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Subject: Re: Gobble Gobble

Melanie Chet
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Date Posted: 02:43:55 11/29/08 Sat
In reply to: Prof D 's message, "Gobble Gobble" on 19:38:10 11/26/08 Wed

Professor D--I don't think it is all about the salary. The reason I am proud to be a nurse is because of the enjoyment to be with our pts, at least most of them anyway. Many pts just want us to be there with them so they can talk about their problems. Yes, some are very nasty....but you have to except that not everyone are appreciative for what you are doing for them. When I started orientation I had this pt who said to me why do they always give me these trainee. She didn't want me to give her subQ injection anymore so my preceptor had to give her. She didn't want me to give her care anymore. I was upset when I got out of the room...so I questioned myself what did I do wrong. My preceptor said to me--you are not a trainee, you are a real nurse and it was not my fault. Of course I teared a little. When she called again, I really didn't want to go in there anymore, but I had to. She saked me to clean her feet and dry them for her. She is diabetic so I learned from school that to check between the toes and make sure they are dry well. She couldn't bend down cuz she was obese. So I did what she wanted me to do. While I was drying her toes she apologized about what she had said earlier. I said I understand and it is okay. She was on the unit for almost three months and I had her for two straight months. Actually I have learned a lot from her--she got all types of tubes sticking out from her. So she started to tell me many of her problems with her family....She knew my name everytime I saw her. Many have thanked me for the little things I do like taking out an IV line because it was infiltrated. They said it was there for certain amount of days and that no one cared to noticed it. I've noticed that even the troubled ones can be nice just by the way you are communicating with them. Anyway, job security is a plus. Thanks to you Professor D for getting us to be where we are right now. We won't let you down, well, try not to anyway..........hehehehehehe. Melanie.

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Re: Gobble GobbleProf D07:24:30 11/29/08 Sat

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