television May 9th, 1993
Trucks Television December 26th, 2000

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