- IMPORTANT KNOWLEDGE FOR YOUR HEALTH AND WELLBEING -- Knuit Holt, 06:05:45 09/01/17 Fri [1]
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To read about sexually stimulating herbs, about the precarious situation of nuclear threat around North Koream the dope case of Therese Johaug, the Norwegian ski queen, good tips for wonderful masturbation, about children being microchipped during examinations under general anesthesia, please scroll down
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Sexually Stimulating Herbs
Herbs have been used in all cultures around the world to stimulate sexual arousal, physical sexual feelings and sexual abilities. In the modern world herbs are increasingly more used both to increase the sexual pleasure and as medicine to help for sexual dysfunctions. The herbs are used both in their original form or the working substances are extracted and used as ingredients in tinctures, ointments or pills.
The working principles of the chemical components in these herbs are of several kinds, and the ingredients make their effects at different places in the human body.
- Some herbal ingredients stimulate generally the function of the neural system. Since sexual response and feelings are dependent of a well working neural system, the herbs will also increase the sexual response.
- Other herbal ingredients generally improve the body's blood circulation. The better blood flow and the better control of the blood flow will then make the genital organs work better and engorge better upon sexual stimulation. Better engorgement will stimulate the feeling bodies at the nerve endings in the sexual organs and thus give stronger physical feelings.
- There are components in some herbs that stimulate tissue growth and regeneration. Such components can make structures in the sexual organs grow stronger and more capable to do their work.
- Some herbal ingredients stimulate directly centres in the central nervous system that play an important role in the sexual response, and thus increase the psychological arousal. A higher psychological arousal will cause signals to be sent to the sexual organs so that they will engorge more strongly and produce more sexual secretions.
- Still other herbal components stimulate the feeling bodies in the genital organs directly, and will thereby give stronger physical feelings. The stimulation of the feeling bodies will also make the central nervous system send signals back to the sexual organs and make them work more efficient.
- Some herbal ingredients will stimulate the production of sexual hormones or other hormones important for the sexual functions, or they will normalize a disturbed hormonal system.
Here are some important sexually stimulating herbs presented. Many of the herbs stimulate the human organism at several points and thus have more than one type of effect. Where not otherwise indicated, both men and women will feel the stimulating effect.
- Bayberry: The fruits increase blood flow and capillary dilation in the mucus membranes of the vagina, and thus stimulate vaginal lubrication.
- Catuaba: Catuaba is a South American bush. It has long been used as an aphrodisiac by Indians, and is the most important sexually stimulating plant used in South America nowadays. Catuaba generally stimulates the central nervous system, and especially the functions controlling sexual response.
- Cayenne (Cayenne pepper, Spanish pepper): From the fruit one gets a well known spice with a very strong taste. The spice stimulates tissue growth and regeneration. This will make the sexual organs stronger and more efficient. Cayenne also makes the digestion and intestinal functions more effective and promotes heart functions.
- Coffee or tea stimulates the central nervous system to a higher activity and thereby also the sexual arousal. Taking a cup of coffee before sexual activity is often a good idea.
- Cuscuta: The seeds of cuscuta stimulate and normalizes the part of the nervous system that controls the sexual organs. This effect helps control premature ejaculation, helps control urination and vitalizes the functions of the sexual organs. It also has a general stimulating effect upon the nervous system.
- Damiana: Damiana is a small Mexican shrub, of which the leaves are used for medical purposes. Damiana stimulates the function of the sympathetic nerves controlling the sexual organs, the urinary system, the digestive organs and the respiratory organs. The herb thus strengthens all the functions of the sexual organs and urinary system. The herbs have many of the same effects as the female hormone progesterone, and therefore the herb works especially effective for women.
- Ginseng: There are many species of the herb ginseng, growing both in East Asia and Northern America. Ginseng stimulates neural functions and bodily activities. Ginseng stimulates and normalizes the blood flow in the brain and sexual organs. Ginseng also stimulates nerve growth, blood production and sperm production. This stimulation will in turn give a general rejuvenating effect, stronger arousal, better genital functions and stronger physical feelings.
- Hawthorn: Hawthorn is a tree growing in all temperate zones of the world. The fruits are used. Hawthorn stimulates heart functions and blood flow, and helps to reduce atherosclerotic plaque in blood vessels. This general positive effect upon blood circulation will in turn improve sexual functions as for example female engorgement and male erection.
- Horny goat weed (Epidemium): This is an East Asian herb. The whole plant except the root is used in herbal preparations. This herb stimulates the sensorial bodies in the sexual organs, giving stronger genital feelings. It also increases sperm production, giving better fertility. It further stimulates sexual desire by acting upon the central nervous system. The herb also increases the general activity of the nervous system and thereby the general vitality.
- Johimbe; Johimbe is a tall and evergreen tree growing in tropical areas of Africa. The bark stimulates the blood flow in the genitals and therefore helps against erection problems. However, in higher doses the drug can cause hypertension, digestive problems and manic reactions.
- Maca; This South American herb stimulates sexual desire and drive.
- Muira Pauma: Muria Puama is a Brazilian shrub, known as "Potency Wood". Extracts of the bark is used. Muira Puama stimulates sexual desire and libido, and thereby increases potency.
- Suma: Suma root stimulates and normalizes the hormone production of the whole body, both the production of systemic hormones and local hormones. The improved hormonal system will then improve mental and physical sexual functions.
- Peppermint: Leaves of the peppermint plant stimulate the secretion of lubricating substances in the genital system. This facilitates the sexual act and protects the sexual organ against injury.
On the market you can find pills, tinctures or teas made of one or more of these herbs. What herbs or herbal product you should choose, depend on your purpose. The purposes are generally of 6 kinds:
- Increased libido or sexual desire.
- Increased feelings in the genital region.
- Better erection or sexual performance.
- Better lubrication.
- Increased strength or size of the genitals.
- Increased fertility.
Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. TO FIND natural medicines against sexual problems, sexually stimulating herbal preparations, and natural medicines against digestive problems, allergy, asthma, acne, eczema, rosacea, scars, wrinkles, over-weight, hypertension, heart disease, hypothyroidism, hemorrhoids, depression and other common health problems, PLEASE VISIT:----
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.abicana.com">http://www.abicana.com</a>
----Free to reprint with the author's name and link.
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This hazard is downplayed in the media im European countries, which are safe in the first round, but can be heavily pulled into the game in the next.
USA is also safe in the first round, but in the next the conflict can escalate to target USA heavily one way or another. The particularities are as such:
It is not USA that is really threatened by North Korea, but Japan, South Korea, and parts of China and Russia. USA can stop these missiles long berfor they reach American territory. But if North Korea launches a missile against nearby territories, it has a real opportunity to explode long before a counterattack can destroy it in the air. If such a launch happens, it must be taken out during the lauch or the last prepaqration for the launch.
The most sure way of doing so is an attack with a small tectical nuclear missile when it still is over Norh Korea. North Korea have no chance against USA, China or Russia, but can do a lot of damage before it is beaten. China and Russia have for some time played a game with North Korea as a sort of frieng for political purposes, and so it seems that the Clinton, Bush and Obama administration have done, but this friend has become dangerous to Rusian and China themselves.
Parts of the deep state and democratic opposition in USA still seems to do everything they can to make it as difficult as possible for Trump and the allies of USA to cope with the situationn, for own political gain, knowing it is highly unlikely that they will get a nuclear missile exploding over themselves, but also knowing that they set the areas around North Korea in a very precarious situation that can go out of controle.
Hopefully Trump cooperates thightly with China and Russian in this situation so that anything each part does is agreed upon by the other.
Knut Holt
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.abicana.com/health_information.htm">http://www.abicana.com/health_information.htm</a>
Johaug, the Norwegian ski Queen and her punishment for use of dope
The lady got caught for use of dope in early autumn 2016
Her explanation for the positive test was a salve she used that contained the prohibited substance clostibol and that she used it after advice from her doctor without knowing it contained a prohibited substance, and without checking herself because she trusted her doctor. This explanation is backed up by the medical team of the skiers and the leaders.
Her final sentence is to be locked out from organized training and competition in 18 months from the positive test.
The explanation given by Johaug, the medical team and the leaders is difficult to believe. Accordimg to that explanation several check points failed: Firstly the medical team did not take with them the standard salve, even though they knew it would be needed. Secondly the farmacist did not point to the doctor that bought the salve that it contained a prohibited substance, even that she knew it and the doctor came to get advice for a useable product. Thirdly the doctor did not read on the package and the instructions for use, so that he could detect it, and also give right advice to Johaug. Forthly Johaug did not check the package and the instruction for use herself either.
There are also other odd points in the story, for example that Johaug threw the package and instruction for use away and that no others in the team felt any need for such salve after having trained in a highly sun-exposed landscape. A sequence of so many failed check points and oddities is highly improbable. The judge board probably does not believe the story, and that influenced the decision.
One must seriously ask if the medical support team used dope with this substance generally on all the athletes, that Johaug was the unlucky to be tested and that the purchase of the salve and the explanation is a cover operation, that Johaug is forced to stay with for her own sake an loyality.
We know for sure that the team generally uses one sort of dope after order from the doctors, namely asthma medication, which makes one question the ethics of the doctors supporting the team. They have got accept for this use, but it is highly controversial, Johaug was interviewed two weeks before she was caught about the use of asthma medication. Based on her wording, it sounded that she was concerned about it. In the same interview she said bastantly that she always checks every medication or supplement she is told to use, which also makes the explanation for the positive test odd.
Asthma medication is also extensively and regularly used as dope in all organized condition sport in Norway, also at children and teens, and Norway is burdened by many tragical events within organized sport, in all age classes, and all levels due to overload made possible by medical trickery.
Knut Holt
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.mydeltapi.com">http://www.mydeltapi.com</a>
Advanced masturbation Tips for Men and Women
By Knut Holt
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Masturbation can be much more than just a method of getting a quick orgasm. It can be a long lasting and intensely pleasurable experience, if you do it the right way. You can have a great masturbation experience alone, together with your wife or together with a friend. You can also mutually masturbate each other. Here are some tips you can use to get as high an experience as possible.
- Set apart some good time for your masturbation. Also do it in a warm and comfortable place. Tune the light in the room to a relaxing and pleasurable level, but do not let it be totally dark.
- Sit down in a relaxed manner some minutes to stress down. Listen to some relaxing music or look at some erotic pictures. A cup of coffee or tea at this point can help you stress down and at the same time help arouse your sexual excitement.
- Then gently take off all your clothes one by one in the same relaxed mood. Begin taking off your shirt, then your pants, then your undershirt, and at last strip yourself completely naked by pulling off your underpants.
- Then lay or sit down completely naked in a relaxed position. You can also choose to sit down at first in a chair, and later on during your masturbation you can lay yourself comfortably down on the bed or some other good place.
- Begin your masturbation by caressing several of your sensual body parts, like your breast and breast nipples, the area under your shoulders, your stomach area, your buttocks and your thighs. Then gently approach your more intimate zones with caressing movements.
- Then begin caressing and stimulating your genitals or your rectal zones. Spread opens your closed areas to get to the most intimate points in your body by your fingers. But still do it all in a relaxed manner without the aim of reaching the orgasm.
-You will by now feel an intense pleasure in your intimate zones that radiate up into your stomach, down into your thighs and up along your spinal column.
- Take from time to time your hands away from your intimate zones to caress other body parts. When doing so you can also stretch out your body in several ways. By stretching your limbs and at the same time caressing your body, you stimulate a lot of erotic points around in your body that add to the intensity and deepness of your total experience.
- Eventually the time has come to stimulate your intimate points more strongly. Now intensely masturbate your most sensual points so that you nearly reach the orgasm. Just before the orgasm is about to occur, you stop the stimulation and relax completely some moments. You can repeat this action many times. With some training you can even stimulate yourself so that you get a little orgasm that do not take away your arousal.
- By now you may have reached a mental and physical sexual ecstasy of an incredible intensity that comprises your whole body and mind.
- Eventually the time has come to complete the experience with a big orgasm. Just stimulate your sexual organs strongly and continually until you reach your full climax.
- But after your climax you will still experience a wonderful thing. Even though you feel completely satisfied and relaxed, you still feel that intense sexual ecstasy in your intimate zones, the rest of your body and your mind, and you can lay for a long time completely relaxed and enjoy these wonderful feelings.
- After laying some time in that relaxed mode, you may however sometimes experience the rise of a new full arousal and feel the urge to masturbate for a new total climax. Then do so. After a second or a third full climax you will feel an even still deeper satisfaction. You will probably also feel very tired, but in a very good way.
Knut Holt is an internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and erotism. TO FIND health information, products to increase sexual pleasure and natural medicines against many common diseases, PLEASE VISIT:---
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.abicana.com">http://www.abicana.com</a>
--- There are advices and products against men's and women's problems, UTI, yeast infection, over-weight, cold, flu, allergies, acne, edema, hypothyroidism, depression, hemorrhoids, heart and circulatory problems, digestive ailments, rheumatism and more.
Article Source: <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt">http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt</a>
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Natural sex drugs for men and women. Products for men and women to amplify sexual drive, feelingts and orgasms. Products to intensify erections, genital blood flow, vulvar engorgement, vaginal lubrication and general sexual physiology. Also equipment to adjust the size and shape of the genital organs.
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About herbs that can stimulate you sexually, presentation of products based on these herbs
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Smart masturbation techniques for all the sensual parts you have on and inside yourself
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better sex and masturbation
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Tips for Exciting Navel Masturbation
By Knut Holt
If you stick a finger down into your belly bottom you will find a structure that feels like a button. By stimulating this thing and the area under and around in various way, you get a lot of very special sexual feelings deep inside or around your navel.
You can press your finger down there while also moving your finger tip back and forth in all directions. When doing so you will feel that the button flips back and forth a little as you move your finger.
You can move your finger around in a circle down there while pressing downwards.
You will then get feelings in your navel and the stomach parts around, of a very special extatic kind. And these feelings will persist aldo sfter thst you hsve taken your finger out again.
By doing these movements very gently, you feel a very fine-tuned ecstacy in the area.
By moving while pressing down harder, the feelings get sharper in a very exciting way.
By pressing even harder when tickling down in your nevel, you will get feelings that spread downwards your penis tip.
This kind of navel stimulation is fine to do with one hand while you also masturbate your penis width the other, or you can take some moments during your masturbation to only play with your navel.
And of cource you can find your navel with a finger of one hand and have it cosy with the feelings you can create in that area at any occation when one of your hands is free to do so.
By Knut Holt
More about masturbation here, and also presentation of some exciting sex products:
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Advice for Good Anal Sex and Masturbation
By Knut Holt
Health, fitness and sex tips:
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The area between your buttock cheeks, the immediate surroundings of your anus, the anus itself and your rectum is highly sensual to erotic stimulation. It some way this area is even more sensual than the genitals, because even slight caresses at this area can give strong feelings.
The skin and muscles at both sides of the rectal opening is highly sensitive. The point just in front of the anus gives a strong emotional response when you poke at it. A man will often have a little grove at that point that you can poke into. The anus itself has the most sensitive skin in your whole body, and the sphincter muscle gives a lot of good feeling when stretched out.
Before the front wall some way inside the anus, a man will also have the prostate. The deepest point of the anus is sensitive in a very special way. Stimulation here gives very strong feelings that reach the whole pelvic region coupled with profound mental emotions.
You seldom get any orgasm from this area, even though it does sometimes happens, but you are very likely feel a strong and persistent physical and mental excitement upon proper stimulation, and such stimulation will also intensify a genital orgasm. Here are some general principles you should follow both when you have anal sex with a partner or when you use this area for masturbation:
- You must firstly be in a position where your rectal area is easy to get to. Then you must relax as much as possible. Then open the area even more by pulling the buttock cheeks apart so that you feel a slight stretch. Begin caressing gently the inner sides of the cheeks and gradually caress steadily nearer to the rear opening.
- It is not necessary to enter through the anus to make a lot of pleasure. If you do it, you proceed in a gentle manner through the opening and towards the deep parts of the rectum. For a joyful rectal intrusion, the rectal spinster must relax well. By pressing cautiously with a finger or a rounded object towards the anal orifice, the spinster will usually relax and the object goes easily through.
- You will discover that the rectum has several strongly sensible points along the way to the deepest area. By caressing inside the anus towards the prostate area or the vagina, you will also stimulate feelings in the genital region. While you steadily proceed towards the most intimate and deepest areas, you also move a little in and out, use circulating movements and poke at special sensible points.
- After having teased up your feeling with gentle stimulation and caresses, you can gradually stimulate harder to influence points deeper inside the tissues. You can also tense your muscles in the anal area, first gently and then more intensely. Such an intensified action will typically give you a peak feeling that can resemble an orgasm, but the feeling has another flavor with stronger mental impacts than genital orgasms.
- After such an intensified action you can begin anew with a relaxed and gentle approach. You can do this many times, and each time your feelings will get stronger and spread to wider areas in your body from your rear region.
There are many ways to caress and stimulate your anorectal region. You can caress yourself or your partner with a finger, you can use a dildo or another smooth long object with a rounded tip. And you can have intercourse using the penis between the cheeks of your partner or insert the penis into the anus.
If you use an object inside the rectum, it must not have a shape and size so that it cannot easily get trapped inside and difficult to get out again. Some special anal dildos have barres that hinder a too deep insertion or a long handle that always will be outside.
It is not necessary to use a very thick object in the anus to get strong feelings. This region is so sensible that even a very thin object gives great responses. A thicker objects will however stretch the muscles more and give a deeper stimulation inside the tissues so that you can experience other feelings than when you use a thin object.
The object you use or the rectal opening must be well lubricated, preferably with a water based lubricator. You can also lubricate dildos and the like with natural oily substances that do not irritate, like vazeline.
When you have sex in the anorectal region, you should be clean. If you want to insert something through the rectum, the anus should be empty. It is not strictly necessary to flush the anus with water before you have anal sex, but some people prefer to do so by a enema syringe. You must use a condom if you or your partner use to have sex with more than only one person or you are not sure you can trust your partner one hundred percent.
Knut Holt is an Internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and eroticism. Please see his web-site to find more health and sex information. There are also presentation of products to enhance sexual satisfaction and to improve health.
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.abicana.com/health_information.htm">http://www.abicana.com/health_information.htm</a>
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Article Source: <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://EzineArticles.com/7446143">http://EzineArticles.com/7446143</a>
How to Use Your Foreskin during Masturbation
If you are not circumcized, you can use your foreskin several ways during masturbation.
Young boys usually have a foreskin that covers the penis head completely, even when the penis is erect. As a teenage matures, the penile shaft tends to grow more than the foreskin. The result is a foreskin that covers the penis head only when the penis is faccid, and even then often only partially.
But in some boys the foreskin is so long that it still can cover the penile head when they have become mature men. In others the foreskin grows in the same rate as the rest of the penis so that it still covers the penile head in adulthood. In both cases it can however normally be retracted to unvover the head.
It is a misconsumption that it is unfortunate for a man to have a foreskin like a young boy, and that this hindesr normal function during intercource. This is not true. On the contrary a long forskin gives wider opportunities when you masturbate.
When the penis is still flaccid, all men can slid the foreskin back and forth over the penile head, and thus stimulate the head and the inside of the foreskin in a smooth way.
If you have a long forskin you can still slide it back and forth over the head when it gets erect, and thus continue the smooth stimulation, if whanted until you reach orgasm.
You can also move your fingers down to the penile shaft and continue sliding the skin up and down there. If you have a short foreskin this will be the natural opportunity to use. You can get an extra funny feeling in your penis by sometimes pushing the skin somewhat firmer down and held it in that position a while.
As long as the penis is not too firmly erect, you can grab the tip of the foreskin between two fingers an play with it in several ways, like rolling it between your fingers, keep squeesing gently and relaxing with your fingers and alot of other small handlings at the tip.
Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. TO FIND natural measures for penile improvement, herbal preparations against sexual problems, and natural medicines against digestive problems, allergy, asthma, acne, eczema, rosacea, scars, wrinkles, over-weight, hypertension, heart disease, hypothyroidism, hemorrhoids, depression and other common health problems, PLEASE VISIT:----
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Children and Teens Being Microshipped During Mandatory Examinations under General Anesthesia
A main method to obtein the goals of a worldide feudal order governed by a technocratic elite is to surveil and control children and teens in the moust intimate and direct physical and psychological ways.
In steadily more societies children and teens are called in for a mandatory medical examination under anesthesia where they inspect the kid with endoscopic instruments through all body openings in addition to also use advanced radiological techniques to record all kind of data about the kid. Furthermore psychological and emotional tests are used by these ordeals with the child in a drugged state.
But in addtion they place one or two or more electronic chips into the body of the kid. These chips are then used to monitor the whereabouts of the kid around the clock and also the physiological activities in the body. which says a lot about what the kid does or what other do with the kid at any time. The kids himself or the parents are generally not aware of everything done during these medical ordeals or these chips being placed.
All this seems to be internationally coordinated, and stedily more towns or communities are connected to this program. Often these exams are done when the kid is under anesthesia for some other known procedure, or some dummy explanation is used, so that even the exam itself is secret.
By Knut Holt
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- Costume Cuties OCT 1st 2011 -- Fairy Belles Pageants, 19:18:33 09/27/11 Tue [1]
Costume Cuties- A Halloween Pageant OCT 1st -GIRLS & BOYS*
Only $65 to Enter Supreme Package-Email Us @ fairypageant@yahooo.com
Registration starts @ 1:00-2:00pm @ Sylvester Powell Community Center in Mission KS
Pageant begins @ 2:30pm starting w/ 0-23 months
Free Makeup & Face Painting Offered!!
1 Outfit Needed! Halloween Themed Outfit of Choice or Halloween Costume
Paperwork Posted Below!
Makeup- FakeTans-False Teeth-Wigs or Hairpieces Will Be ALLOWED!! PERSONALITY will weigh the most in judging*
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- AUG 28, 2011 DENIM DIVAS DOLLS & DUDES -- FAIRY BELLES PAGEANTS, 10:15:50 07/23/11 Sat [1]
Denim Divas and Dolls
August 28, 2011
Registration starts @ 1:15pm/Pageant begins @ 2:00pm
Sylvester Powell Community Center *6200 Martway St Mission, KS
1 Ultimate Supreme*2 Grand Supremes*8Divisonal Queens*1 Cover Model*2 Photogenic*Overalls will be offered @ door (can be double crowned).
$50 to Enter Beauty!!
Get the Supreme Package for Only $80! (Over $20 saving)
Includes: Beauty, OOC, Grand Supreme, Ultimate Supreme, Side Awards (best eyes and attire), Photogenic and Cover Model!
Age Divisions
0-11...12-23...2-3...4-5...6-7...8-9...10-12...13 & up
Log onto www.fairypageants.weebly.com to get paperwork and more infoOr email FairyPageant@yahoo.com
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- This search is on .. -- g, 13:59:17 02/04/11 Fri [1]
This search is on ..
for the next Americas Cover Miss & Cover Boy to represent their town at State finals 2011.
♥♥♥ Join us at the location nearest you ♥♥♥
Feb 6th Cookeville TN Community Center 3pm
Feb 12th Oak Ridge TN Grove Theatre 12pm
Feb 12th Rogersville TN American Legion 6pm
Feb 13th Clarksville TN River View Inn 3pm
Feb 26th Crossville TN Palace Theatre 6pm
Feb 27th Albany KY Senior Center 3pm
Mar 5th Chattanooga TN N. River Civic Ctr.
Mar 12th Sevierville TN Civic Ctr
Visit online for additional upcoming locations__
Kentucky www.kentuckycovermiss.com
Tennessee www.covermisstn.com
Georgia www.gacovermiss.com
Win gorgeous crowns, trophies, savings bonds and a trip to state finals 2011 with fees paid. No experience required.
Anyone can win. Attire : formal or pageant dress & outfit of choice. Register online at the website above , call to register or register the day of the pageant.
Call today (931) 752-5826
This is your childs opportunity to shine on stage and gain the confidence needed to
Grow as a successful adult.
All contestants will receive a custom award on stage
[ Post a Reply to this Message ][ Edit | View ]
- for -- sale, 17:22:39 06/24/10 Thu [1]
<BR><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=mailto:lexielou@cox.net><CENTER><img src=http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/3879/lexiesportswearbannerj.jpg></CENTER></A>
$500 FIRM SIZE 7/8 - 10 /12 Email: LEXIELOU@COX.NET
Also I have Blonde Fall and Cascade , Crowning Wear & Casual Wear, Photo Toppers and more for Sale</CENTER></FONT></FONT>
<br><marquee behavior="alternate"><b><font color="333333"><font face="impact" size="14">BEE HEARD</center></b></font color></font face></font size></marquee>
<center><b><font color="FFCC00"><font face="Cygnetround" size="8">Custom Pageant Music</center></b></font color></font face></font size>
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:lexielou@cox.net"><center><img src="http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/6497/beeheard.jpg" border="0"></center></a><center>
<center><behavior= "center"><b><font color="333333"><font face="IMPACT" size="12">Outfit of Choice, Sportswear, Western Wesr</center></B></font color></font face></font size>
<center><b><font color="FFCC00"><font face="Cygnetround" size="8">Click the banner for more info<br>or email lexielou@cox.net</center></b></font color></font face></font size></center></font color></font face></font size><BR></center></a><center>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:lexielou@cox.net?subject=I WANT TO BEE SEEN!"><img src=http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6315/beeseenlogo1copy.jpg border="0"></a><BR> </center>
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- testing` -- ttt, 11:32:17 01/21/10 Thu [1]
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- BRAND NEW custom sz 8-10 Pageant Dress starting @ $9.99 on e-Bay. NO RESERVE! Don't miss out! -- Seller, 11:48:31 01/19/10 Tue [1]
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250566386629">http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250566386629</a>
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- National Level 'Winter Wear' or 'Groovy Wear' Perfect for Glamour Girls! Sz. 7-8-10 in Girls -- e-mail me :), 06:22:40 01/12/10 Tue [3]
[ Post a Reply to this Message ][ Edit | View ]
- Sunkiss Tannning & 2.50 photo protectors 7 yrs exp Winning Tan evry time will be at Great Wolf by 1pm -- lexielou@cox.net or 316-312-5223 walk ins welcome, 05:58:40 12/15/09 Tue [5]
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- VOY.COM/222110/ -- MIDWEST PAGEANT BOARD, 12:42:51 12/10/09 Thu [1]
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- Don't Delay! -- Enter Today!, 11:47:48 11/02/09 Mon [2]
December Darlings Pro Am Showcase
Dec. 18-20, 2009
Kansas City, KS
Great Wolf Lodge - the best family resort ever!!! Special Room rate at $149! Regular price is $239 a night!
What a deal!!!!
Early bird ending on Nov. 15! Enter NOW for only $200!!! After deadline, Supreme package will be $250!!!
You DO NOT have to enter the Pro Am Showcase to win Ultimate Grand Supreme!
Age Groups Newborn to 30 years!
There is something for everyone!
email decemberdarlings@yahoo.com for more information!
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- Got some good pageants coming up! Who is going to what? -- Glad to see some in the area., 07:10:38 09/15/09 Tue [5]
[ Post a Reply to this Message ][ Edit | View ]
- Wanting to update calendar, If you know of a pageant date and info please post. I will add it to the top. -- BO, 17:03:12 06/20/09 Sat [8]
[ Post a Reply to this Message ][ Edit | View ]
- NES comming to midwest...click-in -- helping, 09:08:14 07/07/09 Tue
- UMMI Mini-National in Tulsa, Oklahoma - October 2-4 (NT) -- Tulsa Select Hotel Email for more info at: ummi@jps.net, 20:09:39 07/20/09 Mon
- October 25th - 2009 Miss Boo'tiful Pageant in KC, EMAIL PixiePageantWorkshops@Hotmail.com (NT) -- Hope to see you there !!, 12:47:09 08/18/09 Tue
- Dec 12-13 Disney Mini National, KSMO .. email delaneyd2002@hotmail.com for paperwork (NT) -- .., 14:23:02 09/02/09 Wed
- Dec. 18-20, 2009 American Beautiful Miss presents Miss Merry Christmas! Great Wolf Lodge, KC,KS. (NT) -- This is a natural pageant system! Awarding cash!!!, 15:40:27 09/04/09 Fri
- Anyone going to Queens of the USA -- Curious !!, 14:44:11 06/15/09 Mon [2]
[ Post a Reply to this Message ][ Edit | View ]
- What's everybody's summer pageant adventure? -- Wish we had more in the area!, 10:48:26 05/28/09 Thu [2]
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- Sunburst Winners !!!! -- From other board, 13:27:42 05/27/09 Wed [1]
Sunburst Winners ... CONGRATS TO EVERYONE !!!! -- You all did great and looked adorable
Ultimate Grand Supreme = Kaylee Mirth
0-3 Grand KS = Briley Steffenson
0-3 Grand MO = Helen Brannan
4-27 Grand KS = Melanie Shaner
4-27 Grand MO = Delaney Danner
Bi-State King = Grayson Smith
Bi-State Prince = Gabriel Lawrence
0-3 Mini KS = Takiya Thomas
0-3 Mini MO = Mary Beth Adkins
4-27 Mini KS = Maryssa Self
4-27 Mini MO = Lacey RIley
0-3 Beauty Photo Supreme = KS Josalene Schnacker
0-3 Beauty Photo Supreme = MO London Munsey
4-27 Beauty Photo Supreme = KS Shelby Butterfield
4-27 Beauty Photo Supreme = MO Kayla Blair
Grand Talent = KS Bethany Cobbs
Grand Talent = MO Susan Campbell
Division Queens
0-15 Month = Shye Suttenfield
16-23 Month = Olivia Wilson
2-3 Yr KS Sheyanne Marshall
2-3 Yr MO Olivia Peirce
4-6 Yr KS Jacenda Schnacker
4-6 Yr MO Isabella Garcia
7-10 Yr KS Rebeka Burks
7-10 Yr MO Mandy Mo Griffith
11-13 Yr KS Desere
14-17 Yr KS Suzanne
14-17 Yr MO Cassandra Brown
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- Let's do a Sunburst Roll! Less then a week away! -- Loads of fun!, 19:01:08 05/14/09 Thu [32]
[ Post a Reply to this Message ][ Edit | View ]
- 0-15 months (NT) -- ., 19:05:10 05/14/09 Thu
- 16-23months (NT) -- ., 19:05:38 05/14/09 Thu
- 2-3 yr olds (NT) -- ., 19:08:31 05/14/09 Thu
- 4-6 yr olds (NT) -- ., 19:10:16 05/14/09 Thu
- 7-10 yr olds (NT) -- ., 19:10:41 05/14/09 Thu
- 11-13 yr olds (NT) -- ., 19:11:25 05/14/09 Thu
- 14-17 yr olds (NT) -- ., 19:13:17 05/14/09 Thu
- 18-27 yr old (NT) -- ., 19:13:59 05/14/09 Thu
- I just hope the drama doesnt interfere. Behave everyone please!! (NT) -- pm, 11:05:55 05/15/09 Fri
- Any predictions?? Who are top few girls that will be going for the overall? (NT) -- ?, 07:29:55 05/21/09 Thu
- Good Luck to all the girls competing! It' s going to be fun. (NT) -- Lacey and Myra, 04:50:39 05/22/09 Fri
- There were 41 contestants total ... Great Pageant .. We had a blast hanging out with our friends and at the party. Hope everyone else had a good time too !! (NT) -- Delaney and Mommy too, 13:20:43 05/27/09 Wed
- CONGRATS!!! OLIVIA 0-5 GRAND SUPREME FABULOUS FACES -- Mommy (Big Happy Face), 17:08:29 05/05/09 Tue [2]
You rocked it baby girl! Everyone is so proud of you. You're a shining star! We Love You, Mommy,Daddy,Christian,Yaya,and Princess Sophie
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- Wonder how many is at DDA and how its going? -- anyone know?, 06:33:04 04/18/09 Sat [1]
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- Toni Overby will e back for DDA state. She will be doing a photo shoot and hair and make-up for the pageant. Email for more info. -- Jenn ....mom2tc@hotmail.com, 17:00:07 04/04/09 Sat [1]
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- Sunburst Pageant/Workshop Info...ETC... -- Emilie at mokssunburstpageant@yahoo.com, 13:31:49 03/25/09 Wed [2]
Hi all! I wanted to keep you posted on upcoming events, workshops, and other pageants I will be attending for tanning, or hair and makeup services. These are the last two preliminary pageants I will have prior to the State Finals. If you would like State paperwork, and have not received any, please let me know and I will email you the forms. Hope to see ya'll at the pageants!
March 28, 2009 Prince/Princess Pageant, Overland Park, KS, Holiday Inn Conference Center, Registration begins at 12-1PM and pageant starts at 1PM
April 4, 2009 Cape Girardeau, MO Pageant. Show Me Center, Registration begins at 9:30AM and the pageant is at 10 AM. Casual wear theme is Easter Wear. Email me for ppw!
Pageant Workshops!
April 4, Cape Girardeau, MO.. will follow pageant at the Show Me Center. Fee for workshop is $35 per family
April 18,Ramada Inn Overland Park 7240 Shawnee Mission Pkwy. Overland Park KS Workshop will begin at 1PM and will last a couple of hours. Workshop fee is $35 per family.
At workshops, we will be going over basic modeling for the contestants. We will also be going over each optional event and discussing what the judges will be looking for in each event.
Missouri/Kansas Sunburst State Finals
May 22-24, 2009
Overland Park, KS
Overland Park Marriott Hotel
If you would like paperwork and have not received any, please let me know and I will email you an entry form.
Tanning/Hair and Make Up Services
America's Fabulous Faces MO State Pageant in St. Louis, MO
April 24-25, 2009
Queens of the USA, Branson, MO June 26-28, 2009
Sunburst Internationals, Atlanta, GA July 31-Aug 2, 2009 (Tanning only)
Tanning Prices: $20
Hair and Make Up: $125 (deposit required $75 pay pal to mokssunburstpageant@yahoo.com)
Email me to book your spot!
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- Ok here are the wins so far: -- does anyone know?, 17:43:36 03/22/09 Sun [12]
Ultimate- Isabella
0-3 Grand- Marissa
4&up Grand- Maggie
0-3 Josesph
4&up Cierra
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- Anyone? -- Who posted these, please do you remember the rest., 17:47:53 03/22/09 Sun
- div supreme and supremes above -- click in for beauty, 18:02:19 03/22/09 Sun
- OK, The post below said they were div Supreme and this one says something different. Which is it? (NT) -- clarify please!, 18:07:23 03/22/09 Sun
- Congrats to all the girls! (NT) -- ., 18:21:18 03/22/09 Sun
- Ciera Super Model; Abby S. Div Supreme; Mandymo Beauty Photo Supreme Lexi Div Beauty -- Add if you know any others, 19:57:06 03/22/09 Sun
- Looks like alot of drama, hope everything was above board. -- Remember scores last year???, 12:48:39 03/23/09 Mon
- I would hope that none of this is true. Im sure like most of u I just want an honest pageant for my money. -- No funny stuff., 13:02:02 03/24/09 Tue
- Banners are welcome to be post on the 213139 board! But here just text ads please. -- Thanks for your cooperation, BO, 18:49:03 01/07/09 Wed [5]
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- Let's predict Cover Miss -- ,, 13:21:14 03/19/09 Thu [11]
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- If there are other pageants you would like add just post pageant and date. -- Thanks, BO, 08:14:45 03/22/09 Sun [1]
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- Rhinestone Beauties -- RBI, 20:59:28 02/05/09 Thu [1]
Has some great deals going on email alctalent@yahoo.com
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- Who is doing what & where? -- let's talk pageants, 17:35:13 01/20/09 Tue [1]
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- MO/KS Sunburst Prelim Schedule -- Email me for entry form! mokssunburstpageant@yahoo.com, 21:19:29 01/03/09 Sat [5]
St. Louis, MO Holiday Inn Express-Airport/River port, Saturday Jan. 10, Registration at 1PM, Pageant at 1:30PM
Columbia, MO Time and Location to be announced soon
Jefferson City, MO Hotel DeVille Feb. 1, Sunday Registration at 1:30 Pageant at 2PM
Topeka, KS Sunburst Sweetheart Pageant, Planning on Feb. 14. Time and location to be announced.
Wichita, KS, Saturday Feb. 22. Best Western Airport, Registration at 9:30 AM Pageant at 10AM
Emporia, KS Saturday Feb. 22 Candlewood Suites Registration at 3:30 PM Pageant at 4PM.
Branson, MO March 1, Sunday Time and location to be announced
Osage Beach, MO March 2, Monday Inn at Grand Glaise, Registration at 5:30 PM pageant at 6:30 PM
Sunburst Prince and Princess Pageant: Time and location to be announced. this pageant has special paperwork, so email for details.
Sunburst State Finals, Overland Park Marriott, May 22-24, 2009. I will be sending out state paperwork shortly!
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- Who is coming to Cover Miss? -- Roll call, 15:56:53 01/11/09 Sun [1]
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- ENTER UDQ FOR $200 -- WILL BE IN KS/MO JAN 10, 07:31:20 12/27/08 Sat [1]
JAN 10, 2009
at the
Holiday Inn
3-Grand Supreme's
0-5 Yrs 6-10 Yrs 11-UP
Events - Beauty, Outfit of Choice
Jackpot Swim Suit
Jackpot Holiday Wear
Enter Grand Supreme Package for $200
Edie Klein
Grand Nationals May 8 - 10, 2009
Dallas, Texas
Pay Pal - ultimadreamqueen@aol.com
Web Site - www.ultdreamqueen.com
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- Welcome first pageant to discuss UDQ! -- Roll call, 14:45:04 11/09/08 Sun [18]
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- 0-23months (NT) -- ., 15:07:23 11/09/08 Sun
- 2-3 yr olds (NT) -- ., 15:09:13 11/09/08 Sun
- 4-5 yr olds (NT) -- ., 15:10:10 11/09/08 Sun
- 6-7 yr olds (NT) -- ., 15:10:55 11/09/08 Sun
- 8-10 yr olds (NT) -- ., 15:14:49 11/09/08 Sun
- 11-12 yr olds (NT) -- ., 15:15:38 11/09/08 Sun
- 13-15 yr olds (NT) -- ., 15:16:12 11/09/08 Sun
- 16 & up (NT) -- ., 15:17:01 11/09/08 Sun
- Who else is coming? (NT) -- :>, 08:25:31 11/15/08 Sat
- ttt (NT) -- test, 17:40:28 12/09/08 Tue
- Let's get this rolling only a couple of weeks away! (NT) -- ttt, 10:48:01 12/20/08 Sat
- Can we get some discussion going on UDQ? -- Why is everyone so quiet?, 18:39:44 12/19/08 Fri [1]
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- One week away for Christmas! Who's ready and whose not? -- LOL!, 18:39:20 12/18/08 Thu [1]
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- STUFF FOR SALE! -- Email for more info!, 15:07:57 12/15/08 Mon [1]
I have some things for sale:
1) David's Bridal ballgown size 6 reduced to $50 + s/h
2) #10 mini fall never worn $50 + s/h
3) yellow crowning set shell by Desi's Closet $50 + s/h
4) super full white Desi's Closet beauty skirt $$65 shipped
ALL MUST GO ASAP! These are FIRM prices as I have reduced these dramatically.
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- Vendor Info for UDQ: -- ., 15:22:33 11/09/08 Sun [7]
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- Rhinestone Beauties -- RBI, 14:32:57 12/14/08 Sun [1]
Free PC deadline is tomorrow, win fees off to nationals April 17-19, 2009 Atlanta, Ga. awarding $17,000.00 in cash guaranteed!
Sign the guestbook and submit your free photo entry as an attachment to alctalent@yahoo.com
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- ooops this was supposed to be under the UDQ post -- lol, 14:33:38 12/08/08 Mon [1]
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- Alexandria will be there! -- Alexandria, 14:33:11 12/08/08 Mon [1]
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- Congrats to Sunburst Winners! -- ., 13:27:08 12/07/08 Sun [3]
Mini- Makayla
0-4 Overall-Isabella
5-27 Overall-Lacey
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- To the person that tried to high jack my board you are now banned. -- BO, 14:18:42 12/07/08 Sun [5]
This is the banned isp
[ Post a Reply to this Message ][ Edit | View ]
- Division Winners -- ., 13:30:26 12/07/08 Sun [1]
0-15 month - Giovanna
2 yr-Ayshah
3-4 yr-Maria
5-6 Annabella
7-10 Abby
11-13 Kayla B
14-17 Bethany
18-27 Andrea
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- Is anyone else excited about the Wii? I don't know which my dd is more excited about the Wii -- or the fur robes! Hope we win!LOL!, 16:48:26 11/10/08 Mon [3]
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- Banner -- Kimberly, 04:48:23 11/19/08 Wed [4]
I know it is a bit early but I would like to do a good luck banner for those attending UDQ in KC. This will give everyone plenty of time to get headshots in for the banner so if you would like to be on the good luck banner please send me your favorite headshot.
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- HOLIDAY STRUTTER PARTY AT UDQ! -- Kimberly, 20:26:26 11/22/08 Sat [2]
Come and join us for a fun time at UDQ!
We will be having a Holiday Strutter Party
Friday night, Jan 9th at 7pm at the hotel(exact location TBA)
Cake, refreshments, and a gift exchange ($10 gift amount will be fine)
Please email me if you plan to attend so I can get your Tshirt size as Valerie has shirts for the girls and she needs sizes ASAP.
If you would like to help with anything please email me also.
Thanks and see you there!
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- RBI/SS -- RBI, 14:53:09 11/24/08 Mon [1]
APRIL 17-19, 2009 ATLANTA, GA.
4 GRAND SUPREMES 0-2 * 3-6 * 7-12 * 13+ WIN A $1,000.00
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- Who's all doing h/m and what are you charging? -- =-), 20:22:46 11/19/08 Wed [2]
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- UDQ EARLY BIRD -- ULTIMATE DREAM QUEEN, 20:13:29 11/17/08 Mon [1]
$50 deposit by Nov 25th locks in this great deal!
Ultimate Dream Queen Coming to
Kansas City, MO Jan 10, 2009
This is an Open State Pageant for Everyone
All Supreme Winners Will Receive
Supreme Package to Grand Nationals in
Dallas Texas May 8-10 2009
Early Bird Special
Send a $50 deposit by Nov 25th, 2008
and enter Kansas Pageant for only
$175. This is a $100 Savings!!!
UDQ Crowns are always Beautiful and Great Gifts
Join us and Win your Supreme Package
to 2009 Grand Nationals!!!
[ Post a Reply to this Message ][ Edit | View ]
- UDQ earlybird was extended til Nov 25th. -- get those deposits in!, 08:03:53 11/15/08 Sat [3]
Send your $50.00 deposit and get the supreme package for $195. <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.ultdreamqueen.com">http://www.ultdreamqueen.com</a> email: UltimaDreamQueen@aol.com
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- It's getting colder here talk of snow! -- prefer snow to ice!, 20:42:10 11/14/08 Fri [1]
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- Has anyone started their christmas shopping yet? -- ., 16:49:46 11/13/08 Thu [1]
I've started a list but no shopping yet!LOL! Christmas is my favorite!
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- Want to do a roll for Sunburst Miss Merry Christmas? -- The Great Wolf lodge is awesome!, 13:32:53 11/10/08 Mon [18]
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- 0-15 months (NT) -- ., 13:35:44 11/10/08 Mon
- 16-23months (NT) -- ., 13:36:28 11/10/08 Mon
- 2 yr olds (NT) -- ., 13:37:08 11/10/08 Mon
- 3-4 yr olds (NT) -- ., 13:37:50 11/10/08 Mon
- 5-6 yr olds (NT) -- ., 13:38:36 11/10/08 Mon
- 7-10 yr olds (NT) -- ., 13:39:09 11/10/08 Mon
- 11-13 yr olds (NT) -- ., 13:39:50 11/10/08 Mon
- 14-17 yr olds (NT) -- ., 13:40:41 11/10/08 Mon
- 18-27 yr old (NT) -- ., 13:41:21 11/10/08 Mon
- boys (NT) -- ., 13:42:39 11/10/08 Mon
- 0-15 months (NT) -- ., 13:43:08 11/10/08 Mon
- 16-23months (NT) -- ., 13:43:43 11/10/08 Mon
- 2 yr olds (NT) -- ., 13:44:39 11/10/08 Mon
- 3-4 yr olds (NT) -- ., 13:45:12 11/10/08 Mon