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Joyous Island
Accessible by wading through the shallow water, this island is just a few yards away from the coast at Whale Watch Cove. Lush green fields are everywhere, with a few clumps of woodland spotted about, providing ample shelter from the sun and adverse weather. A stream steadily runs to the sea from the higher ground at the furthest end of the island. It gets a little more desolate and cold there. A cold breeze is present all the time. You can go to this part on a really hot day for relief. If you venture over the hills, a steep high cliff greets you at the other side, providing the most amazing view of the sunsets. The adult unicorns like to gather here sometimes to watch. Do not let your fouls play around here. They could quite easily loose their footing and fall. The Unicorns from Whale Watch Cove sometimes join the unicorns here. It is such a lovely place to be.

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