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Date Posted:12:20:34 06/29/06 Thu In reply to:
Angel Cake
's message, "Re: I need a mate!" on 12:17:53 06/29/06 Thu
>>>I am a pretty mare in my first heat I am an Arabian
>>>but I would not mind if the foal is a cross-breed.I
>>>a bit upset seen as NO stallion has asked me my name
>>>or anything they all just look at me then each other
>>>and comment on how pretty I am!My name is Candy
>>Open your stall door then!I said in a commanding but
>>gentle voice!
>I opened my door as a soft stallion came in his coat
>soft against my skin he sniffed me as though asking if
>I REALLY was in heat.He gazed at me with gorgeus
>eyes.I saw a look in face as though he was asking if
>he could mount me.I nodded gently.
I mounted the mare softly trying not to hurt her.Yet I did not insert as I was waiting for the approval of Candy Floss!
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